Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

09/07/2022| Framed: 2 —–— Wordle: 3
Framed: Easy. I doubt anyone misses it.
Wordle: The three guess streak begins.
I tried the weekly TV game from the maker of Framed called Episode. Instead of 6 guesses, you get 10. There's 3 days left if you want to solve the first week. Here's the link: https://t.co/czCevOiEBp

Framed: 6 | Episode: 3 | Wordle: 3
Framed: Guessed this one, never seen it.
Episode: Easy, you'll get it well before 10.
Wordle: Whiffed on 1, just missed it on 2.
I tried the weekly TV game from the maker of Framed called Episode. Instead of 6 guesses, you get 10. There's 3 days left if you want to solve the first week. Here's the link: https://t.co/czCevOiEBp

Framed: 6 | Episode: 3 | Wordle: 3
Framed: Guessed this one, never seen it.
Episode: Easy, you'll get it well before 10.
Wordle: Whiffed on 1, just missed it on 2.
Episode 5. Wasn't even considering that as a TV show. I was expecting more like sitcom stuff.
Episode 5. Wasn't even considering that as a TV show. I was expecting more like sitcom stuff.
Understandable. It's almost a long miniseries. The first picture could've been from almost anything and I didn't recognized the setting in the second picture, but fortunately I was able to identify the third picture. I looked through the rest of the pictures and some of them could be mistaken for other period type shows. Fortunately the tenth picture is blatantly obvious, even to the most oblivious TV viewer.

I may like this weekly TV show guessing game, Episode. At least it's only weekly. There's still two days left if anyone else here wants to solve the first show. Here's the link: https://t.co/czCevOiEBp
3 guesses Sunday

4 for Framed
I chose the listed option of the title without the article. Why that was on the list that way, I don't know, but it cost me one guess.

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