Will you really be surprised if Dallas beats the Giants?


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Will you really be surprised if Dallas wins?

I won’t because it took injuries and a poor game plan for them to beat us in the playoffs last season, and even then we finished 2-1 against them. Now we still have injuries, but they are more spread out, and I’m confident in the coaching staff to not be the reason we lose the game, should we lose it (with a poor defensive game plan like in last year’s playoffs). I also think we have better depth this year and as long as players get up for this game, I like our players’ chances of winning.

I also think Dallas will finally do what they have yet to do against the Giants, and that’s to use Demarcus Ware to pressure Eli Manning into mistakes. In fact, I view Eli Manning much the same as Jeff Garcia; both manage the game well as long as they have time to throw, but will easily throw picks if you disrupt them enough or force them to step up and make the play.

Everyone wants to focus on Justin Tuck in this game as a probable difference-maker for the Giants, but no one will still tell me how he’ll beat Marc Colombo, just like no one can really tell me how the Giants will stop Ware should Dallas choose to turn him loose.

Speaking of Brad Johnson, I’m not among the campers who believe he is a problem. While he is clearly not the long-term answer either at backup-QB, I think he can start to play well now that he has had two full weeks under his belt of practicing and playing with the starting offense. A lot of times a QB just needs to build timing with the WRs. And right now Johnson is 1-1 as a starter this season. So if you just go by his career stats, he should win this game and project to 2-1 rather than lose and fall to 1-2; again, more reason not to be surprised by a Cowboys victory.

In the end, I think how out OL plays will be the difference in the game. If they can control the Giants’ front-4 then Dallas will win, because I’m already confident that Dallas’ defense will step up to shut down the Giants. I think the OLine can do its part because it has done that against the Giants in the past, and our OLine is due for a good game. The only thing I’m really worried about on Dallas end is the special-teams coverage units, because if they play poorly then they can undo anything good that Dallas’ offense and defense does. Other than that, I'm pretty confident in Dallas' ability to win this game because the Ginats are simply not as good as their record, and Dallas is not as bad as theirs.


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AMERICAS_FAN;2383417 said:
Will you really be surprised if Dallas wins?

I won’t because it took injuries and a poor game plan for them to beat us in the playoffs last season, and even then we finished 2-1 against them. Now we still have injuries, but they are more spread out, and I’m confident in the coaching staff to not be the reason we lose the game, should we lose it (with a poor defensive game plan like in last year’s playoffs). I also think we have better depth this year and as long as players get up for this game, I like our players’ chances of winning.

I also think Dallas will finally do what they have yet to do against the Giants, and that’s to use Demarcus Ware to pressure Eli Manning into mistakes. In fact, I view Eli Manning much the same as Jeff Garcia; both manage the game well as long as they have time to throw, but will easily throw picks if you disrupt them enough or force them to step up and make the play. Everyone wants to focus on Justin Tuck in this game as a probable difference-maker for the Giants, but no one will still tell me how he’ll beat Marc Colombo, just like no one can really tell me how the Giants will stop Ware should Dallas choose to turn him loose.

Speaking of Brad Johnson, I’m not among the campers who believe he is a problem. While he is clearly not the long-term answer either at backup-QB, I think he can start to play well now that he has had two full weeks under his belt of practicing and playing with the starting offense. A lot of times a QB just needs to build timing with the WRs. And right now Johnson is 1-1 as a starter this season. So if you just go by his career stats, he should win this game and project to 2-1 rather than lose and fall to 1-2; again, more reason not to be surprised by a Cowboys victory.

In the end, I think how out OL plays will be the difference in the game. If they can control the Giants’ front-4 then Dallas will win, because I’m already confident that Dallas’ defense will step up to shut down the Giants. I think the OLine can because it has done that against the Giants in the past. The only think I’m really worried about on Dallas end is the special-teams coverage units, because if they play poorly then they can undo anything good that Dallas’ offense and defense does.

id be too excited......and it would show me how good we actually are..and how better we will be when Romo n Newman get back

so in a way ill be surprised...from a brad Johnson stand point


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It would be our biggest, sweetest victory in years. That includes the Grammatica FG game.


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It will show the depth of this team, and will be a extreme confidence booster in the locker room!!


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just saw on NFL Live were ranked 31st in forcing turnovers. we gotta improve that if we want to beat the Giants.


just trying to get better
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It'd be a very pleasant surprise to me if the Cowboys managed to win this one (especially given the injuries).

Danny White

Winter is Coming
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Any game we can with with Brad under center will be a surprise to me.

I'm stunned we won last week.

Don Corleone

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:rolleyes: come on now. You know that if the Cowboys should win, the media will simply claim that the Giants had an off day.


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Don Corleone;2383454 said:
:rolleyes: come on now. You know that if the Cowboys should win, the media will simply claim that the Giants had an off day.

That would be fine with me -- a win is a win.

But of course, we won't win.


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I would be happy as can be but not shocked or suprised since I think we can go to NY and pull out a win.


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Don Corleone;2383454 said:
:rolleyes: come on now. You know that if the Cowboys should win, the media will simply claim that the Giants had an off day.
who cares?
that's a W for us and a L for them.
who gives a F about the media anyways


1st Round Pick
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I would be shocked if we scored more than 1 Touchdown much less win the game if Johnson is the QB.


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I'll be happy if we don't get blown out like in St. Louis. If we keep it close and play with heart I'll be ecstatic. If we win it will be a miracle IMO. I'd be less surprised if Brooks started honestly. I just feel we have no chance with Johnson, he is totally ineffective at this point. He's BELOW bus driver ability.


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Well if Dallas is +3 in turnovers and Crayton throws deep to TO, they have a shot.


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CATCH17;2383465 said:
I would be shocked if we scored more than 1 Touchdown much less win the game if Johnson is the QB.

for real


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CATCH17;2383465 said:
I would be shocked if we scored more than 1 Touchdown much less win the game if Johnson is the QB.
It only took 1 touchdown last week ;)


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bbgun;2383426 said:
It would be our biggest, sweetest victory in years. That includes the Grammatica FG game.


Win or lose I'm glad I'll get to watch it. Its actually kind of nice to know we're going in as true underdogs. Hopefully it gives the team fire.


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I wouldnt be suprised at all.

It would mean that this team dug down deep and played ALL OUT.

Something that would pay dividends down the stretch and come playoff time. I think there really is a method to all this madness :)