Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

09/16/2022| Framed: 1 —–— Wordle: 5
Framed: Easy, recognized it immediately.
Wordle: I picked wrong letter on guess 4.
3 guesses Saturday

3 for Framed
Framed: 2 (been on a Framed roll last few days)

Wordle: 4

Sorry for the HUGE picture. Lol Trying this from my phone.

@Runwildboys has best score for today.

In Wordle that is, I killed it on Framed. :D

2 days left for Episode: t.co/czCevOiEBp

09/17| Framed: 1 | Episode: 8 | Wordle: 4
Framed: Easy, recognized it immediately.
Episode: Didn't follow the trend / watch it.
Wordle: An Improvement from yesterday.
09/21/2022| Framed: 3 —–— Wordle: 4
Framed: Easy, I doubt anyone misses it.
Wordle: Wasn't many options left after 3.