Video: Why Zeke Couldn't Get Going vs Lions


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The contract ship has sailed.
That war is over. All the troops have returned to their countries and you are still holed up in your foxhole yelling about bombs that aren’t coming.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


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Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
WTH are you going on about son.

do you realize that you and I didn’t sign any contracts? Are you doing that weird thing fans do where they forget who they are and who they are talking to.

that war is over. Close your gawd dim legs.


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WTH are you going on about son.

do you realize that you and I didn’t sign any contracts? Are you doing that weird thing fans do where they forget who they are and who they are talking to.

that war is over. Close your gawd dim legs.

By your rationale, only people who make decisions that effect the team can speak about the team in a Cowboys discussion forum.


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By your rationale, only people who make decisions that effect the team can speak about the team in a Cowboys discussion forum.
No but you are going on about a point that isn’t relevant in any way to this thread. You are hurt because you didn’t get Jerry to do what you wanted and you are still trying to fight with fans about a closed issue.

Zeke is earning his 6.2m salary this year.
Is Tyron Crawford?
Is Travis Frederick?
Is Jaylon Smith?

Stop troll jacking a thread with crap that doesn’t even matter anymore.

it’s weird.


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No but you are going on about a point that isn’t relevant in any way to this thread. You are hurt because you didn’t get Jerry to do what you wanted and you are still trying to fight with fans about a closed issue.

Zeke is earning his 6.2m salary this year.
Is Tyron Crawford?
Is Travis Frederick?
Is Jaylon Smith?

Stop troll jacking a thread with crap that doesn’t even matter anymore.

it’s weird.

I would comment about their contracts in posts about those players. In any case my point still stands - - both Zeke and the oline aren't playing as well as in years past as far as running the football.


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Our fans have to blame someone now that Dak is playing up to their "standards". Zeke fits that criteria unfortunately. If he has a 100+ yard game again, they'll find someone else to blame :facepalm:.
No they won't , they will just say he should have had 200 and broken a long one.
We saw that a few weeks ago!


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Oh I see. I’m talking to someone who is arguing from the position that Zeke isn’t even a “good” RB now.

Baldingers 2 plays is like showing Tom Brady’s 2 incompletions and pretending he is awful because a guy was open somewhere. It’s meaningless without looking at all the plays.

You want to support your narrative so you reach for 2 plays that tells you how right you are and pretend to ignore the rest of the truth.


so you ignore the guys who actually speak about every play over 2 games because it doesn’t agree with you and hyper focus on 2 plays that do.

pretty lame dude.
No, I’m not saying Zeke’s no longer “good.” I’m saying Zeke has not played “good” in the last 2 games.

In fact, he’s been awful in the last 2 games. Atrocious. And that may also be true of the run-blocking overall.

Spin that any way you’d like. You’re clearly a Zeke homer who’s incapable of being honest about his performance. I take no pleasure in Zeke’s struggles. I’m rooting for him to turn it around and start producing at an elite level again, starting Sunday.

It’s not just about 2 plays. I’ve asked you a couple of basic questions and I’ll ask them again.

Here’s another chance for you to show a shred of honesty. Don’t deflect. Answer these questions directly and honesty.

How many tackles has Zeke broken in the last 2 weeks?

How many defenders has Zeke eluded in the last 2 weeks?


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But unless you are 13 you should have learned by now that every team has limited carry backs that have good stats in limited carries and when given the full load it changes. This isn’t a new or radical concept either.


Exhibit A: Troy Hambrick. Looked GREAT in limited carries. Not so much as the starter.


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I suspect some people won't like the truth.
Its not because Zeke is slow, fat, unmotivated, or lost it.

This is the second week in a row this guy speaks about the run plays and why they failed.

It was not the most effective presentation between the talk and still photos, but Cavanuagh made his point nonetheless. Much of the Cowboys struggles in the run game were the direct result of things that they did rather than things that Detroit did. Their own personnel and formations invited the Lions to stack the box and stuff the run.

It sounds to me like they tried to copy what the Vikings were using effectively against them the week before. And they failed at it.


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What an amazingly useless comment.
Kinda like this thread.

It's mostly a joke to me with 90million. I know they are still stacking the box. I just get frustrated the dude can't keep his feet IF he gets through the front line.

But, I do like coming into threads with the 90 million lovers and trolling a bit. Sorry. LOL..

I hope the RB starts having lanes and the running game becomes dominant again. Passing game won't stay on fire forever.


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No, I’m not saying Zeke’s no longer “good.” I’m saying Zeke has not played “good” in the last 2 games.

In fact, he’s been awful in the last 2 games. Atrocious. And that may also be true of the run-blocking overall.

Spin that any way you’d like. You’re clearly a Zeke homer who’s incapable of being honest about his performance. I take no pleasure in Zeke’s struggles. I’m rooting for him to turn it around and start producing at an elite level again, starting Sunday.

It’s not just about 2 plays. I’ve asked you a couple of basic questions and I’ll ask them again.

Here’s another chance for you to show a shred of honesty. Don’t deflect. Answer these questions directly and honesty.

How many tackles has Zeke broken in the last 2 weeks?

How many defenders has Zeke eluded in the last 2 weeks?
Kind of weird how this guy reviewed on video every carry over the last 2 weeks and come to a completely different conclusion. This guy at least works in the business and is being paid to break down the film.I guarantee you have not reviewed all the carries from the last 2 games. You don't have all 22 access. You are some dude trying to argue on a message board.
So from a credibility standpoint you are outclassed and it isnt even close.

Direct answer. I don't know. Since the average back probably averages about 8 broken tackles per season and considering most of these broken tackles are on the perimeter against smaller DB's I would guess the number for be pretty low in 2 games where he had multiple defenders in the backfield before he even got to the LOS. You are putting more stock into a broken tackle stat that you clearly don't understand as fully as you like to think you do. These guys are not breaking tackles from defensive linemen and LBers.

But go ahead and share whatever stat you looked up that you clearly are so excited to throw out like it matters. Go ahead and have you failed dropped mic moment.


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Kind of weird how this guy reviewed on video every carry over the last 2 weeks and come to a completely different conclusion. This guy at least works in the business and is being paid to break down the film.I guarantee you have not reviewed all the carries from the last 2 games. You don't have all 22 access. You are some dude trying to argue on a message board.
So from a credibility standpoint you are outclassed and it isnt even close.

Direct answer. I don't know. Since the average back probably averages about 8 broken tackles per season and considering most of these broken tackles are on the perimeter against smaller DB's I would guess the number for be pretty low in 2 games where he had multiple defenders in the backfield before he even got to the LOS. You are putting more stock into a broken tackle stat that you clearly don't understand as fully as you like to think you do. These guys are not breaking tackles from defensive linemen and LBers.

But go ahead and share whatever stat you looked up that you clearly are so excited to throw out like it matters. Go ahead and have you failed dropped mic moment.
So 0 and 0?

You didn’t mention the number of defenders he eluded. Not surprising. I’ll assume that’s a big fat 0.

LOL do YOU have all-22 access?

Why don’t you watch his carries and answer the questions?

If not, you’re full of it.

Oh, and only a clown thinks you need all-22 access to determine whether or not a RB broke any tackles or eluded any defenders. Cute deflection.

Brian Baldinger doesn’t just break down film. He actually PLAYED THE SPORT too. And he ripped Zeke for his lack of production while providing video evidence.


LOLLLLL “multiple defenders in the backfield before reaching the LOS” hahahahahahaah

I’ll ask you another direct question. DON’T DEFLECT.

Oh how many of his 36 carries over the last 2 weeks do you think Zeke was met with “multiple defenders in the backfield before reaching the LOS”????

I’m sure you won’t answer that. Pure fiction.

“These guys are not breaking tackles from defensive linemen and LBers.”

LOL what? Dalvin Cook made our LBs whiff all night.

But I’m sure the Vikings and Lions LBs are all Dick Butkus reincarnated!!!


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So 0 and 0?

You didn’t mention the number of defenders he eluded. Not surprising. I’ll assume that’s a big fat 0.

LOL do YOU have all-22 access?

Why don’t you watch his carries and answer the questions?

If not, you’re full of it.

Oh, and only a clown thinks you need all-22 access to determine whether or not a RB broke any tackles or eluded any defenders. Cute deflection.

Brian Baldinger doesn’t just break down film. He actually PLAYED THE SPORT too. And he ripped Zeke for his lack of production while providing video evidence.


LOLLLLL “multiple defenders in the backfield before reaching the LOS” hahahahahahaah

I’ll ask you another direct question. DON’T DEFLECT.

Oh how many of his 36 carries over the last 2 weeks do you think Zeke was met with “multiple defenders in the backfield before reaching the LOS”????

I’m sure you won’t answer that. Pure fiction.

“These guys are not breaking tackles from defensive linemen and LBers.”

LOL what? Dalvin Cook made our LBs whiff all night.

But I’m sure the Vikings and Lions LBs are all Dick Butkus reincarnated!!!
That’s your response?
You think my job is to be your research assistant?
I love a good debate but you are not capable of formulating one.
Go answer your own questions and then I’ll ask you a bunch of weird question and then post a bunch of childish emojis when you don’t spend half a day rewatching the game to answer my pointless questions.

here I’ll give you a preview.

I’m not trying to be rude but be honest. You are not over 18 yet are you?


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Good points.
It obvious some guys are getting physically beat in the run game but I am wondering if the problem is mental as much as physical.
It sounds like almost every run play at least 1 guy completely missed the assignment, released his guy too soon, or was just not in the right space.

We don't have the inside scoop to know how much of a difference in play design now vs 2 years ago.

This realization will be dismissed by the anti Zeke trolls we have around here. They prefer to think on the surface and considering the running game problems to be more than just the guy with the ball in his hands will be rejected.
It’s crazy because Colombo is the line coach and had them run blocking well. I have heard that they aren’t zone blocking anymore, I wonder if that has something to do with it.