Will you now trust "the process"?

waving monkey

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You're making quite a bit of assumptions about me and about the inner workings of the front office. Believe me I'm enjoying the hell out of the season, I'm not a bitter or negative fan in any capacity. I don't necessarily buy in completely that Garrett is responsible for all of this. And that's ok. I haven't even said anything negative about him. You're starting to strike me as someone who can't formulate an argument. That's ok too. I want all fans to enjoy being a fan.
that's OK ,we're fans


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If we signed him for the contact he got from the Eagles and he had the season he did last season, we would all be posting about what a horrible signing it was. Period. End of story. You have no idea how he would have played last year. So to say we bungled it could be completely wrong, it is all conjecture at that point.

He could have signed that 4/25 and stayed in Dallas he knew how Garret, Tony and others felt about him. He had over a week to look at that contract. Instead HE went to Chip and practically begged the Eagles to sign him (from reports). Instead he went with the money, that was his decision. I get where you are coming from but from where many look at it, the team is much better off with the situation as it is now regardless of the use of a "premium" pick.

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. The "bungling" was not JUST letting the offensive player of the year and identity of our team walk, it was also missing out on his replacement in the following draft. There was a run in the 2nd round that clearly caught them off guard along with Gregory falling, but In general the whole thing from Murray leaving, to relying on randle and missing out in the draft.

As far as Demarco being able to accept the contract, that's a valid point, but unfortunately he reacted like a woman scorned. That's in large part due to how they handled things. Dez was clearly the priority, they low balled him, the media was deafening talking about how callously Dallas was running him into the ground only to discard him and they didn't really show anything to the contrary. For a team and owner that historically rewards their stars, fresh off a special season and a guy who clearly said the money wasn't his motivation, the opportunity was there for all sides to be happy and instead they treated him as predicted. It's business I get it, but it was handled poorly and backfired (until now)

And aside from Dak the team is practically in the same situation it was in in 2014 (offensively) The pick isn't trivial either but we apparently won't agree. Cool


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As far as the "process", it took some time, but its led to us having fixtures on offense for the next decade. Including 3 All-Pro OL, an All-Pro RB, a young QB who's setting all kinds of records as a rookie, and a talent at WR that has All-Pro type potential.

Aside from WR, you could say the core of the offense is set for the long-term with great talent.

Defense needs some work, but we have a smart safety with all kinds of athleticism, who can come down to the slot and cover, a young DT in Collins who looks like he'll be a talent, and if Jaylon turns out, you have your LB for the next decade as well. Brown is going to be an interesting piece in the future.

We need to be better at drafting guys who are risky, but there's a ton of young talent on this team. You can't really argue against the "process" right now.


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Having a difference of opinion is immature?

Jerry loves Garrett and has given him a longer leash than any coach not named Jeff fisher. He's failed and underperformed consistently but kept his job and had responsibilities stripped. Maybe he's responsible for the turn around. Maybe it's in spite of him. Maybe it's both. That's my biggest reservation with heaping praise on him. Call it what you will

I have to agree with *part* of this. I think it's difficult to compare Jason to other coaches as his circumstances are very unique.

Garrett has challenges other coaches don't have. He must endure Jerry injecting himself into things decisions and team management. The culture that Jason must endure undercuts--or outright usurps--his authority. The culture can tend to be quite lax and soft as Troy Aikman testifies.

Also, Garrett has little direct control over the offense or the defense. He doesn't generally call the plays on either side of the ball, nor is he the principal engineer of the schemes or playbooks. Marinelli rules the defense. Linehan the offense.

A lot of head coaches are quite involved in either the offense or defense--or even both.

I think the vast majority of fans would be surprised how little control Garrett has. Jason gets a lot of undeserved criticism...and underserved praise. He's not really the one piloting the ship like you'd think.


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As far as the "process", it took some time, but its led to us having fixtures on offense for the next decade. Including 3 All-Pro OL, an All-Pro RB, a young QB who's setting all kinds of records as a rookie, and a talent at WR that has All-Pro type potential.

Aside from WR, you could say the core of the offense is set for the long-term with great talent.

Defense needs some work, but we have a smart safety with all kinds of athleticism, who can come down to the slot and cover, a young DT in Collins who looks like he'll be a talent, and if Jaylon turns out, you have your LB for the next decade as well. Brown is going to be an interesting piece in the future.

We need to be better at drafting guys who are risky, but there's a ton of young talent on this team. You can't really argue against the "process" right now.

If will McClays nickname is the process I agree

waving monkey

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You're misunderstanding what I'm saying. The "bungling" was not JUST letting the offensive player of the year and identity of our team walk, it was also missing out on his replacement in the following draft. There was a run in the 2nd round that clearly caught them off guard along with Gregory falling, but In general the whole thing from Murray leaving, to relying on randle and missing out in the draft.

As far as Demarco being able to accept the contract, that's a valid point, but unfortunately he reacted like a woman scorned. That's in large part due to how they handled things. Dez was clearly the priority, they low balled him, the media was deafening talking about how callously Dallas was running him into the ground only to discard him and they didn't really show anything to the contrary. For a team and owner that historically rewards their stars, fresh off a special season and a guy who clearly said the money wasn't his motivation, the opportunity was there for all sides to be happy and instead they treated him as predicted. It's business I get it, but it was handled poorly and backfired (until now)

And aside from Dak the team is practically in the same situation it was in in 2014 (offensively) The pick isn't trivial either but we apparently won't agree. Cool
just not true,period

Outlaw Heroes

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It should be based primarily on the players available, not on need.

Don't confuse the draft and free agency. If you're going to make a splash in FA it has to be for a premier player at a position of need. Regardless, cheap FA signings are a good way to cover off immediate needs so that the draft can focus on the best players available.


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Don't confuse the draft and free agency. If you're going to make a splash in FA it has to be for a premier player at a position of need. Regardless, cheap FA signings are a good way to cover off immediate needs so that the draft can focus on the best players available.
Draft best player available screw position of need.


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Even before the beginning of the very first draft and preseason as Head Coach, Jason Garrett described, on several occasions, exactly and presicely how he was going to build this team.

In detail, he described the kind of players he wanted, "the right kind of players" his philosphy on team chemistry, "guys that will fight for each other", his method of coaching, "competition, next guy up", and talent acquisition strategy, "proper value, don't trade future for present".

Everything you can see about this team is almost an exact image of his blueprint.

I say "almost" because there were a few battles he lost. However, it could have been far far worse and I think Garrett has no greater ally than Stephem Jones.

It is still easy to pick out the "Jerry" moves.

The fact that Jason even had to bare the burden of who the GM is and the lack of credit he recieves is a tribute to his patience, perserverence and loyalty.

When Jason wins a championship, and he will, he will go down in Cowboy history alongside Tom Landry and Jimmy Johnson as a builder, one who enhanced this franchise's great legacy.

You may disagree, I think that would be very risky considering that Jason Garrett has done everything he said he would do so far.


Junior College Transfer
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2012 marks the last season we were players in free agency. We signed Brandon Carr and a host of other players in hopes of making a run. In the draft, we rolled the dice again by trading a premier draft pick to pick a flashy player (Claiborne) that was ranked at the top of our board. We were rewarded with an 8-8 season.

Since then, it seems our entire offseason outlook has changed. No longer do we chase after free agents or trade away valuable draft picks to move up in the draft. We have even slowly gotten away from the annual restructuring of big contracts and have accepted the fact that sometimes over priced veterans need to go. The team now sets a price on free agents and shows patience. They absolutely refuse to overpay for anyone. This strategy also shows in the way they draft, they have shown a real commitment to drafting the BPA and not reaching for needs. We could've easily made a splash and drafted a Carson Wentz this past offseason and paid half as much as the Eagles but we showed patience and our patience was rewarded with 4 potential long term impact players.

Yet every season, we have some fans and media belittling "the process" and stressing that the team must spend big money or trade draft picks to fill their needs. When free agency does come and you notice that, once again, we are not chasing after the high priced pass rushers but signing role players and looking towards the draft, will it still bother you? Has Will McClay, the Joneses and Garrett shown enough by building this roster to buy a little patience from you?

I have grown disgruntled at times during the offseason but I have always known that free agency is usually not the place you go to give your team significant upgrades. I have respected the fact that we are trying to mimic teams like the Packers, Steelers and Patriots instead of teams like the Bucs, Eagles and Dolphins. It seems like Jerry has bought in to a more "boring" offseason approach and I believe we should all get used to it.

I know we have a lot of football to play but we have two weeks until anything meaningful happens for our franchise so I figured we can reflect a little bit on how most of us had doubt about the team's approach and how we feel now.

Good, thoughtful post.

But, bloke, I reserve the right to question what I dislike.

I happen to like the boring process of a potential 14-2 season. But that word "process" is a very vague term.
Does "the process" involve character of the player? Overpaying some? Game management? Jerryisms?

We cheer the Boys, we critique the dumb moves and Jerryisms, mate!


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Don't confuse the draft and free agency. If you're going to make a splash in FA it has to be for a premier player at a position of need. Regardless, cheap FA signings are a good way to cover off immediate needs so that the draft can focus on the best players available.

My point is not to force the issue. The right CB might not be available the year they "need" one. (i. e. Brandon Carr).

If the availability matches need then go for it, but some years there is just not a match of need and availability in terms of premium free agents.

When I say need I'm referring to both the actual need and when a team has the desire to spend the money (cap space).

The Cowboys have had a need at CB in years that they were not in the market to get one. The year they signed Carr they were in the market but the availability top CBs was not good.


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My point is not to force the issue. The right CB might not be available the year they "need" one. (i. e. Brandon Carr).

If the availability matches need then go for it, but some years there is just not a match of need and availability in terms of premium free agents.

When I say need I'm referring to both the actual need and when a team has the desire to spend the money (cap space).

The Cowboys have had a need at CB in years that they were not in the market to get one. The year they signed Carr they were in the market but the availability top CBs was not good.

Man... I was SO stoked to sign Carr and draft Mo.

Beside myself with excitement actually lol


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I'm OK spending big money on a free agent. I'm OK not doing it, too.

Depends on the player and the need.

I think we are now in a position to where spending some money on a FA to fill a need right away. We were not after the 2011 and 2012 seasons. Sure, we were one win away from a division title but those teams were never going to make any noise come playoff time. The defense was horrendous.

If there is someone that is a pass rusher this offense out there, spend the money if you think he can help. Although that's a premium position and most teams won't just let them walk unless they are in major cap trouble.

If we keep building in the draft and quit all these bluelight special type pick we love to do, we can then start drafting to add onto our roster, not to fill past mistakes and thereby just spinning your wheels. That describes our drafting for a long time now.