Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

01/29/2023| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: Didn't see it, never heard of it.
Wordle: Not as bad of a fall as Detroit.

5 guesses Tuesday (same 4th guess as @Juggernaut )

Missed Framed. Never saw it, but thought I knew what it was by frame 4, just didn't care enough to try to remember the name.
Missed Framed. Never saw it, but thought I knew what it was by frame 4, just didn't care enough to try to remember the name.
Framed: Missed.

I have actually never seen that movie.
Surprised that you both didn't know it on the third scene, despite not seeing it.

Thought "these go to 11" was as common as the ultimate answer, "42." :laugh:
5 guesses Wednesday. Got what turned out to be the 3rd letter on the first guess, but took 4 more guesses to get it in the right spot.

Once again, never heard of the Framed movie...or if I have, I don't remember it. I've heard of the one about the other guy, but never saw that one either.
Wordle: 4

That's about the worse possible start you can get, but at least I had a nice recovery. lol

Framed: 5

Figured it out on that Frame. Not sure if I've seen that one, but put the clues together.
2 guesses Friday

3 for Framed. Never saw it, but I think it's pretty clear in the third frame. Now I have to go back and see what frame 6 is. I think I know what "iconic" shot it's going to be.

Yep, that's what I thought. :thumbup: