gosh i dont know Hostile, thats what is puzzling me, that I know of he isnt on any cowboy boards,
so where is he getting these votes, like at least one time I had 400 votes ahead of him today,,
do you think anyone on this site is voting for him? there are like 1,500 members on the cowboys zone right?
maybe if we could all get them to vote then that would really put me way up on top, and shannon cant catch up
as you know he is a guy, not a girl
sure, this i promise if i wiin, if smoaky will let me, i will when i blog using his computer, i will post updates at least twice a day, i will also get some pictures with a friends camera that is a D200 sports camera with zoom lens, iwth tripod, if smoaky cant let me use his computer, i will try to find a computer at library to post if i can, but i will get updates,
i was also thinking guys, if i do win, like if i get to, ask certain players, if you give me just one question to ask the players on interviews, i can do that too,
also, another way you guys can get updates, is go to the website, and check out the podcasts, they should have the interviews on their podcasts
also, whomever wins, they get to blog, on the cowboys news on smoakys site, that is the same link where you vote, so all you have to do is save that link to your favorites, maybe Hostile can start a folder or something for questions to ask the players, only one per player or maybe not over 12, that say i could choose between the really good questions to ask the players, coaches, dont forget, smoaky also told me that jerry jones comes in to the tent where smoaky will broadcast too, so coaches and players you can interview too.