The pressure on Dak would be tremendous. You know that if he has 2 sluggish games in a row, everyone will be clamoring for Manziel.
*crap* Man! that doused my exuberance right quickly after chewing on that for a second,cuz' you are right ,it would undoubtedly exert unearned & unnecessary
static" on the DAK ATTACK & that's not conducive to his ultimate capabilities, him being shadowed like that, seeing how he's pretty much been thrust into a round room and been commanded to hit the primary receiver over in the far corner of that above stated round room,,,er,,,in regards as to all the simplified structured scheme his
COACHING STAFF has painstakingly formulated in insuring his best chances of success,like
ALL the other competitive&competently coached franchises field with a young and green as spring grass( in some ways) Quarter Back!
* #4/ Dak is a full grown Man and shouldn't be baby rocked in the cradle &I'm not implying nothing of the sort,yet just employing advanced( and/ or) simplified 2-3 step back drops and fire to one of two receivers that should be 6-7 yards apart and open,call it a rub,pic or inadvertently pulling there pants down play
The predictable offensive ploy of last season will further degrade his production if not changed up,,,,
" JOHNNY FOOTBALL" would more than likely progress through his reads of the current ploy and find some success one way or the other ,,,OR NOT!