Woohoo...Kornheiser might leave MNF after this season

The only thing I like about Tony is his uncanny way to make Theisman look like an idiot but I hate Theisman and want him gone so if he leaves, there is nothing left for Tony to do so he must go too. All in all, both of those idiots should leave, especially Theisman. I HATE theisman just as much as dale hansen. Them two will pay the ultimate piper.
BrAinPaiNt;1102033 said:
If anyone needs to leave MNF it is not Korny...It is Theezman.

Korny at least admits he does not know all that much about football, Theezman pretends he does.

bwahahah:lmao2: so true
ThreeSportStar80;1102067 said:
I actually think Michael Wilbon would have been a better choice, he's much knowlegable in my eyes.

Wilbon is too much of a pompus a** for me. Thinks he's all that because he "knows" Jordan, and is from Chicago. He's a fat, pompous a**. Oh yeah, did I mention Wilbon is a fat, pompous a**?

Prefer Kornheiser. And I'm like LTN - I like how he points out Theismann's endless inconsistencies. I also happen to think he'll get better and be more of his sarcastic, caustic self as time passes. Of which, I'm sure, Thiesmann would once again, bear the brunt. :)
They don't need three guys! Two is fine. Leave it at that. Why do they think the guys in the booth have to entertain us? We watch for the GAME!!!
odog422;1102226 said:
Wilbon is too much of a pompus a** for me. Thinks he's all that because he "knows" Jordan, and is from Chicago. He's a fat, pompous a**. Oh yeah, did I mention Wilbon is a fat, pompous a**?

Prefer Kornheiser. And I'm like LTN - I like how he points out Theismann's endless inconsistencies. I also happen to think he'll get better and be more of his sarcastic, caustic self as time passes. Of which, I'm sure, Thiesmann would once again, bear the brunt. :)

Can you describe Mike Wilbon in 13 letters?:lmao2: :lmao2:
Where am I going to get all my FF info if Tone leaves MNF? :confused:
I'd love to have Brad Nessler and Troy Aikman in the booth together.

I can do without Theisman just as much as anyone else, but the awkwardness and rudeness that Kornheiser brings is bad for the analysis of the game.
Sportsbabe;1102204 said:
I'm sick of them trotting these hollywood types into the booth every week. What is this, football or Late Nite with Tony Kornheiser???

Gee, SB, the last thing I think Kornheiser comes over as is "Hollywood".

I think he comes across pretty 'east coast wise-acre nerd' but with a heart of gold. Too many cliches there, I realize, but your post made me think about why I like Tony.

And that is that he can be sarcastic but is more often just witty. He can goad and taunt, but anyone who's caught his newspaper columns or his televised duet with Wilbon knows he's fundamentally a really 'nice guy'. For all their brash opinionated bombast, I think PTI works off the congeniality and decency of both men....towards their subjects and not just toward each other. Solid journalism pros, imo.

PTI is sort of the thinking fans' Jim Rome...edgy and silly at times, but with sound foundational quick takes..both Wilbon and Korenheiser value content over shock value, and even in the successive quick boisterous takes the format is based on, they know what/who they're talking about.

Skins fans may differ on that take, but screw them, anyway
Glenn Carano;1102132 said:
Vermeil is actually pretty good. Or at least he was. He did NCAA on ABC in between the Eagles and Rams coaching jobs, 83-96 I think. He wasn't bad. I think he teamed up with Musberger for awhile on the ABC broadcasts in the early to mid-90's.

I think that Vermeil is back doing NCAA games. I believe I saw him this past weekend doing a college game though I don't recall which one it was though.
I really want the crew of Vermeil, Jaws, and Nessler. Although it was just one game (Raiders-Chargers), I thought that was the best crew I've heard. They actually analyzed the game instead of making stupid broad generalizations.
LaTunaNostra;1102255 said:
Gee, SB, the last thing I think Kornheiser comes over as is "Hollywood".

I think he comes across pretty 'east coast wise-acre nerd' but with a heart of gold. Too many cliches there, I realize, but your post made me think about why I like Tony.

And that is that he can be sarcastic but is more often just witty. He can goad and taunt, but anyone who's caught his newspaper columns or his televised duet with Wilbon knows he's fundamentally a really 'nice guy'. For all their brash opinionated bombast, I think PTI works off the congeniality and decency of both men....towards their subjects and not just toward each other. Solid journalism pros, imo.

PTI is sort of the thinking fans' Jim Rome...edgy and silly at times, but with sound foundational quick takes..both Wilbon and Korenheiser value content over shock value, and even in the successive quick boisterous takes the format is based on, they know what/who they're talking about.

Skins fans may differ on that take, but screw them, anyway

Nooooo. I'm talking about the guest in the booth: Jamie Fox, Charles Barkley (I love both of them, but), the guy from Desperate Housewives, etc., etc.,. Every week, they bring somebody new into the booth to sit and chat.

Again, I love Tony. Everything you said about him is on point and is the reason why I like him.
Thehoofbite;1102039 said:
they need to can the etire crew.......they all suck......

cue hammer hitting nail on head!

I love Tony on PTI, but that's also based on the chemistry between Tony and Wilbon. In the booth, Tony just seems out of place. "Yes! He's on my fantasy team". Shut up Tony!
LaTunaNostra;1102047 said:
I hope not!

I can think of people I'd rather have in the MNF booth than Tony, but a lot more I'd hate to see there.

He can keep on pointing out Theisman's endless inconsistancies for years, and I won't grow tired of it. ;)

Sportsbabe;1102276 said:
Nooooo. I'm talking about the guest in the booth: Jamie Fox, Charles Barkley (I love both of them, but), the guy from Desperate Housewives, etc., etc.,. Every week, they bring somebody new into the booth to sit and chat.

Again, I love Tony. Everything you said about him is on point and is the reason why I like him.


Sorry, SB. One of those reading comp days, I guess.

But thanks for making me think about why I enjoy Tony, even if that wasn't your intent.

PS..I don't want ESPN/ABC/NBC/CBS/FOX using the booth to plug any stupid tv show with actor gibberish. Keep the series shill out of the game, please. But an annual visit by Sir Charles won't bother me. :)
WoodysGirl;1102024 said:
Tony Kornheiser might leave MNF

Those of you who dislike Tony Kornheiser might be happy to hear he might not return to the booth on Monday Night Football next season.

Kornheiser will be in Dallas, probably Saturday, getting ready for the Cowboys-Giants game on Monday night.

Maybe Matt Mosley will take over for Tony.

Posted by Calvin Watkins http://www.***BANNED-URL***/sharedcontent/dws/img/standing/icons/email.gif at 11:47 AM (E-mail this entry) | Comments (0)

Here's the problem..

Someone convinced ESPN that they needed someone that the casual fan or random watcher in middle america could associate with.. and we are not the casual fan or observer... which is why we prefer announcers with prior playing or coaching experience that give true valueable insight.

The problem is that they are trying to cater to like 5% of the audience. I mean Korny can't actually be that stupid.. he asked questions that are like half sarcastic/ half instigating.. and some are just plain stupid.. it's like he is trying to think of what his mother would ask... or like he thinks he is writing an article and needs to come up with some possible side storyline instead of just talking about what is happening on the field.

Oh and when are announcers going to stop talking over plays as they happen... two plays will go by and they are still talking about how they stay at the holiday inn last night..
Theisman is the best of the 3, and that is a telling sign of how ****ty MNF commentators are this year.
31smackdown;1102380 said:
Here's the problem..

Someone convinced ESPN that they needed someone that the casual fan or random watcher in middle america could associate with...

Dennis Miller was an attempt to reach out to the casual fan.

But the causal fan doesn't know Tony Kornheiser from a hole in the wall.

And I doubt Middle America fancies TK much more than any other section of the country..he's a little too "Washington Post" to be mainstream.

He's there for the Doctor Z crowd, imo. The fan who wants 'columnist' as opposed to ex-jock or color sidekick takes in a game.

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