Will you really be surprised if Dallas beats the Giants?


Kane Ala
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Rampage;2383436 said:
just saw on NFL Live were ranked 31st in forcing turnovers. we gotta improve that if we want to beat the Giants.

We are dead last in field position, too. So no turnovers, lousy field position for us and great for the opposition. Small wonder we're struggling.

Just saw that hit our new punter put on the Bucs return man. Wow, he really jacked him up. Problem is the guy was at the 47 yard line when he tackled him. Other problem is the new punter hits people harder than our regular ST guys. Don't care for the sucks thing but our STs really suck.


CowBabe Up!!!
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I won't be surprised, but I will be sooooo happy. I hope preseason Brad shows up -- the one who manages a game well and plays adequately. That along with a good running game, inspired defense and competent special teams will give us a chance. Oh how we need a pick six in this one. Come on younguns, step up.


Well-Known Member
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I would be absolutely shocked if we won this game. I can not think of a game when I felt so little hope. I would probably have to go back to 2002, but even then we had Emmitt and also had the hope that Chad Hutchinson could have a good day just because of his arm strength.


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Yes I'll Be surprised........ We suck right now and that's the bottom line. Yes we beat tampa and Our defense stepped up but The Giants have a better Oline, a better running game and better passing game. Not to mention Our Defense has had one good game, Where is the consitancy?

And that's the least of our problems. We are depleted on Defense and offense and Our QB play is Horrid either way you look at it.

We are probably going to get pounded hard...If We win it will be a GIGANTIC VICTORY.


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I would be stunned if we win. I just can't imagine how we win with Brad Johnson. 13 points will not beat the Giants. I also can't remember having this little faith in the Cowboys chances in a game. Glad the bye week will be here.
Here's hoping we pull a big upset.


Well-Known Member
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Will I be surprised?

With the current slate of injuries?



Well-Known Member
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I'd love to say no.

Obviously, if we had our whole team, I'd say no. In fact, I don't even think that game would be close. Even if we had all the other injuries, but still had Romo, I think we'd kill them.

But with 3.7 yards per passing attempt, we're not beating anybody that our defense doesn't beat on their own... and that's basically not going to happen against the Giants.


Cowboy for Life
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yeah i'll be surprised. heck i'll be surprised if brad throws a pass for more than 5 yards. we at times did not execute with Romo starting , now we're supposed to execute with this dink/dunk brad johnson style of play? not happening.


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Yes, I would be very surprised if the Cowboys won; I certainly don't expect it. This group of players just hasn't shown much confidence or enthusiasm this year and Coughlin seems to be doing a pretty good job with his team. I saw it as a bad omen back in the spring when this team turned away Dom Capers to assuage the tender insecurities of Stewart; I thought that was not a good indicator at all and in fact I thought Dom Capers would probably be a better head coach than Cupcake. I still think so.



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Yes I'd be surprised. Our defense has got to show the same intensity several games in a row before I start believing in this defense.


Junior College Transfer
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It would be a big upset, considering our QB.

I still have faith in Garrett and faith that if the 'Boys can even keep it to 20, it might be possible.

Realistically, I just cannot see anything but a 30-16 Giants win.


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i wqould be beside my self cheering. if we were at full strength and on a streak with some swagger then no not at all . but now yes ha


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The Rams upset the Deadskins and us. So why not us?

Since we have the bye after this game, we should let it ALL hang out for this game. Go for broke and give it all. We should treat this game like it was a playoff game.


Well-Known Member
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I'll even be shocked if Dallas beats the spread (8.5 last time I checked).

That's a lot of injuries to overcome, but BJ is the real kicker. With Romo, it's a completely different ballgame.


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Short answer...Absolutely.

I dont think we'll be within 10 of them. Of course I'm hoping to be wrong. We're just too banged up.


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AMERICAS_FAN;2383417 said:
Will you really be surprised if Dallas wins?

Surprised?? Hell yeah!
SHOCKED is more like it, we are playing without our top 2 C.B.'s, starting S.S., Pro-Bowl T.E., pro-bowl Q.B. and offensive juggernaut Tony Romo, and have a Q.B. who can't throw a 5 yard out pattern even into the VICINITY of the W.R., so yeah, count me in as beg SHOCKED AND SURPRISED if we pull off this win.
Johnson will start, be pulled TOO LATE IMO to win, he'll play the 1st half, we'll be down by 17, and then we'll throw in Bollinger, he'll bring us back but too late, Bollinger needs to start IMO cause there's no way anyone can convince me we'd be better off with Brad Johnson after seeing him throw the ball 5 yards over the heads and behind receivers backs by 3 yards on FIVE YARD OUT PATTERNS, I'd rather have Jerry Jones try Q.B. or even do the wishbone with Isaiah Stanback at Q.B. which IMO would actually be a good idea, CERTAINLY better then 3 and out Brad Johnson!


Active Member
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Nope, I would be suprised if we don't win.

The Giants have feasted on the Rams, Seahawks and 49ers who are a combined 6 and 16, but have struggled with every other team.

The Commanders put up an offensive performance similar to ours against Tampa and had the chance to win the game at the end, the Bengals took the Giants to OT, the Browns ran right over them and most recently the Steelers lost because they didn't have their #1 RB, their #2 WR and lost their long snapper for the season, his replacement snapping over the head of the punter for the game tying safety plus the ball back, on a poor kick by the punter who had tweaked his hamstring.

We will have improved from the Tampa to Sunday. BJ will have had more snaps with the 1st string WRs, REW will have more of a grasp on the playbook, Spencer should return so we have more flexibility on pass rushes.

The Giants assume that they have the game in hand. There will be no excuses come Monday, Tuck.


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jobberone;2383991 said:
We are dead last in field position, too. So no turnovers, lousy field position for us and great for the opposition. Small wonder we're struggling.

Just saw that hit our new punter put on the Bucs return man. Wow, he really jacked him up. Problem is the guy was at the 47 yard line when he tackled him. Other problem is the new punter hits people harder than our regular ST guys. Don't care for the sucks thing but our STs really suck.

We lost that playoff game against the Giants for a number of isolated missteps but also because we are fundamentally unsound. The Giants special teams was a big factor in winning that game and correspondingly our special teams was a factor in that loss.

And now our ranking is dead last and even worse? Then add a quarterback who had less than an average arm throughout his career and now can't throw deep with any modicum of pace and accuracy -who will have a difficult time evading the pass rush?

This is a tall order to go beat a superbowl calibre team with a current 6-1 record that overcame the Steelers No. 1 defense on the road. That stated I hope most of us are wrong, that somehow some way Brad can and effectively go deep at times and we come up with a game plan that keeps the Giants off balance.

I am like an emotional yo-yo. I dread the prospect of our vulnerable team going on the road to beat this bitter rival, yet I am excited at the long shot prospect of our team causing a major upset. Life is a hamburger...