Why You Can Stop Worrying About the Japan Nuclear Reactors

burmafrd;3877298 said:
In the last 100+ years there have been only four quakes worldwide that are bigger then this one. So saying they should be prepared for a 9.0 is kind of dumb.

I [strike]think[/strike] know that is a dumb statement. It's a nuclear reactor that could end up melting down. I'm guessing you have never heard of Chernobyl. :banghead:
nyc;3877312 said:
I [strike]think[/strike] know that is a dumb statement. It's a nuclear reactor that could end up melting down. I'm guessing you have never heard of Chernobyl. :banghead:
This is the kind of irrational thought that is caused by the media sensationalism and is why I started this thread.

They prepared for this level of disaster. Which is why the nuclear plant poses no threat.
I'm worried because I was supposed to live in Japan from August-December of this year but now the nuclear radiation issue has given me reason to perhaps cancel that trip. While the city I was going to be in is some distance from the reactors it is my understanding that if there is a meltdown that radioactive material could be carried by the winds and contaminate other parts of the island. Anybody know if my fears are justified and I should just stay back in the States?
DallasCowboysRule!;3877371 said:
I'm worried because I was supposed to live in Japan from August-December of this year but now the nuclear radiation issue has given me reason to perhaps cancel that trip. While the city I was going to be in is some distance from the reactors it is my understanding that if there is a meltdown that radioactive material could be carried by the winds and contaminate other parts of the island. Anybody know if my fears are justified and I should just stay back in the States?

Well with headlines like 'Japanese flee as nuclear crisis deepens', I think it's safe to say you shouldn't rule it out. It's too soon to tell really. Who knows what the entire situation will look like in 2 months time?
DallasCowboysRule!;3877371 said:
I'm worried because I was supposed to live in Japan from August-December of this year but now the nuclear radiation issue has given me reason to perhaps cancel that trip. While the city I was going to be in is some distance from the reactors it is my understanding that if there is a meltdown that radioactive material could be carried by the winds and contaminate other parts of the island. Anybody know if my fears are justified and I should just stay back in the States?

Unless particles of the core contaminate the area you're going to, which won't happen if it's not in the area of the reactor and even there it's a worst case scenario that that happens, you have nothing to worry about. Any fallout from the smoke rising from the reactor now will be long gone by the time you go there
theogt;3877323 said:
This is the kind of irrational thought that is caused by the media sensationalism and is why I started this thread.

They prepared for this level of disaster. Which is why the nuclear plant poses no threat.

Curious, how is it "media sensationalism" when they're quoting directly from what Japanese officials are reporting to the IAEA, ASN and the public?

Japan crisis now worse than Three Mile Island
theogt;3877323 said:
This is the kind of irrational thought that is caused by the media sensationalism and is why I started this thread.

They prepared for this level of disaster. Which is why the nuclear plant poses no threat.

Easy to say when you are standing halfway around the world from the "problem" plant in Japan. I'm guessing you would be singing a different tune if you were standing in Northern Japan right now.

This earthquake and tsunami are most definitely the final nails in the coffin of nuclear power in Japan. An earthquake zone like Japan is/was no place for nuclear power plants. Good riddance to nuclear power in Japan. No Japanese person will miss it. They will miss the electricity provided by them but will adapt to the 1/3 loss of electricty. No pro-nuclear politician can even dream of getting elected in Japan.
nyc;3877312 said:
I [strike]think[/strike] know that is a dumb statement. It's a nuclear reactor that could end up melting down. I'm guessing you have never heard of Chernobyl. :banghead:

Then you know nothing to compare this with Chernobyl. And you think someone should plan to build something that will withstand a 9.0 without problems. What fantasy land do you live in?
theogt;3877323 said:
This is the kind of irrational thought that is caused by the media sensationalism and is why I started this thread.

They prepared for this level of disaster. Which is why the nuclear plant poses no threat.

That is an ignorant statement, but I expected no less from you.
burmafrd;3877298 said:
In the last 100+ years there have been only four quakes worldwide that are bigger then this one. So saying they should be prepared for a 9.0 is kind of dumb.

4 in 100 years? I'd say they're fairly common given the age of the earth.
ninja;3877422 said:
Easy to say when you are standing halfway around the world from the "problem" plant in Japan. I'm guessing you would be singing a different tune if you were standing in Northern Japan right now.

This earthquake and tsunami are most definitely the final nails in the coffin of nuclear power in Japan. An earthquake zone like Japan is/was no place for nuclear power plants. Good riddance to nuclear power in Japan. No Japanese person will miss it. They will miss the electricity provided by them but will adapt to the 1/3 loss of electricty. No pro-nuclear politician can even dream of getting elected in Japan.

So they just run down to the local store and get a brand new power supply. What in the world can they do otherwise? Just in case you do not notice it, Japan does not have much of an alternative. solar is a joke; not there. Wind? at best a small part. What else is there? I am waiting.
Anjinsan;3877435 said:
4 in 100 years? I'd say they're fairly common given the age of the earth.

4 in the entire world stronger than what Japan had. In more than 100 years. I am trying to think of someone that could justify the expense on that premise.
DallasCowboysRule!;3877371 said:
I'm worried because I was supposed to live in Japan from August-December of this year but now the nuclear radiation issue has given me reason to perhaps cancel that trip. While the city I was going to be in is some distance from the reactors it is my understanding that if there is a meltdown that radioactive material could be carried by the winds and contaminate other parts of the island. Anybody know if my fears are justified and I should just stay back in the States?

My wife is Japanese and is struggling very much now. I wonder if she will ever go back to her country. Her parents live in Fujinomiya where there was just a second earthquake (6.4) today. I've been to Japan many times and was there recently in Sept. It would be tough to get me back on a plane to Japan anytime this year. I've been through 4 earthquakes (thankfully all small). Good luck if you go. It is an interesting country with wonderful people and great food.
DallasCowpoke;3877410 said:
Curious, how is it "media sensationalism" when they're quoting directly from what Japanese officials are reporting to the IAEA, ASN and the public?

Japan crisis now worse than Three Mile Island

"Worse than three mile island"="worse than a partial meltdown that was well contained, had very, very small amounts of radiation leak, and had zero impact on environmental (incl. human) health."
burmafrd;3877440 said:
So they just run down to the local store and get a brand new power supply. What in the world can they do otherwise? Just in case you do not notice it, Japan does not have much of an alternative. solar is a joke; not there. Wind? at best a small part. What else is there? I am waiting.

The Japanese are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Nuclear is just not an option anymore. The Japanese will have to adjust to using less power. Necessity is the mother of all invention. The Japanese public will have to cope with a 1/3 power cut. They will have to milk solar and wind for everything they can. Maybe they can use the underwater sea currents to produce power. They may have to shift their energy-intensive factories abroad or to China.
burmafrd;3877432 said:
Then you know nothing to compare this with Chernobyl. And you think someone should plan to build something that will withstand a 9.0 without problems. What fantasy land do you live in?

I didn't compare this accident to Chernobyl, I said it's a nuclear reactor. This plant is damn well capable of a Chernobyl like disaster. So, yes. They should make it withstand a 9.0 earthquake.

If you can't, then don't put it in populated areas.
nyc;3877434 said:
That is an ignorant statement, but I expected no less from you.
Read what the expert said. More and more people are coming out and saying this. Your type of ignorance is the reason we have such an inefficient power system in the US.
theogt;3876252 said:
That's a sufficient percentage of the population to affect these decisions, unfortunately.

Just watch things like Cops or bait car to understand that :D

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