WRONG. I have always stated I am NOT against drafting a QB in the top 5-10 IF the value is there. At the end of the day, if the scouts like one of those QBs, they will be drafted.
The "Romo is old and injury plagued, we need his replacement in the near future" argument is an opinion nearly every agrees with. It doesn't need to be repeated a thousand times a day, we all get it.
The question needs to be why we NEED to draft one of those QBs in the top 5. I'm all for hearing an argument for it, but still waiting.
Although your stance is primitive, I will indulge you, hopefully on a level that you can understand.
"NEED" is a construct.
People view it in different ways.
You still with me? Good.
NEED can apply in many different ways.
NEED now. Or NEED in the future.
You focus on NEED now, you spend year after year, plugging whatever leak in the dam that was very obvious. But there are others, like QB that are slow leaks. They grow, year after year. You keep laughing it off and it grows. And even when it starts to show as kind of important, there are always other loud gushers that have to be plugged up, even though they do not threaten the integrity of the dam.
There is no good time to address this need. But the worst time is when you NEED one.
The QB position is always at a premium. There are always a collection of 5-8 teams, sometimes 8-12 if there were truly honest and did not have horses in the race, that NEED a QB.
NEED is a poor way to draft.
Jerry, Stephen and the rest of the clowns probably think just like you do.
Maybe that explains why we are celebrating our 20 year anniversary of our last SB appearance.
You think so?