Wicked Pissah!

I am so Southern, I drop my g's from writin' and have to use a ' instead so I am not savin' anything except the g on my keyboard and this is a Walmart rental and when I return it, they will check character usage. And man, I've been usin' a lot of characters( pun fully intended), may have to take a part-time job just to pay the overage fee.
I am so Southern, I drop my g's from writin' and have to use a ' instead so I am not savin' anything except the g on my keyboard and this is a Walmart rental and when I return it, they will check character usage. And man, I've been usin' a lot of characters( pun fully intended), may have to take a part-time job just to pay the overage fee.
Sometimes context demands the omission of the "g".
If I'm speaking in the vernacular of a hillbilly, annunciating in proper English doesn't work; i.e. "Ahma going to go fishing today, Maw."

Now, first of all, we know he's goin' afishin', on accounta he's a hillbilly, an' they all goes afishin' ever' day.

Second, the "g" just ruins the flow of the speech, and you might as well be hearing Lundy, when he says "Y'all".
I hate change. I refuse to bend the knee
Ha, young man. Wait until you're older and really get set in your ways.

However, it is the circle of life and it comes full circle with changes. We start having our diapers changed and end up having our Depends changed. In between that, a might fine woman tries to change us.
I like the echo effect and sometimes like to yodel when I am in there. Helps keep the lines down as well.
I like to add sound effects especially if I'm using a public one and there is someone in the stall next to me.
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