would you guys want deion to retire a cowboy?

I don't really understand why people feel a player should retire with a certain team.

So Emmitt retired a Cowboy. Not sure what that means. He finished his career in Arizona. The thing in Dallas last winter was all just ceremonial.

And football players don't enter the hall as a player for a particular team ... that's baseball because of the cap on their bust.

Having said all that, I love Deion.

Physically, he's a freak of nature .... broad shoulders, long arms, long legs, incredible burst and speed, freakish hand-eye-coordination.

I love his charisma. Since his transformation about 7 years ago, I'm not sure how anyone could have a problem with him. He's a new creature.

Dallas was desperate for cornerback help when Jerry rightly corraled him. I don't think Dallas wins that third Super Bowl of the 90s without Deion. After Kevin Smith went down, Dallas was very thin at corner.

Watch that Super Bowl vs. Pittsburgh again. Watch Neil O'Donnell. He almost never looks at Deion's side of the field. He was so gun-shy to test him that he ended up playing pitch-and-catch with Larry Brown on the other side. Deion was as much responsible for that Super Bowl win as any one player.

And I laugh when fans complain about a player's lack of "loyalty." How loyal are we all to our employers if someone else wanted us more and was willing to pay us more?

I'm happy that he spent at least part of his great career in Dallas.
Chief said:
I don't really understand why people feel a player should retire with a certain team.

So Emmitt retired a Cowboy. Not sure what that means. He finished his career in Arizona. The thing in Dallas last winter was all just ceremonial.

And football players don't enter the hall as a player for a particular team ... that's baseball because of the cap on their bust.

Having said all that, I love Deion.

Physically, he's a freak of nature .... broad shoulders, long arms, long legs, incredible burst and speed, freakish hand-eye-coordination.

I love his charisma. Since his transformation about 7 years ago, I'm not sure how anyone could have a problem with him. He's a new creature.

Dallas was desperate for cornerback help when Jerry rightly corraled him. I don't think Dallas wins that third Super Bowl of the 90s without Deion. After Kevin Smith went down, Dallas was very thin at corner.

Watch that Super Bowl vs. Pittsburgh again. Watch Neil O'Donnell. He almost never looks at Deion's side of the field. He was so gun-shy to test him that he ended up playing pitch-and-catch with Larry Brown on the other side. Deion was as much responsible for that Super Bowl win as any one player.

And I laugh when fans complain about a player's lack of "loyalty." How loyal are we all to our employers if someone else wanted us more and was willing to pay us more?

I'm happy that he spent at least part of his great career in Dallas.
:clap2: Bravo! Take a bow.
Now that I think about it, yes, I would like him to retire a Cowboy, without doubt. You heard him talk about the "Star" and what it would do to his personal value as a "primetime player' when he first came here. He understood the power and presitige that Star brought. I believe he will retire a Cowboy- maybe it was even in his plans all along. And gotta admit, he looked sharp in the Silver 'n Blue!
Sifillest said:
becuase lets face it,his best years were with us....but i dont know....what do you guys think?hsould he go to alanta instead?or retire with the ravens?

I think its very arguable that his best years were with Dallas. He had fewer picks, fewer td's, he had the recurring foot problem. And regardless I would NOT want him to retire a Cowboy. I couldnt stand him before he was a Cowboy and tolerated seeing him in the uniform. Go retire a Falcon or 49er or Commander for all I care.
A little while ago, he said that he'd go into the Hall of Fame as a FALCON.
Chief said:
I don't really understand why people feel a player should retire with a certain team.

So Emmitt retired a Cowboy. Not sure what that means. He finished his career in Arizona. The thing in Dallas last winter was all just ceremonial.

And football players don't enter the hall as a player for a particular team ... that's baseball because of the cap on their bust.

Having said all that, I love Deion.

Physically, he's a freak of nature .... broad shoulders, long arms, long legs, incredible burst and speed, freakish hand-eye-coordination.

I love his charisma. Since his transformation about 7 years ago, I'm not sure how anyone could have a problem with him. He's a new creature.

Dallas was desperate for cornerback help when Jerry rightly corraled him. I don't think Dallas wins that third Super Bowl of the 90s without Deion. After Kevin Smith went down, Dallas was very thin at corner.

Watch that Super Bowl vs. Pittsburgh again. Watch Neil O'Donnell. He almost never looks at Deion's side of the field. He was so gun-shy to test him that he ended up playing pitch-and-catch with Larry Brown on the other side. Deion was as much responsible for that Super Bowl win as any one player.

And I laugh when fans complain about a player's lack of "loyalty." How loyal are we all to our employers if someone else wanted us more and was willing to pay us more?

I'm happy that he spent at least part of his great career in Dallas.
I actually was thinking more along the lines of him being a Cowboy when he enters the HOF.
my thing is that maybe he had fewer ints and stuff but the way he impacted the defense and the way coaches and offensive players played games against us is undeniable....he was undoubtedly one of the greatest players of all time and if he were honored as a cowboy,so be it.....
I love Deion and what he did for us. But he played for too many teams. So, I say no.
Sifillest said:
becuase lets face it,his best years were with us....but i dont know....what do you guys think?hsould he go to alanta instead?or retire with the ravens?
His best years were before he got here. I don't think he deserves to retire a Cowboy he was just a mercenary who played a couple of years here. His heart was never with the Cowboys and he was overrrated when he was here since he was always hurt with some baseball injury or other. Screw Deion
If deIon did retire a Cowboy then there maybe some doubt him making the HOF. ;)

Personally I am indifferent to deIon retiring a Cowboy. He's not one of the names that springs to mind when I think of past Cowboy greats.
While I like Deion, before and after he was a Cowboy, I think many people don't like Deion as a Cowboy, because he wasn't a homegrown Cowboy. I personally thought that Deion represented all that the 90s Cowboys were about during our run. Even tho, he hasn't done nearly the same kind of off-the-field stuff as some of our homegrown Cowboys have done.

But because he was a FA, he's not looked upon in the same light as some of the other Cowboys of that time. He epitomizes all that FA has come to be about (the good and the bad) and that's why he's looked upon in such a negative light, IMO.

That said, it doesn't matter how he retires to me or whether he has a Cowboy speaking for him if/when he's inducted into the HOF. I enjoyed Deion's play while he was here. He added that much more excitement to an already exciting team and I thank him for that. I appreciate what he gave the team and wish him well in his future endeavors.
players like him who played for alot of teams should retire as NFL player with no team
Its hiliarious to me the crazy lines people draw in the sand.

Stabbed a teammate in the neck? We understand, things happen.

Go on to play for the Commanders after the Cowboys? Unforgivable.

Got caught cheating on your wife in a drug raid? Hey, people make mistakes.

Criticize Aikman? He's dead to me.
dargonking999 said:
his best years were withus, but i woudl want him with either us or atlanta which ever he chooses

I thought he already retired! A couple times!

Primetime was good alright, but his best year(s) were with the 49'ers, imho. What did he play, three full seasons with Dallas? The only reason he came to D was because he saw the 49'ers were failing and wanted to get another ring, so he jumped. The Cowboys were the team at the time. When his contract ended, he left.

This guy had no loyalty to the organization. He was all about Deion.

Let him retire in Cinnci, were he barely hit the Mendoza line!
fortdick said:
The only reason he came to D was because he saw the 49'ers were failing and wanted to get another ring, so he jumped. The Cowboys were the team at the time. When his contract ended, he left.This guy had no loyalty to the organization. He was all about Deion.
That is why we call him "Meion".
No not in any shape or form.

Neion can go as a Raven, a niner, a falcon or a Commander but not as a Cowboy.
InmanRoshi said:
Its hiliarious to me the crazy lines people draw in the sand.

Stabbed a teammate in the neck? We understand, things happen.

Go on to play for the Commanders after the Cowboys? Unforgivable.

Got caught cheating on your wife in a drug raid? Hey, people make mistakes.

Criticize Aikman? He's dead to me.


Chief's line about people criticizing a lack of team loyalty by any player is also dead on.

As far as Dieon, I'd like to see him remembered as a Cowboy, but I think it's been too long. His time here was the last time he was truly great though.

He's one of the 3 best corners I've seen over the last 20 years and the best punt returner. I think it can be argued for him being one of the 100 greatest players to ever play the game.

He was only a Niner for 1 year, if I remember right, and he ditched them to come here. Made another Super Bowl title for Dallas a much easier road and, along with a handful of other players, made Switzer's putrid coaching irrelevant -- at least for a season.

As far as going to the Skins, I seem to remember Dallas not wanting him that bad. His body was starting to break down and the Skins still broke the bank to get him. He never delivered for them, so I can't hold Washington against him. Parting was amicable between the team and Deion.
long as he doesnt make the ring of honor i dont care.
least not before 30 other guys.

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