Will Jerry ever bring in a proven HC again?


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I think Stephen will bring in a face-of-the-franchise coach. He has no need for the spotlight. If rumors are true he would have been the reason the "front office considered firing Garrett".
I’ve believed from the beginning when Jerry named Garrett” the future of the Dallas Cowboys” that he had long term plans for him beyond coaching.

And I have maintained thru the years is the only thing that makes sense for their most unusual situation.

Why else would Jason have passed on the other HC positions and why would Jerry go to such lengths to defend Jason?

Nothing else has made sense to me beyond Jerry becoming so close to finally proving he can win without a more proven HC.

But Jerry’s intent on proving Dak was the right decision for pushing Romo out the door has somewhat changed my outlook on Garrett’s future. I’m not sure anyone is safe as long as Dak is here. He’s Jerry’s new Golden horse.