News: Why The Cowboys’ Response To Randy Gregory’s Latest Trouble May Be Pretty Much Nothing


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Why The Cowboys’ Response To Randy Gregory’s Latest Trouble May Be Pretty Much Nothing

There are many reasons to be so glad that the Dallas Cowboys are flying to Oxnard for the opening of training camp this week. But in addition to all the normal ones, there is an extra thing to make us long for camp to get here: Maybe it will stop the seemingly endless string of negative news about the team.

The latest, of course, is that Randy Gregory has apparently failed another drug test and is facing a longer suspension than the four games already set . Under the current league policy, this failure should result in a ten-game suspension. It is unclear at the moment if that will replace the four-game suspension, or be added on to make it 14 games he will sit out, effectively eliminating an entire season. Either way, it looks like he is being considered gone for the year.

With the myriad questions already existing about the pass rush, the next one becomes "What do the Cowboys do now?" As several have pointed out, Dwight Freeney is still available if the team acts quickly. For that matter, Greg Hardy is also still a free agent, but all indications are that he is completely out of the picture as far as the Cowboys are concerned.

However, there is another answer to that question that is probably more likely, and it is this. They do nothing, standing pat with what they have to start camp.

Before going on, let me make clear that this is not an attempt to justify or denigrate that approach. It is more an attempt to outline what seems to be the approach the team is taking with the defensive line, based on what we have seen so far this year.

The suspension of Gregory changes nothing about the first four games, since he was already not available for them. The Cowboys are perceived to have not done enough to address the pass rush, but they did do several things in the offseason. They signed defensive end Benson Mayowa and defensive tackle Cedric Thornton, as well as re-signing Jack Crawford, who has been used in both positions in the past. They used a third-round pick to draft tackle Maliek Collins and a fourth-round selection to get end Charles Tapper. And they have tackle Terrell McClain returning from injury. That is six new or returning players. Many feel these moves were inadequate, but the team must disagree, since this is how they have proceeded. It is reasonable to assume that the staff feels better about the talent on hand than so many of the fans and media do. That may reveal that they have a different evaluation of the players based on their much more intimate view of them. Or it may be a case of having false or inflated hopes. Nonetheless, the evidence strongly supports a greater level of comfort with the current resources than those outside the team have.

Further, the Cowboys have in recent years made moves in the latter stages of the preseason to shore up weaknesses. The strategy seems to be evaluate what you have first, then look for more help if it is deemed necessary. Obviously, that comes with the risk of having less options, something that is already in play. To use Freeney as an example, there are already reports of other teams considering him, and there is a real chance that he will be off the table by the time Dallas might decide it is time to take further steps. However, there are also indications that Freeney is not exactly fired up to jump into the training camp grind at his age. He may want to wait until closer to the season to commit to a team. It is possible that he has made this known through his agent, and could even have stated a window when he is prepared to seriously consider contract offers. That is speculative, but also not incongruous with the known facts. There are also other pass rushers that might become available later. Waiting for such castoffs when teams start to cut their rosters down clearly comes with its own risks, but the Cowboys favor bargain shopping, and have had some success in recent years getting help that way. Still, the team is betting on finding more answers from the players they already have than from outside. It will probably take at least the first two preseason games to find out if they blew that wager or not.

Dallas could still make a surprise signing, but that seems the less likely course at the moment. There is also the question of just how much of a surprise the additional suspension for Gregory is. Teams often have a better idea about such things than they let on, especially if the league has not made any official determination. There is no real reason to reveal a potential problem facing them. NFL teams prefer to maintain as much of a curtain to conceal things as possible, and the Cowboys are no exception. The additional suspension may have been factored into their decisions to date already. While we may disagree with how they have addressed things, we should not assume it was done without some idea of what they were facing with Gregory.

Now the player is entering rehab to try and get a handle on his own life, which is more important in the grand scheme of things than playing football. Dallas certainly needs to reevaluate their often-failed policy of drafting troubled players with the expectation that they can get them through their difficulties. That has blown up too often lately, and it needs to change.

But the die has already been cast with Gregory, and now the Cowboys have to see what solutions they can manage in training camp. While they still may look to the contracting free agent pool for help, that is not likely to happen soon. It is not impossible, of course, but it just doesn’t seem to be in the cards, based on all we have seen from the front office in recent years.


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I find the inconsistancy of handling the repercussions of these character risk players to be maddening. It seems that there is very little rhyme IR reason in how it's handled.

McClain doesn't show up for any OTA's - after his knew suspension last year - and Jones makes excuses for him. That loyalty is then repaid by yet another suspension withe the player missing the vast majority of the upcoming season. And along the way, you've apparently painted yourself into a corner with regard to the salary cap.

And Randy Gregory has not only betrayed the trust placed in him, and the considerable draft investment, but he's done that about 5 times over the course of about a year.

And yet, Greg Hardy, a more proven player than either of the two mentioned above, is 'persona non grata', with apparently no chance of returning?

Last I checked, Hardy hasn't put himself in the position of missing most, or all of the upcoming season. He will be available for all 16 games in 2016. And he can help this team in a bigger way than any of the others could.

And yet, no matter what happens with these other boneheads, Hardy is the one who can't possibly return?

Sorry, but to me, the worst, most damaging thing you can do to yourself and your team is to get yourself suspended. And to do that repeatedly is inexcusable. And I see no equality between that, and anything that Hardy is rumored to have done by a bunch of people too gutless to actually say.

I've been a past supporter of the risks Jones and the team have taken on most of these guys, but I'm man enough to admit that I was wrong. The risks are no longer worth it and far too many have blown up in this team's face and seriously damaged the integrity and reputation of the organization. It's like the 'White House' days all over again, just without the winning!


Zimmy Lives

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I find the inconsistancy of handling the repercussions of these character risk players to be maddening. It seems that there is very little rhyme IR reason in how it's handled.

McClain doesn't show up for any OTA's - after his knew suspension last year - and Jones makes excuses for him. That loyalty is then repaid by yet another suspension withe the player missing the vast majority of the upcoming season. And along the way, you've apparently painted yourself into a corner with regard to the salary cap.

And Randy Gregory has not only betrayed the trust placed in him, and the considerable draft investment, but he's done that about 5 times over the course of about a year.

And yet, Greg Hardy, a more proven player than either of the two mentioned above, is 'persona non grata', with apparently no chance of returning?

Last I checked, Hardy hasn't put himself in the position of missing most, or all of the upcoming season. He will be available for all 16 games in 2016. And he can help this team in a bigger way than any of the others could.

And yet, no matter what happens with these other boneheads, Hardy is the one who can't possibly return?

Sorry, but to me, the worst, most damaging thing you can do to yourself and your team is to get yourself suspended. And to do that repeatedly is inexcusable. And I see no equality between that, and anything that Hardy is rumored to have done by a bunch of people too gutless to actually say.

I've been a past supporter of the risks Jones and the team have taken on most of these guys, but I'm man enough to admit that I was wrong. The risks are no longer worth it and far too many have blown up in this team's face and seriously damaged the integrity and reputation of the organization. It's like the 'White House' days all over again, just without the winning!


I agree with everything you say with one exception: Greg Hardy is "persona non grata" because he is a cancer in words and actions. McClain and Gregory receive the benefit of doubt because they say all the right things. Jerry and the Cowboys need to see through the crap and stop giving them chances just because they keep saying my bad, I will try harder.


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when you are large and in charge and there are no consequences for your actions like the gm of the dallas cowboys you can make these types of mistakes you cant be fired the fans don't have any say if you continue to lose year after year what does it matter people still fill your stadium you still continue to build empty hollow halls first class buildings yet the product you put on the field is 5 and dime rate since jimmy left the cupboard is pretty bare after all his players retired and so it goes and I guess will continue to go down this path I watch because its the cowboys but it sure looks like a empire ready to crash


rock music matters
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I agree with everything you say with one exception: Greg Hardy is "persona non grata" because he is a cancer in words and actions. McClain and Gregory receive the benefit of doubt because they say all the right things. Jerry and the Cowboys need to see through the crap and stop giving them chances just because they keep saying my bad, I will try harder.

saying the right things should never be an excuse for not doing the right things. when this hit 4 games people were saying he learned his lesson and i simply disagreed. if he's willing to risk a million dollar career now he'll continue to find a way. all the previous horsejunk about "he's just depressed" was wishful thinking by a few. i don't care if he's depressed or not he still owns his actions. he's still shown no signs of growing up and isn't likely to.

the point on hardy is dead on. his "crime" is still debatable and if he's still available i do wonder if there could be a return as our DL takes more hits these days than gregory on a saturday night.


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I agree with everything you say with one exception: Greg Hardy is "persona non grata" because he is a cancer in words and actions.

What "actions"? Being late for two confirmed meetings? Sorry, but that's a lot less if an infraction to me than being suspended for four games by the league, much less being suspended for 10 games!

McClain and Gregory receive the benefit of doubt because they say all the right things. Jerry and the Cowboys need to see through the crap and stop giving them chances just because they keep saying my bad, I will try harder.

So it's not what you do, it's what you say?

Sorry, not in my book. And if this is what this organization is based on, it's little wonder they fail.


1st Round Pick
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saying the right things should never be an excuse for not doing the right things. when this hit 4 games people were saying he learned his lesson and i simply disagreed. if he's willing to risk a million dollar career now he'll continue to find a way. all the previous horsejunk about "he's just depressed" was wishful thinking by a few. i don't care if he's depressed or not he still owns his actions. he's still shown no signs of growing up and isn't likely to.

the point on hardy is dead on. his "crime" is still debatable and if he's still available i do wonder if there could be a return as our DL takes more hits these days than gregory on a saturday night.

I knew he didn't because of the amount of failed tests you have to have before you even get suspended.

People actually have the nerve to say that the NFL shouldn't have it as a banned substance when it is still illegal in society and they give you 3 chances before you ever get a suspension.


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I knew he didn't because of the amount of failed tests you have to have before you even get suspended.

People actually have the nerve to say that the NFL shouldn't have it as a banned substance when it is still illegal in society and they give you 3 chances before you ever get a suspension.

It's ridiculous. Blame the big, bad, NFL for daring to have rules for employment. Rules by the way, which each and every player signed off on in order to play in that league and make that huge paycheck. It's the definition of hypocrisy.

Silver N Blue

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Any truth to this.....That he might have missed a test?

I believe he and Levon bell switched phones and kept showing up at the wrong place for their respective drug tests...sarcasm aside...cut the chord and bring in's time to start the season.


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I agree with everything you say with one exception: Greg Hardy is "persona non grata" because he is a cancer in words and actions. McClain and Gregory receive the benefit of doubt because they say all the right things. Jerry and the Cowboys need to see through the crap and stop giving them chances just because they keep saying my bad, I will try harder.

Insubordination and open disrespect for authority - in a group and team dynamic - are the worst sins possible (even more so than drug use).

A group/team can't function properly when team members/subordinates/employees openly defy and challenge authority in a disrespectful manner.

And that is why Greg Hardy is no longer with the Cowboys.
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I find the inconsistancy of handling the repercussions of these character risk players to be maddening. It seems that there is very little rhyme IR reason in how it's handled.

McClain doesn't show up for any OTA's - after his knew suspension last year - and Jones makes excuses for him. That loyalty is then repaid by yet another suspension withe the player missing the vast majority of the upcoming season. And along the way, you've apparently painted yourself into a corner with regard to the salary cap.

And Randy Gregory has not only betrayed the trust placed in him, and the considerable draft investment, but he's done that about 5 times over the course of about a year.

And yet, Greg Hardy, a more proven player than either of the two mentioned above, is 'persona non grata', with apparently no chance of returning?

Last I checked, Hardy hasn't put himself in the position of missing most, or all of the upcoming season. He will be available for all 16 games in 2016. And he can help this team in a bigger way than any of the others could.

And yet, no matter what happens with these other boneheads, Hardy is the one who can't possibly return?

Sorry, but to me, the worst, most damaging thing you can do to yourself and your team is to get yourself suspended. And to do that repeatedly is inexcusable. And I see no equality between that, and anything that Hardy is rumored to have done by a bunch of people too gutless to actually say.

I've been a past supporter of the risks Jones and the team have taken on most of these guys, but I'm man enough to admit that I was wrong. The risks are no longer worth it and far too many have blown up in this team's face and seriously damaged the integrity and reputation of the organization. It's like the 'White House' days all over again, just without the winning!


Rolando McClain's sons do not live with him. He really has a small window of opportunity to be in their lives during the year...but never mind.


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It's ridiculous. Blame the big, bad, NFL for daring to have rules for employment. Rules by the way, which each and every player signed off on in order to play in that league and make that huge paycheck. It's the definition of hypocrisy.

Oh, but application of all rules have flexibility...just the nature of justice.


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saying the right things should never be an excuse for not doing the right things. when this hit 4 games people were saying he learned his lesson and i simply disagreed. if he's willing to risk a million dollar career now he'll continue to find a way. all the previous horsejunk about "he's just depressed" was wishful thinking by a few. i don't care if he's depressed or not he still owns his actions. he's still shown no signs of growing up and isn't likely to.

the point on hardy is dead on. his "crime" is still debatable and if he's still available i do wonder if there could be a return as our DL takes more hits these days than gregory on a saturday night.

His 'crime' in Dallas, was being a locker room cancer...


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Rolando McClain's sons do not live with him. He really has a small window of opportunity to be in their lives during the year...but never mind.

Sure he does. And those 6 months off during the offseason just isn't enough time for his 'unique situation', right?

Is he smoking weed while he's with them too?


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Oh, but application of all rules have flexibility...just the nature of justice.

Not in this case it doesn't. Smoking weed is prohibited. No 'grey area' or "flexibility" there. You either accept the rule or find another profession.