Really burm. What exactly do you know about it? Are you saying the plant can't meltdown? That radiation can't be released? btw, I haven't been watching this on TV. To me *THIS* story isn't what I'm talking about, it's just an instance of what *could* happen.
I'm well aware of what radiation is and what it does. I don't need a mediot to tell me. I am pro nuclear energy, but I'm also extremely aware that it is infinity more dangerous than a coal or natural gas plant.
Some people have an extreme view of some subjects and some have a lackadaisical view. I consider myself very middle ground. I am for it as long as you can make it safe. I'm well aware that the people who build these with ever effort to make them safe. All I said is if you are going to build a nuclear power plant in an extremely volatile area, then it should be able to withstand extreme conditions. Japan is an extremely volatile area. They have lots of earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, typhoons, floods and giant mudslides all compacted into a relatively small land mass.
The Japaneses plant is sitting on an extremely active fault line, unlike the Comanche Peak plant in Glen Rose.