Why penalties have become so mind numbing

If the refs are simply calling all fouls as they see them, then that's not the ref's fault - you can't fault them for simply calling out the players for what the players are doing. If that means a mind-numbing amount of flags in a game, so be it.

But as others have pointed out, the real issue is that refs are deliberately calling fouls with specific agendas in mind - i.e., to keep the game close for drama's sake, or to favor a particular team. That, right there, is dirty. This happens in the NBA, especially - for instance, there used to be a ref who would observe a Spurs player make a 3-point shot, then watch to see the ball to see if it went into the hoop, and then, only after seeing the ball go in for 3 points, would then blow his whistle for a foul on the Spurs player to declare the shot invalid.
We don’t have to be absolutely certain each catch was a catch, or both toes were in, if the ball might have moved when it hit the ground or crossed the plane, etc.

We just need to prevent a bad call from changing the outcome of a game when it’s fate is in the balance .

The sport has become like the second guessing couch potatoes we all are. Absurd !!

the worst call to me in our history was in the '71 SB.

The Colts were behind late in the game and threw to John Mackey..their TE.

According to the refs..Mel Renfro touched the ball

I can recall the '71 SB where the Colts were behind late in the game..

the pass is thrown and a Colt receiver tipped the ball and Mel Renfro tried to tip the ball away..

it went over his head to the Colts TE John Mackey caught it and scored a TD.

The refs said Renfro had touched the ball and made the catch legal.

Otherwise..it would have been an inelligable play because 2 offensive players had touched the ball without a defensive player touching the ball in b/w.

Worst call I ever saw and cost us the game.

So there is history about bad calls you can't undo.

I fear that as much as Wilson's passing or running.

I remember that now you bring it back to me . That was a horrible game as I remember. Bob Lilly even threw his helmet at the end .
Solution :

Stop showing Instant Replay on TV.

Let officials review in booth for the potential game changing calls at their discretion maintaining the coaches red flags to challenge.

And add more officials around the field.
There can only be so many coincidences and you know there is a bean counter somewhere watching how the score is affecting the viewing audience which directly affects the sponsors.

Sponsors don't want to pay big money for time when nobody is watching so things are kept close as possible . But lately they have gotten greedy because the whole football watching community seems to be very concerned about the officiating . The topic has taken over sports talk radio here in Philly quite a bit .
Good. Glad to hear it.

Basically, it's gotta start getting dang obvious before the public notices.

I've told this story several times, but here it is again. I have a bud who is a very realistic sort of guy. He's always made fun of me for my pattern theory, for noticing the calls keeping the games close, or to put certain teams in. This dude called me after the NE/JAX game in total shock. He said he'd never make fun of my theory again, and that he'd just seen the most blatant proof it it possible.

I'm not a JAX fan, and even tho I was rooting for them, I didn't really care. So, I had no hoss in the race.

That game was utterly ridiculous and obvious. If you don't believe it, go get a complete copy of that game and watch the call after call against JAX. Bortles put that game away, and the refs took it back for Tom. There is seriously no denying it.
That defintely sounds more like a Conspiracy theory despite you not wanting to call it that.

Your patterinst insight is simply your evidence. Just saying K..
Absolutely, Greg. However, if you really think it's just a theory, go watch the entire JAX/NE playoff game from last year. Unless you're just blind and covered in your own bias, you'll be shocked at what you see. It was sick.

My skeptic buddy finally saw it in that game.
A Conspiracy would mean the league would need to have all of the officials before each game colluding.

And they’d all have to remain hush hush about it. Sounds pretty absurd to me. Total paranoia IMO mostly out of frustration and irritation.

I think what we actually see more of is makeup calls for when they obviously miss a call come back and try to make up for it. And we see preferential treatment to star players.
Yeah, I've heard that excuse over and over. From people who don't want to believe.

I have no idea how they do it. Just entertainment for me, so I have no hoss in the race aside from rooting for DALL. And I do not buy into the homer's idea that every call is against them.
Absolutely, Greg. However, if you really think it's just a theory, go watch the entire JAX/NE playoff game from last year. Unless you're just blind and covered in your own bias, you'll be shocked at what you see. It was sick.

My skeptic buddy finally saw it in that game.
So, you believe the officials colluded to put Pats in, just a bad call or an individual official playing partisan officiating ?

There’s a huge difference from individual partisan or incompetence and a decided plan of collusion either between the crew and or the league.

Which in that case it couldn’t be just one crew it would have to include everyone 250 something games a year .

And I assume you believe it’s been going on for years. Which means hundreds upon thousands of officials have been colluding with the league and not one peep out of one of them or enough evidence to call for an investigation. IDK Kev.
Yeah, I've heard that excuse over and over. From people who don't want to believe.

I have no idea how they do it. Just entertainment for me, so I have no hoss in the race aside from rooting for DALL. And I do not buy into the homer's idea that every call is against them.
I need more evidence than just some fans noise.

And if there was evidence to conduct an investigation surely we could get a former official to squeal if under oath.

Or you believe all of these officials are taking it to the grave with them . No books, no tv interviews, nothing?? I’m not sure we’ve thought this thru once we get past the emotion of the moment?
Good. Glad to hear it.

Basically, it's gotta start getting dang obvious before the public notices.

I've told this story several times, but here it is again. I have a bud who is a very realistic sort of guy. He's always made fun of me for my pattern theory, for noticing the calls keeping the games close, or to put certain teams in. This dude called me after the NE/JAX game in total shock. He said he'd never make fun of my theory again, and that he'd just seen the most blatant proof it it possible.

I'm not a JAX fan, and even tho I was rooting for them, I didn't really care. So, I had no hoss in the race.

That game was utterly ridiculous and obvious. If you don't believe it, go get a complete copy of that game and watch the call after call against JAX. Bortles put that game away, and the refs took it back for Tom. There is seriously no denying it.

Yep remember that and believe we discussed it before . League knew Jax was not going to bring the viewing audience that NE would . Lot of big companies paying serious money to have there products seen by the maximum amount of people on that day
I need more evidence than just some fans noise.

And if there was evidence to conduct an investigation surely we could get a former official to squeal if under oath.

Or you believe all of these officials are taking it to the grave with them . No books, no tv interviews, nothing?? I’m not sure we’ve thought this thru once we get past the emotion of the moment?
No idea, Greg. I can't figure out myself how they pull it off.

No emotion here, Greg. I mean, you keep on speaking to me as if I'm a homer whining about calls. Look past that for a second and start watching out for the things I'm addressing.

It's like, I'm telling you where the evidence is, and you just keep denying w/o checking it out.
So, you believe the officials colluded to put Pats in, just a bad call or an individual official playing partisan officiating ?

There’s a huge difference from individual partisan or incompetence and a decided plan of collusion either between the crew and or the league.

Which in that case it couldn’t be just one crew it would have to include everyone 250 something games a year .

And I assume you believe it’s been going on for years. Which means hundreds upon thousands of officials have been colluding with the league and not one peep out of one of them or enough evidence to call for an investigation. IDK Kev.
I have no idea how they do it, but the evidence is blaring.
Or covered up
It would be the greatest cover up in the technology era.

Covering 256 games a year for how many years?

There’s 1 umpire and 6 referees which x 16 games =112 officials on the field plus those in the booth all colluding together to keep games close.

Over 50 years of broadcasting potentially probably over 5, 000 officials and not a peep or one investigation . Quite the cover up for sure. Lol
I have no idea how they do it, but the evidence is blaring.
There’s evidence of poor officiating . Not a concentrated effort of collusion or even partisan officiating .

Your beginning to sound more like a coach:)
No idea, Greg. I can't figure out myself how they pull it off.

No emotion here, Greg. I mean, you keep on speaking to me as if I'm a homer whining about calls. Look past that for a second and start watching out for the things I'm addressing.

It's like, I'm telling you where the evidence is, and you just keep denying w/o checking it out.
I’m not denying poor or questionable officiating. I’m denying collusion league wide.

Have you thought this thru how this collusion would take place and the depth of the cover up?
The one penalty that still bothers me is the one against Gregory for lining up in the neutral zone on a play where Dallas recovered the fumble against the Saints. One could say his head was slightly in the neutral zone. What bothers me is that I have yet to see that called again. Ever since then and especially this week I have seen defensive lineman have their head in the neutral zone and it never gets called. I think it was the Titans/Colts game I saw it about 10 times. And just about every play in the LSU vs UCF game the right DE had his head in the neutral zone. No consistency.
There’s evidence of poor officiating . Not a concentrated effort of collusion or even partisan officiating .

Your beginning to sound more like a coach:)
You're beginning to sound like PAPPYDOG!!!!!!!!!

There's proof, but if you don't allow the possibility, you will never see it.
I’m not denying poor or questionable officiating. I’m denying collusion league wide.

Have you thought this thru how this collusion would take place and the depth of the cover up?
No one is claiming league wide collusion.
No one is claiming league wide collusion.
Then what exactly are you claiming? Just one official acting on his own in these individual random occurrences which don’t go as you see it?

I thought you said the league was officiating to keep the games close ?

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