With WATKINS playing Centerfield, does Moss make the 2 TD catches?

chicago JK

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Lets hope Watkins can make the team first before we try to project him making key division league plays.

Bob Sacamano

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no, remember on the play before the 1st TD? Roy WIlliams let the ball hit his facemask, if that was Watkins back there...INT


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summerisfunner said:
no, remember on the play before the 1st TD? Roy WIlliams let the ball hit his facemask, if that was Watkins back there...INT

And unless Watkins is going to take Roy's position, this question is irrelevant. Maybe Watkins doesn't even make the mental recognition play that got Roy near the ball in the first place.

Bob Sacamano

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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
Heck yeah. I think those 2 plays cost us the season

naw, the season isn't decided in the 2nd week of the season, a shoddy kicking game and an injury to Flo shelved us

Bob Sacamano

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superpunk said:
If our FS had ANYTHING to do with that play, would people ever let it go?

I like to look at it more like assessing the effectiveness of Watkin's CFielder skills


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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
Heck yeah. I think those 2 plays cost us the season, also gave Washington and un needed cure to their awful offense, because before those 2 plays, they were trash offensively. After that, they knew who their weapon was.

You mean the previous 7 quarters their offense stunk against two very good defenses in Chicago & Dallas.

They knew who their weapon was before that, Santana was obviously the best receiver and fastest player on the squad.

Bob Sacamano

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superpunk said:
And unless Watkins is going to take Roy's position, this question is irrelevant. Maybe Watkins doesn't even make the mental recognition play that got Roy near the ball in the first place.

well he's going to be playing in the deep zone more than Roy will...


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summerisfunner said:
well he's going to be playing in the deep zone more than Roy will...

That's our hope - but on that play, it wouldn't have mattered. Both safeties were deep, and responsible for the interior receivers. Watkins doesn't make a difference in that game, IMO - unless he has wicked speed, and could've stopped Brunell on that 18 yard scramble - the TRULY pivotal play of that game.

jay cee

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speedkilz88 said:
Because Dallas puts Newman at the slot position which is more difficult to defend and has Glenn line up at Newman's normal spot on the outside. I would prefer they put Newman on the other teams best receiver.
I would also prefer to see Newman on the other teams best Receiver.

I don't know if this is true or not, but it seems to me that it is easier to get one of the outside receivers deep on those plays than it would be to get the slot guy deep.

If that is the case, then you have your worse cornerback guarding the guy that has the best opportunity to beat you deep. I don't like that matchup.

Yakuza Rich

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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
In your opinion, if Watkins was back there playing centerfield for the Cowboys on the Monday night game against the Deadskins last year(an experienced Watkins that is) does he make a play on both Moss deep touchdown catches in the 1st Washington game last year?

IMO, he does. Wiliams runs 4.53 with 30' veritcal, and Watkins 4.42 with 41' vertical. Not to mention, RW was inches from knocking both passes down, so that's an INT or knock down if Watkins was back there..

Cowboys win this game.

I don't think he does. The play was ran to the strongside of the field. Watkins would be playing the weakside of the field.

The big thing about this play, other than it wasn't Roy's responsibility, is that they were bad defensive calls by Zimmer. Up by 13, the only thing that puts Washington back into the game is a deep bomb. I could see the first call because Brunnell hadn't beaten anybody with the deep ball in the last two years. But after Brunnell beat them with the deep ball the first time, if I'm the D-Coordinator I make sure not to make the same mistake again.

The one thing about Davis and Pile is that people claim they "didn't lose Dallas any games last year." However, I think if they had a solid or even good FS, they'd have a guy that could win them games. The CB play and Roy were excellent last season and the pass rush improved. Despite that, Pile and Davis managed 0 INT's combined last season. With a solid to good FS, they should get at least 3 INT's.

Furthermore, Davis did help cost Dallas the Oakland game. He missed an assignment on a 79 yard pass to Randy Moss and that allowed Janikowski to score a FG. If you take away that 3 points, that leaves Dallas at the Oakland 5 yard line with a 23 yard field goal to tie the game and send it into OT.

Then again, I'm not sure Cortez could've made that :(



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DCowboyz said:
The thing I still don't get..
Why was Glenn covering Moss on those 2 plays instead of Newman..?
When the skins saw Glenn at CB, they some how took advantage of the situation ..
If I remember correctly on one of the plays Newman was on the sidelines after getting his bell rung.


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He is tall enough to maybe cause some problems for Moss.....how about the shorter Moss's


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twa said:
I would easily say he is better in coverage than Killer and the scouting reports and draft gurus would too...The knock on the kid is he rarely played as well as he is capable of...NOT that he couldn't play:D

Watkins potential is here :star:

level of play here :star:

Killers potential in coverage here :D

level of coverage play here :bang2:

Watkins dissapointing seasons are better than Killers;)

You're welcome to believe that, but I don't buy into the hype. The guy has potential, but right now his coverage skills aren't at the NFL level. He's never gone up against anybody like Randy Moss. Hopefully some practices against TO will prepare him.


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Yeagermeister said:
If I remember correctly on one of the plays Newman was on the sidelines after getting his bell rung.

LOL....I think you got the wrong game there, yeag....you get your bell rung too often?


No Quarter
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Cowboy_love_4ever said:
In your opinion, if Watkins was back there playing centerfield for the Cowboys on the Monday night game against the Deadskins last year(an experienced Watkins that is) does he make a play on both Moss deep touchdown catches in the 1st Washington game last year?

IMO, he does. Wiliams runs 4.53 with 30' veritcal, and Watkins 4.42 with 41' vertical. Not to mention, RW was inches from knocking both passes down, so that's an INT or knock down if Watkins was back there..

Cowboys win this game.
i tend to agree but the numbers, stats, etc. are meaningless except RW is just totally out of place in coverage like that. any legitimate FS would have had a MUCH better chance at preventing those catches (and many, many others) RW was involved in.


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superpunk said:
LOL....I think you got the wrong game there, yeag....you get your bell rung too often?
I'm getting old so my memory ain't......

What was I about too say?


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baj1dallas said:
You're welcome to believe that, but I don't buy into the hype. The guy has potential, but right now his coverage skills aren't at the NFL level. He's never gone up against anybody like Randy Moss. Hopefully some practices against TO will prepare him.

Niether are Davis's, Proof is the need to pickup Coleman and Watkins:cool:

I think TO and Terry will teach the rook a little humility :laugh2: ,which is a good thing to keep him open to working on technique(which he lacks somewhat)

Never said he was NFL ready,just much better than Davis in coverage now:)