World Cup is boring

Because the US completely and utterly sucks at Footie.
They couldn't even beat Trinidad and Tobago, who make Tunisia look like Brazil.
MLS is a crudfest compared to any half-decent Euro league, half the teams would be relegated from the Serbian 2nd division.
Your idea of Player development is hoping an amateur Dad can teach 'em in His spare time when They're young, then send 'em to college when They're late teenagers and expect 'em to magically develop all the skills while going to classes for most of the day.

This is a system that needs to cease. MLS needs to understand this one thing. You cannot run your league like the other American leagues. Drafts, using college as the defacto feeder system for the professional leagues, and even conferences are great for NFL, MLB, and NBA. Not for soccer/football. There is a reason why the US will continue to produce a mediocre product. Because they think they are like other American leagues and other American sports.
We care more about our football, basketball, baseball, hockey, golf, auto racing, mma, tennis, and boxing than we do about flopball.
Not really. Oh and baseball and hockey are on borrowed time being more popular than soccer.
You say it's boring but it's two 45 minutes half's with no commercials.

Whats boring to people who don't watch the NFL is the constant breaks in the game with all of the commercials.

If you find the sport boring then that's 1 thing but saying nothing is going on is laughable compared to the NFL.

The more you know about the sport the better it is too. IF you know nothing about the NFL then there is no way you could be entertained by it's current state.
Whoever thinks the Belgium-Japan game was boring wouldn’t be excited by cocaine or skydiving either.

I’m 100% positive that I would’ve found it excruciating so....
I guess I’ll have to take your word for it on all three.

Had you said Belgium-Japan fuseball on the might’ve gotten my interest
Not really. Oh and baseball and hockey are on borrowed time being more popular than soccer.
Wut? What do you mean about baseball and hockey being on "borrowed time"?

Salary Cap for the NHL is the highest it's been, ever, going into 2018-19. Las Vegas, and Seattle in a couple years, are gonna add a lot of revenue for the league. Further raising the cap, salaries, etc. Plus the cost of oil directly affects the NHL model and how much money Canada has to put into the sport. Oil prices are rising. This is, also, a large reason for the CAP rising in the NHL. Yes, a model that revolves around the price of a barrel of gas is inherently volatile, but the NHL is on the up and up, regardless.

Also, NHL player's escrow is the lowest it's been in a decade. Another huge indicator.

The MLB still has a healthy amount of money coming in from regional networks, as well as solid attendance numbers. Neither leagues are on "borrowed" time.

Dont **** on sports leagues to prop yours up. Unless you bring some evidence.

Edit -- sorry for the way I'm posting at you, S, but I'm a huge MLB and NHL nerd and you struck a cord.
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Wut? What do you mean about baseball and hockey being on "borrowed time"?

Salary Cap for the NHL is the highest it's been, ever, going into 2018-19. Las Vegas, and Seattle in a couple years, are gonna add a lot of revenue for the league. Further raising the cap, salaries, etc. Plus the cost of oil directly affects the NHL model and how much money Canada has to put into the sport. Oil prices are rising. This is, also, a large reason for the CAP rising in the NHL. Yes, a model that revolves around the price of a barrel of gas is inherently volatile, but the NHL is on the up and up, regardless.

Also, NHL player's escrow is the lowest it's been in a decade. Another huge indicator.

The MLB still has a healthy amount of money coming in from regional networks, as well as solid attendance numbers. Neither leagues are on "borrowed" time.

Dont **** on sports leagues to prop yours up. Unless you bring some evidence.

Edit -- sorry for the way I'm posting at you, S, but I'm a huge MLB and NHL nerd and you struck a cord.

LOL I HATE Baseball but I totally get why people like it.

I may watch game 7 of the world series because of some shred of sentimental value I still have for it from my youth but on a nightly basis it's just unwatchable for me personally.

I had a baseball fan tell me that watching a baseball game is like watching your favorite TV show when it's on and I do think you have to enjoy nerding out to enjoy the sport which i'm all for.

If I can spend the week during football season going over Flex options for my FF lineup then there is room for others to enjoy baseball.
Wut? What do you mean about baseball and hockey being on "borrowed time"?

Salary Cap for the NHL is the highest it's been, ever, going into 2018-19. Las Vegas, and Seattle in a couple years, are gonna add a lot of revenue for the league. Further raising the cap, salaries, etc. Plus the cost of oil directly affects the NHL model and how much money Canada has to put into the sport. Oil prices are rising. This is, also, a large reason for the CAP rising in the NHL. Yes, a model that revolves around the price of a barrel of gas is inherently volatile, but the NHL is on the up and up, regardless.

Also, NHL player's escrow is the lowest it's been in a decade. Another huge indicator.

The MLB still has a healthy amount of money coming in from regional networks, as well as solid attendance numbers. Neither leagues are on "borrowed" time.

Dont **** on sports leagues to prop yours up. Unless you bring some evidence.

Edit -- sorry for the way I'm posting at you, S, but I'm a huge MLB and NHL nerd and you struck a cord.
Meaning because it’s not reaching people under 40 really. There’s been countless articles. In fact, a recent poll put soccer more popular than either baseball or hockey with people under the age of 54. I am saying it’s on borrowed time on being more popular than soccer.

I also wasn’t crapping on other leagues. I said it’s on borrowed time on being more popular than soccer.
Meaning because it’s not reaching people under 40 really. There’s been countless articles. In fact, a recent poll put soccer more popular than either baseball or hockey with people under the age of 54. I am saying it’s on borrowed time on being more popular than soccer.

I also wasn’t crapping on other leagues. I said it’s on borrowed time on being more popular than soccer.
Sports (ratings) across the board are less popular in the 18-49 demo. Duly noted on your last line, S.
This is a system that needs to cease. MLS needs to understand this one thing. You cannot run your league like the other American leagues. Drafts, using college as the defacto feeder system for the professional leagues, and even conferences are great for NFL, MLB, and NBA. Not for soccer/football. There is a reason why the US will continue to produce a mediocre product. Because they think they are like other American leagues and other American sports.

Exactly! The MLS is fun to watch, but they MUST conform to the world's standards of football development if they want to attract more than hasbeen talent at best.
Exactly! The MLS is fun to watch, but they MUST conform to the world's standards of football development if they want to attract more than hasbeen talent at best.

Of course. The MLS not being a quality product has a lot to do with low ratings across the board. Similar to how well alternate football leagues do here in the US. No one is sitting through all of those commercials to see that crap on the field. They'll wait for the NFL season.
Cricket is England's baseball. Nobody outside of a very few countries is ever gonna give a monkeys. Soccer however is a true world game and if you can't see that then thats your problem.

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