Words that you haven't heard or used in awhile

I knew an old, small in stature, elderly gentleman who was in the U.S. NAVY for like 9 years during the 1920's ( he unfondly relayed to me the fine art of shoveling coal) who turned straight HOBO during the depression era,,,he said they had a coded language ( kinda like ghetto graffiti taggers) as in if a woman would give you a potato to eat for pulling weeds or whatnot ,they would 'chalk' the sidewalk/ roadway with a 'checkmark' and the letter 'p' in front of her house , of course ,I was pretty young and took everything at face value ,but to this day,Im positive the ' p ' meant potato ,just as he relayed it to me.
My father-in-law ran away from home when he was 14 and rode the rails for 2 years and had some great stories of how the hobos looked out for him and taught him the ropes. He'd talk about these Hobo camps, close to the rails, and how it was a community and that they shared with each other. He also said they had to be careful because if they ran into the wrong people, men went missing and were never heard from and the cops didn't care most of the time.

He joined the Navy at 16, served in WWII, and when the war was over returned home to Little Rock, met the love of his life and started a family. There was no question where he would work, Missouri-Pacific RR and he worked the 3rd shift for the additional wage. His wife always made an extra sandwich for him to take to work in case he encountered someone doing what he used to do. He wasn't an educated man but what he learned between 14-16 was more than enough to help make a really fine man.

One thing he learned was no matter what you've got, you've got enough to help someone else. He'd take me fishing and between town and the lake was a place referred to as "shanty town", the poorest of the poor living in a very polarized Little Rock. We caught a lot of fish and never brought one home, he'd stop in "shanty town" and give them to people there. They all seemed to know him and called him "Mister Leroy". About the 3rd time we'd done this, I asked him if he'd always done that and he nodded and said "yep, that's the best fish you'll never taste".
Since words like "cool" and "hip" made a comeback, I wonder if groovy is due?

There is one word I could do without hearing again because of the misuse and overuse, awesome.
"Hip" is another word that was twisted and over-used. And now deconstructed to all hell. I believe James Baldwin (Invisible Man) wrote an excellent essay on what hip is and how it's been hacked to death (granted, this essay was written in the 60s or 70s, yet it's still very relevant)
What is a vato? I've never heard it before.

Slang word used between friends in my younger days....

I was about 5 years old when I learned it from my dad. I called everyone vato and grownups would laugh but when I called my mom vato...my dad said no more! Lol

But a common word used between friends...( guy, dude)

Ranching and I will call each other vato from time to time lol in the beer thread
Slang word used between friends in my younger days....

I was about 5 years old when I learned it from my dad. I called everyone vato and grownups would laugh but when I called my mom vato...my dad said no more! Lol

But a common word used between friends...( guy, dude)

Ranching and I will call each other vato from time to time lol in the beer thread
I've seen that and thought it was some nasty acronym between you two starting with a part of the female anatomy.

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