CFZ Why this was the best win of the season so far


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It's nice to get a win where the team has to work for it and great point about the offense stepping up for the defense. Seattle was a desperate team last night and needed that win, probably more than Dallas. Plus beating the disgustingly slimy Pete Carroll is always a bonus.
But at the biggest moments the defense did step up,the 4th down stops and of course number 11 ended it..but like you said,it definitely wasn't their best game but I can give them a pass for it because playing 3 games in 12 days is brutal,and they seemed tired throughout the game...let's see how the play the eagles to see if this continues.


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Ima let you slide because this team has given you nothing in return thus far into your life, but…

As into this as you are, I have no idea how you can miss games and be ok with it. I suppose people have priorities, I even told my parents to check the Cowboys schedule before trying to die.
And Amazon Prime gives you a month free each calendar year. Just subscribe and then decline before next months renewal . No charge. This is second year I’ve done it.


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I don’t care what anyone says, last night’s win over the ‘hawks was the best win of the season…so far. Next week should top that, but I’m getting ahead of myself.

For everyone who thinks margin of victory matters at all in the NFL, last night’s win against a good Sea team is a perfect example of the silliness of that notion. This isn’t college football where resumes are based on how bad you beat someone and how good you looked doing it. In the NFL, W’s and Ls are always the bottom line. 9-3 is very impressive.

Here are the reasons why last night’s game was the best win of the season so far:
  • Despite the defense not playing well, the team found a way to win through the offense. The offense carried us last night. That’s what good teams do on a night one side of the ball isn’t playing its best.
  • Has anyone noticed that the almighty egirls struggled against a 6-5 bills team last week and we all were impressed that they were able to come back and win that? We played that script last night too.
  • Anyone remember what the theme was around here about 8 weeks ago? This offense was not moving the ball that well. Look now.
    • Offense is no longer sluggish in the red zone. (except for the stupid delay of game penalty!)
    • This team just set an NFL record by scoring 40 or more in 4 consecutive home games.
    • Since the debacle at SF, Dak has thrown 21 TDs with only 2 picks.
  • We just won our 14th straight at home.
  • Seattle is a good team. Three weeks ago they were 6-3. Injuries have hurt them a lot but they played their guts out last night. We beat a good team. A team that if the season ended today is in the playoffs.
This team showed some guts last night. I was glad to see them get punched hard but still be able to punch back and win. Good teams find a way. That could have easily been a trap game.

This team still needs to improve a lot. The stupid penalties are driving me crazy. I’m beginning to think McCarthy just doesn’t work enough on improving that because those pre-snap and offsides penalties are just stupid.

Now it‘s on to the eagles. Let’s gooooooooooo!
That’s your best post of the year..,not season, year! Time to beat the Sheagles :starspin:


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It’s going to cost us in bigger games down the road. We overcame last night. But wow.

His decisions are truly questionable . We definitely gave away 3 points and the lead on that one possession after interception. WTH??
Well said bro. In a parity driven league where 1 or 2 plays decides a ball game I share your skepticism in how he will react on the biggest stage under the playoff lights.

I find myself screaming at him for his decisions through my tv quite often to be quite honest, lol


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Also, the Eagles are beat up and are facing a very physical 49ers team this week and will have to follow that up against a rested Cowboy team on the road.
You can add in that the 49ers are on their 10 day rest from Thanksgiving so the Eagles have to face two teams coming off their 10 day rest.... Can we pray they finally break or are they gonna do much of the same and beat both of us who knows..stay tuned


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You can add in that the 49ers are on their 10 day rest from Thanksgiving so the Eagles have to face two teams coming off their 10 day rest.... Can we pray they finally break or are they gonna do much of the same and beat both of us who knows..stay tuned
49ers are 3 point favorites at Phil. That says it all.


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Ima let you slide because this team has given you nothing in return thus far into your life, but…

As into this as you are, I have no idea how you can miss games and be ok with it. I suppose people have priorities, I even told my parents to check the Cowboys schedule before trying to die.

Huh? They didn't even have the game on the screens at the bar near the convention. I don't normally miss games, but I only get this con 4 or 5 days a year. Blame the NFL for putting it on Prime Video. Also, this convention is my Super Bowl basically.


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From the old fan forum. I followed your entire career from school to business. You’ve done well, my cowboy brother.

Thank you very much, and I'm glad to be at this convention. Like I was saying, it's my Super Bowl.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Agree with all you said.
Mac has got to also get a better handle on in-game management.
That 3rd down pass play at the end of game was a head scratcher?
Has any media asked him about that yet?
He can’t make that kind of mistake going forward. It will cost them. Run the damn ball and take the time off the clock.


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My concern about last night game wasn't even the Defense, but Mike McCarthy. He made so many errors in that game, but lucky for us Dak bailed him out. Not sure what his thought process was all night.


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If Seattle can keep wr group intact and add a security blanket TE....they will be tough.
Hmmmm....Z.Ertz just released, be a good add for them if any tread left.

They put pressure on our D, we got pressures, but didn’t get home


Curator of Excellent Takes
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
The was the worst game you’ll get from the defense all year. I am not worried yet. Now, if they can’t force a single punt in a few more games, time to panic.

If the offense and defense play to their potential in any given game, they will beat anyone. I honestly believe Dallas has the highest ceiling of any team in the league. At this point I think it is just a matter of achieving some consistency and proving it against the better competition.

Dallas gets a chance to punch Philly in the mouth and potentially grab control of the division next week.

If they beat Philly, I have a feeling the momentum could build into the perfect storm come playoff time.


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I see the defensive tendency to attack the Dallas defense. Both San Francisco and Philadelphia have strong as well as aggressive offensive lines. Here, there has to be hits upon their quarterbacks. More of a game changer by the Cowboys pressure...and forcing throws some. Bland had a much stronger second half against Seattle. Dan Quinn has to ensure Bland is closer to a shut down corner and not a make you pay presence.

My most concern on the Dallas offensive window is the right tackle position. Steele has to start out the game without penalties and maintaining contact with good left side defensive ends. Don't make McCarthy have to take weapons off the field to protect the right side of the offensive formation. The offense can keep the Cowboys on even keel with both San Francisco and Philadelphia. As long as penalties don't keep up overturning significant plays.

The defense still remains adaptive...I'll at least give them the benefit of doubts, myself.
You can have confidence if you want but I have big doubt December football starts today oh hell the narratives have swung on ESPN everybody trust Prescott they trust CD lamb they trust that we can put up points and bunches when needed however they don't trust December football from this team you need two things

  1. you need a consistent strong run game on offense you cannot be one-dimensional against the better teams we don't have that right now
  2. you need a defense to hold the other teams run game down and keep the big chunk plays from happening and keep the score down the best teams in NFL history held teams under 13 points we couldn't even hold a Seattle team at home under 21 for the first half...
So right now we need to work on getting Rico and hunter you know using a fullback and a bigger running back with attitude more often in the red zone more often in short yardage you gotta be able to trust your running game if not I'm gonna have to put the blame on Mike McCarthy for the run game because he is using Tony Pollard the wrong way in most of these games I like Tony but Mr. under 4 yards per carry is not gonna get it done especially when it's obvious he needs holes Rico dowdle needs cracks Rico is like a older version of zeke from the last three years and yet they're not using him like zeke they need to use Rico in zeke's old role and I mean to a tee and let Tony come do what Tony does or has done where he has fresh legs and stretches the defense you cannot do what they did last night and be afraid to run the football both to score both for short yardage and both to run the clock out in the fourth quarter they didn't have it that's on you Mike

and Dan Quinn's gonna have to change the way he calls games and creates game plans for December football stop using so much man and leaving your guys expose one-on-one and try to find ways to play some zone and to clog up some lanes and stop the damn run!!

Right now we're missing what we need for December football is it on our team maybe and some are even saying maybe we need Shaq Leonard more than we think we do just to have a leader in the middle not Clark not Evans but a guy who can actually calm the team down maybe help in the run game but just wear that green dot... I'm just looking at our deficiencies going forward not necessarily for the last five games of the season but for the playoffs and right now you have to use those last five games of the playoffs to work out the kinks that I just mentioned above

why Mike McCarthy is insistent on making Tony Pollard a three down back I don't understand it!!!!

And why Dan Quinn well I know it's the identity of this team as a strong pass rush wants to play so much man when it's not working you must be able to adjust and hide your deficiencies we cannot play like we did last night or against the 49ers or against Arizona or against Philly at times you literally cannot give up 28 plus points a game against the better teams especially on the road and expect to win any games at all...

We all know that starts with stopping the run and be a able to run, so it needs to be done in the trenches we need to work on that now not later.. Put the number one thing we all know in sports you gotta limit the points you need to score more than the other team and we could do that against some of these lesser teams but you are not getting away with this same crap last night you're not getting away with it against the Eagles the 49ers and another team any team that we might face that knows we are gonna have problems in this area they're gonna expose it...

Yes that's the dreaded blueprint make the team one-dimensional on offense and then look for all the man defense and find your good wide receiver and just feed him the ball...


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If Seattle can keep wr group intact and add a security blanket TE....they will be tough.
Hmmmm....Z.Ertz just released, be a good add for them if any tread left.

They put pressure on our D, we got pressures, but didn’t get home
I don't think that's a good fit for Seattle if that's who you're talking about I think he's better off going to the Ravens who really need and can use hey tight end and also believe it or not probably Philly those are the two teams that could use a tight end it isn't us if anybody thinks it's us they're not watching he would be a progress stopper here...


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Please don't listen to Skip and The Playmaker tells us manure smells good. This was not a good team performance.
Correction, this was a poor performance by the defense. Offense scored 41, they played great. They scored 41 all by themselves, too. No special teams or defensive scores. Dak is playing maybe the best ball of his career right now.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Didn't see the game cuz I'm at a convention in Chicago, but it looked like an impressive win. Sidenote, I'm having a great time at the convention. It's been great, and I've had fun with my friends here. I'm here till Monday.
Highlights on YouTube. As if you didn't know this.



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One again...we didn;t really play a really good team.
Once again I figured there would be the goalpost shifting I didnt think it would be you but congrats you win the prize. Seattle was good now they arent. Why dont you just say until they beat san fransisco nothimng else matters?


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Seattle played their best game of the season last night. They came out firing and tried to punch Dallas in the mouth. It almost worked and Dallas doesn’t win that game last year. This was a gutsy performance by the Cowboys trading blows. That type game puts hair on your chest in preparation for the playoffs.