Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

Wordle: 2

BOOM! Now that's how you Saturday Wordle. :cool: (yeah, that was pure luck lol)

Framed: 2

I haven't seen that movie in......I don't even know how long. A long time though.

It's a 2 day!!! :thumbup:
02/04/2024| Framed: X ––– Wordle: 5
Framed: Didn't see it, maybe heard of it.
Wordle: 5 tries, picked wrong word on 4.

5 guesses Sunday (Picked the wrong first letter on guess 4)

1 for Framed. It was a long time ago, but the scene is pretty memorable. If you like a certain manly jawed woman you'll wanna watch it. It's one of, if not the first movie she's ever been in.
Wordle: 3

Got lucky on that one. I almost went with merge at the end, but something just told me to put verge and I got it.

Framed: Missed

Dang it!!! From Frame 3 and up it looked sooooo familiar, but I couldn't think of the name. It's been a long time since I've seen it.