Wordle the word game that’s all the craze

09/10/2022| Framed: 3 1 —–— Wordle: 1 3
Framed: Maybe tough if you didn't see it.
Wordle: Another 2 guess day near miss.
Wordle 1?
I accidentally switched the scores for Framed and Wordle around yesterday. :D
3 guesses Sunday

4 for Framed
I chose the listed option of the title without the article. Why that was on the list that way, I don't know, but it cost me one guess.
Did the same thing, but on guess 2. :D
It's listed that way because they are two separate movies. Suicide Squad is the previous 2016 release, while The Suicide Squad is the significantly better release from 2021. ;)
Last edited:
09/11/2022| Framed: 3 —–— Wordle: 3
Framed: Made another whoopsie-daisy.
Wordle: Three 3 guess games in a row.