Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

01/23/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 4
Framed: Missed it, I might have seen it.
Wordle: Four, tried to find more vowels.

01/24/2023| Framed: 1 ––– Wordle: 3
Framed: Didn't see it, zoomed in on 1.
Read the name on the card: KRAMER

Made an educated guess and nailed it.

Wordle: Three, after staring at it awhile.

2 guesses Thursday (My first guess gave me the second letter, then a shockingly good guess)

2 for Framed
Great job on the double two day, especially after just getting only one letter from your first guess in Wordle. :thumbup:

Framed: 1

Classic movie!
I watched the Framed film last month during the holidays with another classic Christmas movie, Die Hard. :laugh:
Great job on the double two day, especially after just getting only one letter from your first guess in Wordle. :thumbup:

I watched the Framed film last month during the holidays with another classic Christmas movie, Die Hard. :laugh:
I don't remember the other vehicles being around the camper. I only remember it being alone on a beach, so my first guess was Independence Day.
I don't remember the other vehicles being around the camper. I only remember it being alone on a beach, so my first guess was Independence Day.
Interesting. I typed in Point Break; because of the surfboard, but wasn't listed.

Next typed Lethal Weapon. Too bad no Tom Atkins awkwardly holding eggnog.

Then I would've recognized it immediately. Atkins and his "Party Nogg." :laugh:
5 guesses Friday. Thought I had it on guess 2...then guess 3...then guess 4... Who'd have thought there were so many 5 letter words that start with those three letters?

Never heard of the Framed movie.