News: Why the exclusive tag and not the non-exclusive tag on Dak?


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Wish we could get a few of you below average posters out too.

You seem to be one of those below average intelligence posters.Talking about Dak're a, "I hate anybody who don't agree with me."

oaybe One day you'll learn people don't have to agree with you. And that doesn't mean you get to denigrate them, tag them with hate names, or talk to them like they are less a thinking person than you are.

Maybe you'll learn to be a decent person. Or maybe you like being the shining example of something with an IQ of 2 points below a rock.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Fish brings up the topic in his latest column, but doesn’t provide any answers. What say you, Cowboys Zoners?

Given the gap (allegedly - we don’t know) in where both sides stand, this looks like it’s going to a franchise tag later this month.

Does anyone really think that another team would give up two 1’s for Dak Prescott? The difference between the two tags is $6M, not chump change, that’s a good player who could make a difference.

And so what if a team does sign him? Two first round picks is plenty of ammo to package and move up and get one of the stud QBs coming out of this draft.

Am I crazy here? Why would they put the more expensive tag on him?
It’s becoming obvious to me Prescott wants to be a free agent. It’s a shame because we don’t have anyone better


Last Man Standing
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This info is from back in 2013 after the last CBA was approved of:
The Cowboys have said they would use an "exclusive" franchise tag to retain Dak for 2020, thus not allowing any other team to bid for him, plus also ensuring Dak remains a Cowboy for 2020 while giving the Cowboys time to negotiate a long term deal. The Cowboys also would have to pay Dak an average of the top 5 salaries at the player's position which I believe comes out to around $33 million.

Hope that explains it all.

Right, I understand the difference between the tags. My argument is that there's no reason to put the exclusive tag on him. I don't think any franchise is going to give up two 1's, and in the remote chance that they do, two 1's plus our 1 is worth enough points to get up to the 3rd pick in the draft and pick whatever QB you want. Or, you stay where you are, pick Eason or Love and you have two more 1's to improve this team.

I just think it's a no brainer. @blindzebra made the only counter argument that made sense to me, which is that it's an act of good faith. I don't think it is, though, Dak will hold out of mini-camp just the same with the exclusive tag as he would with the non-exclusive tag. In fact, I think he'd prefer the non-exclusive tag because it would allow his agent to test the market with other teams.


Last Man Standing
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Why is giving Dak the exclusive franchise tag...foolish???

1. Because it means paying him $6M more per year unnecessarily, should he have to play on the tag.
2. The non-exclusive tag would allow his agent to test the market and probably verify that no one would offer $40M per year
3. If there is an offer, the Cowboys can still match it
4. If there is an offer that they cannot or do not want to match, they'll land two 1st round picks, which can be either packaged to move up and get one of the top tier QBs in this draft or you stay at #17, take Eason or Love and you have two more firsts to improve your team

That's why.

I'll turn it around, why would you give the exclusive tag? Is there any reason at all except the fear of not insulting him?


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Right, I understand the difference between the tags. My argument is that there's no reason to put the exclusive tag on him. I don't think any franchise is going to give up two 1's, and in the remote chance that they do, two 1's plus our 1 is worth enough points to get up to the 3rd pick in the draft and pick whatever QB you want. Or, you stay where you are, pick Eason or Love and you have two more 1's to improve this team.

I just think it's a no brainer. @blindzebra made the only counter argument that made sense to me, which is that it's an act of good faith. I don't think it is, though, Dak will hold out of mini-camp just the same with the exclusive tag as he would with the non-exclusive tag. In fact, I think he'd prefer the non-exclusive tag because it would allow his agent to test the market with other teams.
I don’t think that he will hold out, or at least not significantly enough to affect anything. Cousins did not hold out either time I believe. It doesn’t really make any sense for Dak to come in at the last minute into a new offense and then have a bad season because of it. It certainly isn’t going to earn him any more money. And a lot of these recent holdouts at positions far less involved than QBs have not had great seasons when they returned.


Intramural Legend
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You seem to be one of those below average intelligence posters.Talking about Dak're a, "I hate anybody who don't agree with me."

oaybe One day you'll learn people don't have to agree with you. And that doesn't mean you get to denigrate them, tag them with hate names, or talk to them like they are less a thinking person than you are.

Maybe you'll learn to be a decent person. Or maybe you like being the shining example of something with an IQ of 2 points below a rock.
Careful with the "below intelligence" thing, when you can barely write in English.

The "Dak doesn't care about winning" take is stupid. Astronomically stupid.


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Have never understood why fans think just because the media and so-called experts say there are 5 stud QBs in this draft that there will be stud QBs. History shows that half will fail and of the other half probably only one becomes an elite QB. Plus, just because you have an extra 1st round pick or more, you still have to find a trade partner to trade with who is willing to not get the guy they wanted. How many 1st round picks at any position pan out to be pro bowl players or elite players? Bet we see less than half of them in 5 years.

I know many fans do not consider Dak elite or heck even good but the front office and McCarthy do so a rather moot point. They aren't going to let Dak go to another team and to do that you put the exclusive tag on him. For me, I hope he signs a 3 or 4 or 5 year deal before the 12th and the same for Amari Cooper.

Wonder if fans saw the rumor that the cap is expected to be around $450 million before the end of the next CBA. If we think $35 million or even $40 million a year is to high, wonder what fans will say when a QB gets $70 or $80 million a year average. Yikes!


Last Man Standing
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I don’t think that he will hold out, or at least not significantly enough to affect anything. Cousins did not hold out either time I believe. It doesn’t really make any sense for Dak to come in at the last minute into a new offense and then have a bad season because of it. It certainly isn’t going to earn him any more money. And a lot of these recent holdouts at positions far less involved than QBs have not had great seasons when they returned.

He strongly suggested that he would. Whether he will is an open question, but I believe him.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Fish brings up the topic in his latest column, but doesn’t provide any answers. What say you, Cowboys Zoners?

Given the gap (allegedly - we don’t know) in where both sides stand, this looks like it’s going to a franchise tag later this month.

Does anyone really think that another team would give up two 1’s for Dak Prescott? The difference between the two tags is $6M, not chump change, that’s a good player who could make a difference.

And so what if a team does sign him? Two first round picks is plenty of ammo to package and move up and get one of the stud QBs coming out of this draft.

Am I crazy here? Why would they put the more expensive tag on him?

Nobody is giving Dallas 2 first round picks for the right to pay Prescott 35M+. Its a rarity for a transition tag players to get scooped up by another team.


Well-Known Member
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Fish brings up the topic in his latest column, but doesn’t provide any answers. What say you, Cowboys Zoners?

Given the gap (allegedly - we don’t know) in where both sides stand, this looks like it’s going to a franchise tag later this month.

Does anyone really think that another team would give up two 1’s for Dak Prescott? The difference between the two tags is $6M, not chump change, that’s a good player who could make a difference.

And so what if a team does sign him? Two first round picks is plenty of ammo to package and move up and get one of the stud QBs coming out of this draft.

Am I crazy here? Why would they put the more expensive tag on him?
teams desperately seeking qb's, like Cincinnati, can get a qb on their own draft without having to give up anything. and they can get them on rookie deals. it wouldn't make much sense for a team wanting a qb to give up 2 number ones when they already have the pick.


Since 1971
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Fish brings up the topic in his latest column, but doesn’t provide any answers. What say you, Cowboys Zoners?

Given the gap (allegedly - we don’t know) in where both sides stand, this looks like it’s going to a franchise tag later this month.

Does anyone really think that another team would give up two 1’s for Dak Prescott? The difference between the two tags is $6M, not chump change, that’s a good player who could make a difference.

And so what if a team does sign him? Two first round picks is plenty of ammo to package and move up and get one of the stud QBs coming out of this draft.

Am I crazy here? Why would they put the more expensive tag on him?
It's shows a good faith commitment to the player and dampens any potential outside interference with the negotiations. The Cowboys have obviously decided Dak is their guy and they are going to do their best to make it work.


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It’s becoming obvious to me Prescott wants to be a free agent. It’s a shame because we don’t have anyone better

and since there is no Free Agency, Trades or an upcoming Draft, we should just settle for paying Dakota 35-40 Million and like it........I hate having no options


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The non-exclusive tag might increase the odds he holds out, although I think that's extremely remote, and paying the additional 7M for the exclusive shows they value him more.

Take any QB1 and non-exclusive tag him and he gets no takers and what have you got now? There is more than just dollars to this and the fact this deal is hard to bring together the Cowboys have to assume they are dealing with some ego here. The ego can make some really poor decisions.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
He strongly suggested that he would. Whether he will is an open question, but I believe him.
I did not see anywhere that he strongly suggested he would hold out if tagged.

I do not think his agent would have him hold out because Prescott goes to being a bad guy with not only Cowboys fans but most football fans. Who can relate to not showing up for even 26M for one year of playing a game? The effect of a QB holding out has never been seen in the NFL for a good reason.

Add to that the endorsements that he has that would go dormant because of the image hit he would take and if we don't think there are some Cowboys fans that could get one hell of a boycott and negative backlash campaign going against his sponsors, think again on that one. This team has fans that will make death threats against the owner.


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I did not see anywhere that he strongly suggested he would hold out if tagged.

I do not think his agent would have him hold out because Prescott goes to being a bad guy with not only Cowboys fans but most football fans. Who can relate to not showing up for even 26M for one year of playing a game? The effect of a QB holding out has never been seen in the NFL for a good reason.

Add to that the endorsements that he has that would go dormant because of the image hit he would take and if we don't think there are some Cowboys fans that could get one hell of a boycott and negative backlash campaign going against his sponsors, think again on that one. This team has fans that will make death threats against the owner.
I have never seen anything attributable to dak saying he would hold out either. it would be a bad pr move to say the least. the worst dak has to look forward to is being tagged for 33 million which will be fully guaranteed for the year. then he can do this over again next year. there are worse things in life.


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Fish brings up the topic in his latest column, but doesn’t provide any answers. What say you, Cowboys Zoners?

Given the gap (allegedly - we don’t know) in where both sides stand, this looks like it’s going to a franchise tag later this month.

Does anyone really think that another team would give up two 1’s for Dak Prescott? The difference between the two tags is $6M, not chump change, that’s a good player who could make a difference.

And so what if a team does sign him? Two first round picks is plenty of ammo to package and move up and get one of the stud QBs coming out of this draft.

Am I crazy here? Why would they put the more expensive tag on him?
Because they're sold on him maybe? Is it really that hard to figure out?


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Any team who "projects" to have low first rounders already has a QB.

The lone exception may be NE.

They also get the option of matching the deal. Then neither side can complain about market value anymore. It is what it is.

I believe those "poison pill" words have been outlawed that make it impossible for a team to match.

I don't see the downside at all.


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What bothers me through all these holdouts, disputes, whatever....Jerry never seems to win.

The player always gets what they want after damage has been done.

Just get it done already. Prescott's people arent giving in, nor should they when all the Jones family ever says to the media is that they are 100% committed to him.

For people that are supposed to be such great negotiators, I dont see where that ever benefits the football team.