Woman Behind Controversial Military Breastfeeding Photo is Fired from Her Job

Don't even understand why breastfeeding in public is an issue.

Don't care either way about it.

Just wish people would mind their own business and quit turning mundane things into hot topics of public discussion.

Also wish some of those on the other side of the coin wouldn't make an effort to turn their mundane act into a three ring circus. Handle your business as though you want to keep it your business.

Stupid topic all around.

I've seen maybe one mother doing it in the last however many years. Seriously, other than last week when I saw a mom doing it I cannot recall the last time I saw it happening.
Cythim;4594495 said:
The only thing in the picture that was controversial is the use of the military uniform. It cannot be used to make a statement like that.

A statement like ... "I'm feeding my baby?"
AbeBeta;4594657 said:
A statement like ... "I'm feeding my baby?"

A statement of support for an organization that is not related to the military. The women in the picture are acting as spokespersons for the military when they are not supposed to, unless they went through the PR department and got it all OK'ed, I haven't read enough about it to know if they did or not.
Cythim;4594668 said:
A statement of support for an organization that is not related to the military. The women in the picture are acting as spokespersons for the military when they are not supposed to, unless they went through the PR department and got it all OK'ed, I haven't read enough about it to know if they did or not.

The women in the picture are breastfeeding. Do you have a problem with them doing that in uniform. Yes or no?
AbeBeta;4594692 said:
The women in the picture are breastfeeding. Do you have a problem with them doing that in uniform. Yes or no?

She's not just breastfeeding. If she were, there would be no picture.

Obviously her act isn't the problem. It's her intent. To publicize the issue because she knows it's a hot topic.
AbeBeta;4594692 said:
The women in the picture are breastfeeding. Do you have a problem with them doing that in uniform. Yes or no?

The problem is using the uniform to make a statement. When you wear the uniform you are representing the military and you are not allowed to take it upon yourself to make a statement like that while in uniform. There is also an acceptable standard of conduct while in uniform, I have no problem with them breastfeeding in uniform if it does not breech that standard of conduct. You are trying to make an argument when there is none to make. There are rules to wearing the uniform and I am questioning whether they broke those rules.
Hoofbite;4594694 said:
She's not just breastfeeding. If she were, there would be no picture.

Obviously her act isn't the problem. It's her intent. To publicize the issue because she knows it's a hot topic.

I think you are confusing the woman in the picture with the women in the picture with the woman in the article.

How breastfeeding is a "hot topic" is remarkably absurd.
Cythim;4594706 said:
The problem is using the uniform to make a statement. When you wear the uniform you are representing the military and you are not allowed to take it upon yourself to make a statement like that while in uniform. There is also an acceptable standard of conduct while in uniform, I have no problem with them breastfeeding in uniform if it does not breech that standard of conduct. You are trying to make an argument when there is none to make. There are rules to wearing the uniform and I am questioning whether they broke those rules.

How can you infer intent from a picture? How do you know their intent wasn't simply to feed hungry babies?
AbeBeta;4594711 said:
How can you infer intent from a picture? How do you know their intent wasn't simply to feed hungry babies?
Dude did you read the article or just look at the boobs? The picture was part of a campaign used to promote breastfeeding in public.
speedkilz88;4594717 said:
Dude did you read the article or just look at the boobs? The picture was part of a campaign used to promote breastfeeding in public.

Dude? In what way is breastfeeding controversial? Even in public.
"According to Military Spouse Central, public displays of affection -- even something as innocuous as holding hands -- are not allowed while wearing a military uniform. Also forbidden while in uniform: eating, drinking, or talking on a cell phone while walking, carrying an umbrella that's not black, and (in some cases) smoking or even chewing gum."

Damn to think people volunteer to live by those rules.
wittenacious;4594637 said:

You may have crossed a line there. Be interesting to see what comes your way now.

You have to throw him a bone every so often to keep him entertained :D

CanadianCowboysFan;4594723 said:
"According to Military Spouse Central, public displays of affection -- even something as innocuous as holding hands -- are not allowed while wearing a military uniform. Also forbidden while in uniform: eating, drinking, or talking on a cell phone while walking, carrying an umbrella that's not black, and (in some cases) smoking or even chewing gum."

Damn to think people volunteer to live by those rules.

Feeding a baby is not "affection." It is necessary for the baby to continue living.

Is then the issue that the women are smiling at their babies?
CanadianCowboysFan;4594723 said:
"According to Military Spouse Central, public displays of affection -- even something as innocuous as holding hands -- are not allowed while wearing a military uniform. Also forbidden while in uniform: eating, drinking, or talking on a cell phone while walking, carrying an umbrella that's not black, and (in some cases) smoking or even chewing gum."

Damn to think people volunteer to live by those rules.

To think that there are people who go to work in suits each day because their employer demands it. I mean really, who cares that their employer pays them or that they could quit at any time. They should be able to go to work in the buff if they want to. After all, they are doing the employers a favor just by showing up and working and to ask anything else is just completely unrealistic.


AbeBeta;4594718 said:
And that is controversial in what way?

The health benefits of breast feeding for both mother and child are undeniable.

How many times do I have to say it? The use of the uniform in those pictures is the problem. Breastfeeding is a good thing and I have no problem seeing it done in public. In uniform to make a statement is a different matter.
Cythim;4594729 said:
How many times do I have to say it? The use of the uniform in those pictures is the problem. Breastfeeding is a good thing and I have no problem seeing it done in public. In uniform to make a statement is a different matter.

Is that statement that women who serve in the army breastfeed?

Seems like that is just showing that women from all walks of life breastfeed.

How is doing it in uniform a statement of anything?
AbeBeta;4594726 said:
Feeding a baby is not "affection." It is necessary for the baby to continue living.

Is then the issue that the women are smiling at their babies?

Well a baby can take formula, he doesn't need breast milk to survive. However, I have your point.

It is just some uptight individual firing them for showing their breasts in public. They can couch it by saying they disobeyed and did personal stuff on work time but there isn't one of us who doesn't do that at work, nor has that place fired everyone who does it. It was the boobs and military uniform that got them canned.

I really do not understand some of those rules though, can't walk and talk on a cell phone while in uniform, can't eat or drink while in uniform. What purpose do those rules serve?

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