Why should fans believe in this executive leadership?


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There's plenty of us who don't think we can but there's not anything we can do about it.

There are several double negatives in your statement, so I'm not sure of your intent.

However, if you're saying there's nothing we can do about it, I beg to differ. The best and only option fans have to voice their displeasure is apathy.
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I'm on same page with Darren Woodson

Former Cowboys star Darren Woodson believes that Jones isn’t fully to blame for his team’s lack of postseason success.

“Everyone wants to say it’s Jerry’s fault. And I’m not a firm believer in that. I think Jerry’s put together some pretty good football teams…I mean, at some point the players have got to win the games,” Woodson said.

Former Cowboys Star Has Brutally Honest Admission On Jerry Jones (thespun.com)
It's not that it's his fault, but as the last voice on all matters (his choice), he is fully accountable.


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@Bobhaze I'm torn. At times I see things from Jerry that gives me hope. I think we've been drafting better lately. I think Jerry has limited the amount of stupid things he says publicly lately. I think he's stayed out of coaching. All of which are things maybe not deserving of praise, if they were someone else. I mean, praise for doing your job..? That's what you're supposed to do. However, compared to Jerry of 10yrs ago..? He's doing much better on some of the things I just mentioned.

Unfortunately, he still passes out contracts like a fantasy football GM, or fan. Does anyone really believe the Cowboys are better off giving Dak, Coop, & Zeke the contracts Jerry did..?! All three of those contracts have hurt this team, & will continue to for a few years. Coincide that with, all three of them having under performed their contracts. That's on Jerry.

I think the bulk of performance problems are coaching related. There's a bit to this. Lead the league in penalties..? 14 in a game..? Flat starts..? Time management..? That's all coaching, mostly MM. Watch Kurt Warner's breakdown of our playoff loss. He exposes Kellen Moore. Which by default exposes Dak. However, I think Dak is doing what he's been coached to do. Dak blew us all away his first year, why..? Because he played with his gut. He was raw, but was a competitor & would take off, & make stuff happen. He was unpredictable. That's who he was/is. He's been coached out of that. They want to make him Aikman, & that's not who he is, or going to happen.

McCarthy isn't helping this team get to late post season. Who's the last real head coach we've had. Parcells. We were headed in the right direction under him. Players respected him, & played hard for him. Before him, it was Jimmy. Coincidentally, they are the only two coaches I can think of, that ever bucked Jerry. The players answered to them. Once Jerry nixed that (T.O.), Parcells bounced. Garrett was well liked by players, but how many actually respected him. Sure didn't look like it to me. They knew he wasn't going to reprimand them for mistakes. I think of Parcells, & Jimmy as the Dad who will beat your *** if you fk up. All the other HC's we've had, wanted to talk about what's bothering you.

The single best thing Jerry could do to improve this team, is get a real HC, OC, & stay out of their way. Hire a coach with balls, & let them do their thing. I believe we could win in spite of Jerry if that were to happen. We win last weekend with a real HC, & OC.

The 2nd best thing Jerry could do, let or hire a shark to handle contracts, & the salary cap. Jerry & Stephen are hurting the team there too.


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It's not that it's his fault, but as the last voice on all matters (his choice), he is fully accountable.

True, but I expect him to go out and bring in talent in the last few seasons he has done that for the most part. In the end he is the owner and GM that is not going to change so all anyone can hope to see is he and the organization bring in talent. These rants serves no purpose because he is not going to fire himself regardless of what people may think or want.


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I have no faith in Jerry. At all. None. He’s not a football guy and wants to be so bad. Craves fame too and that’s a form of illness imo. He undermines the coaching staff and I’m not sure a team can get over that.

That said I’ll be there watching every game next year. Going to the Titans game and it’ll likely cost me over a grand to take my family. So it really doesn’t matter how stupid he is. I’m always stupider.


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True, but I expect him to go out and bring in talent in the last few seasons he has done that for the most part. In the end he is the owner and GM that is not going to change so all anyone can hope to see is he and the organization bring in talent. These rants serves no purpose because he is not going to fire himself regardless of what people may think or want.

Who's ranting? I'm not, just stating that if JJ wants all the power and final say then he is ultimately responsible and accountable. There's no debate in that.

He's 80+ years old and will relinquish the reigns to his kids sooner than later. So yes, he's not going to fire himself.
However evolution and change can happen, especially when time is not on your side to obtain what you so desperately want.

This is not just me an obscure lifelong fan saying it. Respected Cowboy legends are intimating this.


Taco Engineer
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I don't see the point in wasting a single minute complaining or feeling some type of way towards the ownership. I get caught up from time to time, but in the end being miserable is a choice. Sure it sucks not winning a SB in so long, but whatever.


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While other NFL Franchises have full time GM's, assembling cohesive team talent, and who are accountable to the owner for results. We Cowboy fans are stuck with a part time, unqualified, GM, who places his ego over the team, and will NEVER be fired by the owner no matter how abysmal the team underperforms...because the owner and the GM are one in the same. To make matters worse, the rest of the management team is rotten with nepotism, in addition to underperforming, has been/never was figurehead Coaches, who are handpicked so as not to challenge the Owner/GM/Coach. This has been Jerry Jones losing formula since he fired Jimmy Johnson, and the results never change. As a Cowboy fan since 65-66, I have never witnessed a more sickening loss then our most recent loss in the playoffs to San Francisco. Until our egotistical owner realizes that if you change nothing, nothing will change...we are doomed.


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There are several double negatives in your statement, so I'm not sure of your intent.

However, if you're saying there's nothing we can do about it, I beg to differ. The best and only option fans have to voice their displeasure is apathy.
In my opinion, as long as fans continue to support the team financially Jerry has little reason to operate differently. I for one haven't purchased any kind of Dallas Cowboy gear in around 12 years.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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I'm on same page with Darren Woodson

Former Cowboys star Darren Woodson believes that Jones isn’t fully to blame for his team’s lack of postseason success.

“Everyone wants to say it’s Jerry’s fault. And I’m not a firm believer in that. I think Jerry’s put together some pretty good football teams…I mean, at some point the players have got to win the games,” Woodson said.

Former Cowboys Star Has Brutally Honest Admission On Jerry Jones (thespun.com)

When the players and coaches you signed come up short time and again, at some point you have to accept that you didn't sign the right players and coaches.

Whether they look "pretty good" on paper is irrelevant. Bottom line is they weren't good enough.


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When the players and coaches you signed come up short time and again, at some point you have to accept that you didn't sign the right players and coaches.

Whether they look "pretty good" on paper is irrelevant. Bottom line is they weren't good enough.

and I have always said with the position of GM comes the heat. However I agree with Woodson that at some point players must produce. Talent is there and that is what I expect front office to do, acquire the talent.


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I'm not a huge fan of Jerry. Please don't take this reply as a defense of him. I think that virtually all of the problems of the past 25 years can be tied back directly to him.

What reasons for optimism are there? Well, when Jerry bought the team, Jimmy clearly ran things. Him being hired was pure luck. Jerry took over and was clueless. He knew so little he didn't know what he didn't know. He has been learning though. The team isn't making dumb mistakes in free agency. The drafting is better.

I hope the MM experience ends up being another lesson. Cowboys nation is brutalizing the team right now and Jerry is hearing it.

Outside of that, there are so pro's to Jerry. He isn't cheap. Coaches and players like playing for him. He isn't going to drive people off and anyone he wants, he can get.

If he could fix the issues he has with discipline and accountability, I would have some hope and I think there is a chance that could happen in the long term.

In the short term, the contract situation is such that I don't see the team competing. Dak, Zeke, Tank and others simply make too much money for their production/ability. In the long term, hopefully the next generation of players is better and more disciplined.
Poe, McCoy, Dix, Erving, Dalton, Canady

This mistake was signing all those zeros instead of going after DJ Reader type. Still making mistakes.


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I'm on same page with Darren Woodson

Former Cowboys star Darren Woodson believes that Jones isn’t fully to blame for his team’s lack of postseason success.

“Everyone wants to say it’s Jerry’s fault. And I’m not a firm believer in that. I think Jerry’s put together some pretty good football teams…I mean, at some point the players have got to win the games,” Woodson said.

Former Cowboys Star Has Brutally Honest Admission On Jerry Jones (thespun.com)
Hey, Darren. Luv ya man. However, you must comprehend the role of a GM. One of them is player acquisition. If the players are not producing, it is on the GM.