Will Curtis Martin break Emmitt's record?

He has a shot, but he's too old to keep going at this pace. Also consider how stubbornly dedicated Jerry was to keeping Emmitt in the starting lineup and not replacing him. I think the Jets are too interested in remaing competitve to be that stubborn (or incompetant).
At best, C Mart could do it in 3 seasons, even that would leave him at 35 and needing about 1400 yards. Not gonna happen....
Not likely- remember all Dallas had at the time Emmitt broke the record was just that- no playoffs, etc. If the Jets continue to be a playoff team, they will not keep Martin in there past the point of him really being able to excell. Emmitt was only partially a real threat the last two years he played with the boys- he could get up for big games but he just did not have enough left to do it every game.

Also- Martin has a lot more mileage on him then Emmitt did at the same point in their careers- just do not see him being able to keep up the pace. Maybe one more really good year and that is it.
If he gets more yards than Emmitt, then yes, I think Martin will break the record.

If not, I think it's going to be very difficult. :D
Dinobot 2 said:
Ahahahaha. C'mon man. I would think that I carried out my opinion better than anyone else on that topic.
I got no problem with you...its DinGo bot i want ;). I don't know, I just don't like being called a homer.
Tio said:
I got no problem with you...its DinGo bot i want ;). I don't know, I just don't like being called a homer.

Yeah I thought that's what might have done it.
6 votes for Martin thus far.

All coming from, hmmm, Jets/Skins/Eagles/Giants fans.
NO...three simple reasons
Money or cap if you prefer
The odds are stacked against him.
Very few backs have the situation Emmit had. He combined hard work,luck and a franchise that worked to make sure he got the title.
Does anything think he is going to be averaging 85.67 yards per season after he is 35?[/QUOTE]

yes, yes I do (sorry couldnt resist)
My response was no he won't and basically for the same reasons that have been stated in this topic over and over. RBs lose it pretty quickly, one year they're great, the next year they struggle to break 500 yards. I think we are starting to see that with guys like Faulk and Holmes, although Holmes is still putting up decent numbers thanks to less wear and tear early in his career, but injuries are starting to hit him a little more.

I think the guy currently who has a better shot is LT, especially the TD record.
twa said:
NO...three simple reasons
Money or cap if you prefer
The odds are stacked against him.
Very few backs have the situation Emmit had. He combined hard work,luck and a franchise that worked to make sure he got the title.

Those very reasons are exactly why he will.
5000 yards is still 5000 yards.

considering martin's age my answer is "no".

what emmitt did should not be taken for granted. it goes beyond basic math principles and extrapolative formulae. it was about determination and an overwhelming desire coupled with a miraculously durable body.

emmitt has the record because emmitt wanted the record more than anybody since payton.

i think martin exhibits the same trait of durability. but does he have that same determination and drive to get the record? and to keep it?

ask me again in two years.
5000 injury free yards at his current pace.

sorry it ain't happenin. Good back but resiliency for the next 4-5-6 years....out of his control.
stag hunter said:


He is on pace, and is showing no signs of slowing down. His 9th season has thus far been his best one. And the remarkable thing is he's done all this without nearly the supporting cast Emmitt had.

This may have been addressed already, but Martin already has 10 seasons under his belt, not 9 -- 2005 will be his 11th year.

At the same point in his career, Emmitt had 13,963. Martin is certainly close to being on pace, but would have to average nearly 1,000 yards for another 5 seasons to edge Emmitt. He might be able to do it, but I'd be surprised to see him have that sort of longevity.
AdamJT13 said:
Here's some evidence suggesting that Martin will have a very difficult time breaking the record --

Martin has played 10 seasons and has 13,366 yards (third-best all-time after 10 seasons, behind only Barry Sanders' 15,269 and Emmitt's 13,963, and just ahead of Walter Payton's 13,309). Martin just completed the best 10th season in NFL history, 1,697 yards, breaking Payton's record of 1,684.

The best 11th season in NFL history belongs to Payton -- 1,551 yards. Nobody else is within 300 yards of that. (Emmitt is second at 1,203.)

The best 12th season in NFL history belongs to John Riggins -- 1,347 yards. Only Payton's 1,333 is within 300 yards of that. (Emmitt is fourth at 1,021.)

The best 13th season in NFL history also belongs to Riggins -- 1,239 yards. Nobody else is within 250 yards of that. (Emmitt is second at 975.)

The best 14th season in NFL history belongs to Marcus Allen -- 890 yards. Nobody else is within 200 yards of that. (Emmitt had 256.)

So, even if Martin matched the best 11th season, the best 12th season, the best 13th season AND the best 14th season in NFL history (at which point he'd be 35 years old), he'd still have only 18,393 yards -- just 38 yards more than Emmitt's record. If he falls short in any season, he'll almost certainly fall short of the record.

Martin has the disadvantage of being a year older than Emmitt and Payton at the same stage of their careers, and the other two running backs whom he has to match (Riggins and Allen) didn't have anywhere close to the wear and tear in their first 10 seasons as Martin (or Emmitt). Riggins averaged only 185 carries in his first 11 seasons, and Allen averaged only 191 carries in his first 13 seasons. Martin has averaged 330.

If Martin can manage to be that successful in his 11th, 12th, 13th 14th and/or 15th seasons AND match or break Emmitt's records for consecutive seasons as a feature back (13), total seasons as a feature back (14) and career rushing attempts (he almost certainly would have to, since his average per carry is lower than Emmitt's), all while being a year older than the man he's chasing, then he would deserve to hold the record. But I just don't see him even coming close.

I voted no because...well...what he said. :signmast:

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