Well think about it it's not just a reservation if you want things to change you have to scrap it from top to bottom therefore if we have the same ownership and he finally gives up his GM title you really want the guy who's been his assistant GM the whole time it doesn't make a lot of sense to me at all I mean none you have to go out and hire the best GM possible don't even have to be a full football guy I mean you can get a GM like a ceo from another company that might have a better perspective anyone with a new fresh pair of eyes and it completely different perspective than the things that have been going on behind the walls of the star and the ranch for so long now we need something different if not it's status quo and like I said probably status quo anyway...
If Jerry Jones is still the owner or say Jerry passes in Stevens the owner and they get A GM here either scenario give up the title get an outsider as A GM do you really think things are gonna change when the Jones family still have the final veto they have the deciding votes just like a board of directors for major corporation.
I mean even if Jerry decides to get a new GM it relinquishes the title how will things change if he has a final say how will the culture truly change the culture's not going to change here until the Jones family sells the team you have too many of the same voices in the same reasoning and that includes will mcclay because he's Jerry's guy right now you make him the official GM which we all know he's basically does 50% of the GM duties how is anything gonna change?
get ready for more of the same until this franchise is sold to a different ownership group and by the way that also no guarantee I watched the Jaguars I watched other franchises leave their states change their names and has that helped the Browns any the Browns are still the Browns the same old Browns I mean I know that Houston looks like they're improving but what did the Oilers the Texans and hell let's just stretch it out to the Titans since they're the ones that left do they have a championship they have 0 championships between all three names I mean you guys just think that we're going to get rid of this ownership who has at least made us relative we're still a prime Time Team that's talked about a lot we still fill up stadiums and we still finish in most years top 6IN regular season wins literally we've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years we are better than most of these teams that we talk about I know our expectations we want to be talked about like the top five teams or the top three teams or hopefully the top two teams that are playing in the Super bowl we want to be looked at like another dynasty but making changes you all think it's going to change anything around here for the better there's not always the grass is greener on the other side we could go through decades being like the Browns until we find something..
That's all I'm trying to say you can make all the changes you want I see teams do it all the time they fire their head coaches their GM and get a new quarterback every 10 years and they don't even get improved.. Yes it can happen sometimes but these scenarios they're all not a blueprint they're not guaranteed and that's why I always go back to what Jerry keeps saying about him relinquishing GM he still would have the final say in almost all matters even though I know it's a consensus and they all talk and i and i also say if he sells the team that doesn't mean anything will improve soon like we're going to be a dynasty again.
maybe, you want to show me where that scenarios or blueprint has or is working for other teams who immediately are back winning regular championships. i mean it took the Kansas city chiefs 52 years to get another super bowl win, our 28 years isnt even half way there yet in our current drought, i mean Cincy finally 31 years between losing SBs no SB wins..
in my opinion the best we can hope for is the next head coach and the staff, we get lucky catch fire you know like the luck of getting B2B franchise qbs without trying. maybe our next staff just hits right , ill take dumb luck right now