Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

01/01/2024| Framed: 1 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: I've seen it, but a lucky guess.
Wordle: Lucky guess, not a bad day at all.

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4 guesses Tuesday (should have been 3, but second guessed myself on the second letter.)

Missed Framed. Never saw it. Knew what it was on the last frame, but at that point, who cares?
3 guesses Friday

You could have given me 20 years in a room with a blackboard, and I wouldn't have come up with that title. (Just my way of saying I've never heard of the Framed movie.)
01/06/2024| Framed: 5 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: I didn't see it, complete guess.
Wordle: Five, I guess it's just a five day.

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4 guesses Saturday.

I can't believe you both got the Framed movie in 5 guesses. I've never heard of it.
01/06/2024| Framed: 5 ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: I didn't see it, complete guess.
Wordle: Five, I guess it's just a five day.
You guys should both watch it. It's a Christopher Nolan movie. I love about everything he does. It was on Netflix awhile back, though I'm not sure if it's still on there or not.