Why not Block in the back on the INT return for a TD?

You can pretty much chalk up every loss in the last 5 years to the same thing:

The refs.

It's why we really don't need to change anything
I'll engage you once more but then I'm truely done... and here's where the "lack of intelligence" comment starts.



You then double down on your stupidity by not being able to comprehend a written rule, video, or still imagery.

I don't normally hurl insults but you, sir, are beyond infuriating with your level of stupidity.

You can't fix it. So, I'm giving up trying.

As I said, you feign asking a question but only wanted one answer (co-whining) and then stamped your feet like a toddler when the rules are put in front of you that you can't gainsay. Who's doubling down again? I'm pretty sure hurling insults is all you do because you damn sure don't want to debate the points and look foolish again for debating rules you didn't even know, which is why you took your exit the first time, have now come back, and will now exit again. Say it with me: "I don't have time to teach you. This is impossible! I'm leaving!" Seen it before, bro. Don't become a fanboi now, .... ya hear? Lol.
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Just something I noticed during the end of the game and haven't seen it mentioned once.

Why didn't they call the clear and obvious "Block in the Back" on Dak during the return? Happens at about the 38... 10-yard penalty. Could have changed the outcome.

Ref was too busy laughing that the Cowboys broke the Jags 0-20 streak against the NFC to throw a flag.:laugh:


<sarcasm> Blocked from the side. Couldn't be clearer. </sarcasm>

Dak was attempting to get in position to make a tackle.

Not mad. Not crying. Just observing. Shoulda been called.

@MarcusRock can explain this one. He always knows why the officials are right.

Lol, I just noticed you already did.
You got too excited. Lol. Remember that video trumps still pictures. Always.
The way you act like a minion of Refs is rather pathetic
Always with an excuse; never admitting just how poor all too many of them are
And of course they are all so pure and unbiased and so on
No wonder so many laugh at you
I watch other games all the time, and while there are a lot of bad calls/no calls, the Cowboys are by far more likely to get hosed than any other team.
well I think it just seems like it cause if your like me , I watch ALL the cowboys games, but only a few games here and there of non cowboy games.
but when I do watch other games, I always see bad no calls, and calls that shouldnt have been called.
Yep. The WFT got jobbed at the end if Monday's game with the Giants. Clear PI on the Giants in the end zone and no call.
yeah I think the guy was all over him early , no way he had a chance to catch it. maybe nfl wanted nyg to win??:eek:
You got too excited. Lol. Remember that video trumps still pictures. Always.

Video looked like a block in the back to me. At no point did I see Dak give up his back. He took an angle to the ball carrier and the blocker couldn't get ahead of him so he pushed him in the back. Seems simple.

Doesn't matter much to me, because I doubt we had another defensive stop left in us.

Just another crap call.

Just something I noticed during the end of the game and haven't seen it mentioned once.

Why didn't they call the clear and obvious "Block in the Back" on Dak during the return? Happens at about the 38... 10-yard penalty. Could have changed the outcome.

You could say the same thing when Parsons came up with the fumble. A flag should have been thrown when the Jacksonville player came out of nowhere to " STICK" a helpless Parsons as he laid on the turf. Officials should be fined or suspended for missing serious penalties like the ones they missed in the Cowboy/Jacksonville game.
That replay really shows how on the money the pass was. Media and some fans don't watch the tape
The way you act like a minion of Refs is rather pathetic
Always with an excuse; never admitting just how poor all too many of them are
And of course they are all so pure and unbiased and so on
No wonder so many laugh at you

You mad, fanboi? I call 'em like I see 'em. The fact that it's usually against an unfounded whine ignorant of the rules is purely coincidental. The fact that you emotionally fragile people get "offended" is for y'all to deal with. Pathetic is the "why won't everybody just agree with me?" validation missions a lot of you go on. Can't take a counterpoint? Stop posting. But the insults tell me you can't overcome what I present. So you metaphorically smash your LEGOs when you can't complete the structure. As for what I say about the refs, you need to fanboi harder because you're wrong.
The way you act like a minion of Refs is rather pathetic
Always with an excuse; never admitting just how poor all too many of them are
And of course they are all so pure and unbiased and so on
No wonder so many laugh at you

Say what you want about Marcus Rock, but he's honest and he's consistent.

I've been on both sides of this debate. I remember one I argued real hard about him with was a 12 man in the huddle call on T Williams (I think it was from the game against Green Bay in the 2016 playoffs but can't recall for sure) and we were on opposite sides but I'll say this:

He knows the rule book, and he's consistent.
One other thing I like about him whether I agree with him or not--he doesn't reflexively ref blame.

Gotta be honest with you, for all the caterwalling on this forum from people about how annoyed they are by Dak's critics (or "haters" to some), I find it far more annoying to endure the constant deflection of blame to the officials when the Cowboys manage to snatch a defeat from the jaws of a sure victory.

Do the refs make mistakes? Sure, they do. They're human just like the players. Mistakes are inevitable.
But all the cries of a "conspiracy" against the Cowboys honestly get very tiresome and imho open our fanbase up to some well deserved mockery from other fan bases.

The refs didn't cost us the game against Jax. The Cowboys more than blew it on their own, in a variety of ways.
Holding the organization accountable will serve the team and the fans a lot better in the long term, than always finding some bad call or "unlucky break" to blame.
Say what you want about Marcus Rock, but he's honest and he's consistent.

I've been on both sides of this debate. I remember one I argued real hard about him with was a 12 man in the huddle call on T Williams (I think it was from the game against Green Bay in the 2016 playoffs but can't recall for sure) and we were on opposite sides but I'll say this:

He knows the rule book, and he's consistent.
One other thing I like about him whether I agree with him or not--he doesn't reflexively ref blame.

Gotta be honest with you, for all the caterwalling on this forum from people about how annoyed they are by Dak's critics (or "haters" to some), I find it far more annoying to endure the constant deflection of blame to the officials when the Cowboys manage to snatch a defeat from the jaws of a sure victory.

Do the refs make mistakes? Sure, they do. They're human just like the players. Mistakes are inevitable.
But all the cries of a "conspiracy" against the Cowboys honestly get very tiresome and imho open our fanbase up to some well deserved mockery from other fan bases.

The refs didn't cost us the game against Jax. The Cowboys more than blew it on their own, in a variety of ways.
Holding the organization accountable will serve the team and the fans a lot better in the long term, than always finding some bad call or "unlucky break" to blame.

Appreciate the shout out. I'm also not rude unless people go there first. I'm fine to have a good-natured or intense debate where we can finish and just not agree without insults. Happens all the time. But when some people get pinned, they just reach for the kitchen sink and will say whatever to distract from getting pinned. Not my cup of tea but I can throw hot liquid all the same. Lol.
Appreciate the shout out. I'm also not rude unless people go there first. I'm fine to have a good-natured or intense debate where we can finish and just not agree without insults. Happens all the time. But when some people get pinned, they just reach for the kitchen sink and will say whatever to distract from getting pinned. Not my cup of tea but I can throw hot liquid all the same. Lol.

The bold.
Man, is that on point.

I enjoy a good pointed debate as well. I just don't get why people get so wound up.

I mean, honestly, whether I agree with you or not--if the worst thing that happens to me today is someone vehemently disagrees with my take on something, then I had a pretty good day.

Some folks, if you don't see it there way with regards to a particular player or call, they go bonkers. It genuinely affects them. Crazy to let a message board get to you like that. When it happens I just usually do what I can to tear that scab open a little more and have a good laugh. What else can you do. At that point, nobody is convincing anyone to change their mind. Have a good night brother.

PS early prediction, if we lose to Philly, somehow, someway, the refs will be at fault. Bank on it. :grin:
The bold.
Man, is that on point.

I enjoy a good pointed debate as well. I just don't get why people get so wound up.

I mean, honestly, whether I agree with you or not--if the worst thing that happens to me today is someone vehemently disagrees with my take on something, then I had a pretty good day.

Some folks, if you don't see it there way with regards to a particular player or call, they go bonkers. It genuinely affects them. Crazy to let a message board get to you like that. When it happens I just usually do what I can to tear that scab open a little more and have a good laugh. What else can you do. At that point, nobody is convincing anyone to change their mind. Have a good night brother.

PS early prediction, if we lose to Philly, somehow, someway, the refs will be at fault. Bank on it. :grin:

True, true. Like I said in another thread where people were so concerned with calling out others for being hypocrites, "it's just not that serious."
Not trying to be a smart ***, but I explicitly pointed out that even in the frames I posted, the blocker is still 1-2 yards away from any contact. Sooo... all the more so, in this earlier frame you've posted. Look at the blocker's foot... it's on the white line even, easily 2 yards away. Your question "why not start at this frame" answers itself.

Okay, so you want to get granular... I'm up for that.

Allow me to start here... imagine a world where a blocker isn't in the picture. What's Dak going to do if there's no blocker? Think we can all agree, he's going to get over to intersect the runner, plant his foot once he's in that vicinity, then turn his left shoulder toward the runner to try to square up and tackle him.

At that point that Dak starts to plant his foot to try to stop his momentum, there's naturally going to be some ever-so-slight momentum on the right side of his body as he abruptly plants that left foot, but then quick recovery to turn (there's that word) and square his shoulders to be parallel to the runner's.

Back in the real world, now, all that happened right up until my frame #3, when the blocker actually made contact, and then in frame #4 bulldozed squarely over top of Dak.

No "turns away from the blocker" because the blocker was never in front or at his side to begin with... your comments as-if that are so are, once again, debunked by a closer observation of the feet which allow us all to have some depth perception... and the blocker didn't get there until that exact moment when Dak planted his foot in order to turn toward the runner... being behind Dak, then, we see his elbow go squarely into the numbers on Dak's back.

You're welcome or anyone else to the last word... tonight's my night to cook, and I got to get started... and I'm pretty sure I've exhausted my interest in the topic, much to @JoeKing 's pleasure.

Again, video tells the story. Here's a slomo stopped a single frame before the DB makes contact. You see Dak striding, plant a right to turn towards the ball carrier and then pulls up because he's about to get hit. At that point his upper torso is turning away from the contact as the DB lowers to hit Dak in the shoulder, which he does (and catches Dak's helmet - incidental). Heck, look at Dak's legs at the stop point. They're pointed towards the DB. You say "the blocker was never in front or at his side to begin with"? Dak would have been facing him if he didn't wince for the blow.

At the freeze point, look at Dak's left elbow and shoulder pull way up versus how he had been striding. That is the action of someone turning. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. It's human nature when you're about to get hit. You go from seeing the 4 on Dak's back to the edge of the 4 on his front before any impact at all. That is because Dak turned all on his own in preparation for contact. "Contact is imminent" is what the rules say, no?

Also notice that the DB's elbow at the moment of impact that you claim goes "squarely into the numbers on Dak's back" is curled and not even touching the back of Dak at the moment of impact that happens with the DB's left shoulder. That happens after the initial hit and the follow through from the hit and Dak turning before impact.

Again. Video. Trumps. Stills.

@CWR, what say ye? Any requests? More detail, less detail? I got it all. Lol.

Again, video tells the story. Here's a slomo stopped a single frame before the DB makes contact. You see Dak striding, plant a right to turn towards the ball carrier and then pulls up because he's about to get hit. At that point his upper torso is turning away from the contact as the DB lowers to hit Dak in the shoulder, which he does (and catches Dak's helmet - incidental). Heck, look at Dak's legs at the stop point. They're pointed towards the DB. You say "the blocker was never in front or at his side to begin with"? Dak would have been facing him if he didn't wince for the blow.

At the freeze point, look at Dak's left elbow and shoulder pull way up versus how he had been striding. That is the action of someone turning. No ifs, ands, or buts about that. It's human nature when you're about to get hit. You go from seeing the 4 on Dak's back to the edge of the 4 on his front before any impact at all. That is because Dak turned all on his own in preparation for contact. "Contact is imminent" is what the rules say, no?

Also notice that the DB's elbow at the moment of impact that you claim goes "squarely into the numbers on Dak's back" is curled and not even touching the back of Dak at the moment of impact that happens with the DB's left shoulder. That happens after the initial hit and the follow through from the hit and Dak turning before impact.

Again. Video. Trumps. Stills.

@CWR, what say ye? Any requests? More detail, less detail? I got it all. Lol.


I see your point. The angle Dak had to take to make the tackle was going to push him more towards the sidelines. I don't believe he turned into it necessarily. At contact it looks like the blocker hits Dak in his r rear shoulder area. I don't take issue with the non-call, but I also think it was very borderline and would probably be called 5/10 times.

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