Ireland WON 3-1 against Uruguay last June. And it was a comfortable 3-1 win.
I'm not going to argue over European results. My point is that a lot of supposed mid ranking Europeans would qualify if they played in South American qualification. I think South America is over represented in the WC due to FIFA politics.
My view is that places should be determined by results. Should be 4 qualifying zones: Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia/Oceania. Each should havd only 4 automatic spots. The remaining 16 should be based on results alone - each zone getting a spot for each team that reached the final 16 in the most recent tournament. This would be fair to all regions.
You are simply wrong, lol.
Europe is not as hard to qualify as South America.
South America has no weak sides. They have only 10 teams period.
They don't get to avoid each other. EVERY South American side has to play Brazil and Argentina.
Chile is a top 10 ranked FIFA side that just missed the World Cup.
IF there was a ranking based spot the first one would have went to Chile. Northern Ireland would have gotten in before Ireland.
But poor Euros... ROFL. No one is crying for any Euro sides when they have 14 teams at the tourney.
If you can not ascend to the top 14 in Europe NO you do not deserve to be in the World Cup.
And yes, because it is the WORLD CUP they want every region represented.
This stuff is common sense to anyone that's not crying in their beer because their team sucked.
The Americans are right there with you on the sidelines and except we are all saying "too bad we sucked" like adults.
Not crying and making excuses.
Ireland has only ever made the World Cup 3 times, winning a meager 2 games.
If they had to play in the heat and humidity of South America they'd wilt and die over 90 minutes.