CFZ Would you prefer an all-in year?

Chances are slim, but if I could just get my hands on that ticket.
You're not Jerry. That's the thing, people keep trying to make Jerry into somebody he isn't, doesn't matter what you or anybody else would do.

Jerry will stick with Mike, and Dak, as long as possible, because he said when MM was hired, and has said again repeatedly, that Mike's "his guy".
And has said, repeatedly again, that Dak is "his guy".

Jerry is loath to admit he made a mistake more than just about anybody in the league, and to let Mike or Dak go would be just that, admitting he made a mistake.

Anybody who kept Jason Garrett as the head coach for 10 years isn't going to get Mike go after consecutive 12-win seasons....
That's right.

And that's actually what I'm saying too. I'm just pointing out that Jerry isn't a moron just because he's 80-years-old and doing it his way, which happens to be different from the current owners.

Whether he were 80, or 45, any honest evaluator would say he put in a top-notch effort, as far as his job of GM, if you didn't know the names of those involved, whether he was the owner or not. But people have Jerry envy. It's part of being a fan of escapism and fantasy.

Novel idea in the day of Twitter, reading the rest of what I said shows I'm actually sticking up for Jerry, because he's doing a good job. And nothing says doing it another way would actually get him over the top.

The fans want it so bad, they can feel it, it doesn't make their jobs the following years more difficult if they screw it up; they're just fans. And it's not their money, and Jerry may not claim all of his kids. But the Dallas Cowboys are genuinely owned by Jerry, and, well, it's legitimately his team. Just ask the old codger. He'll tell you.

With all of his flaws, and checkered marks from his past, and the good and bad decisions he makes along the way, that's what I like about Jerry, I like how he's a human with flaws and faults and yet still proceeds like a stubborn old bull, because it is his team. Yeah, he's a bit egotistical and narcissistic. But that's how that era had to be, they had to get past all the ******** happening and just get by, and being self-serving and even bigoted was a survival mechanism. Most didn't have the access to the kinds of information we have, and a lot was subconscious on their part, not ill-willed.

From an observational standpoint, and I guess I'm guilty of saying it once or twice, too, but I find more joy in buying into perceived Jerry's successes, because he's done well building some solid, rotating parts that build a competitive team.

You can say the 9ers were so much better, but they weren't. You can say the Eagles are so much better, but we split with them, and could have easily won almost every game we were in in 2023. But we didn't.

You just have to take the sting as part of being a fan, trying to actually be Jerry, and being mad because you can't be Jerry is asinine and refuse to live my life that way, although I gather not everyone makes that choice, which then becomes quite pathetic.

At the end of the day, I think there's only one or two owners or GMs who have more rings than him anyway.
Or maybe at the end of the day, Jerry's loyalist characteristics payoff.

And if they don't, he can die well knowing he didn't sell out his word to get some cheap championship ring.
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No. I want to do exactly what we always do.

It it ain't broke don't fix it.
People have such short memories, because we really only started doing this recently.
Jerry is involved in the draft, and I mean, he's a part of the process. He has since learned the importance of the draft and has done well to hone that process in as an organization. In his hay day, there was no cap. But still, Jimmy would tell you, and most fans would agree, the drafts were fundamental to building those teams, moreso than the free agents.

Still, that was the cap era. So I get the idea, I just don't agree, necessarily.

It depends on your team. Not another team.

Compared to the post-1995 days, so much more is going on now about being calculated and smart about the draft as well as acquisitions, so you can maintain some of the talent you've drafted, players that you know and who are often better than players available on the market.
It's a good strategy to building a team that can win, I think, and if done well enough, could win multiple in a short span.

Every move is a risk. Everyone has a 1 in 32 shot at the beginning of the season.

I think we'll have to be more active this year. But my biggest gripe would be something like signing OBJ, but not vetting him well enough to know he can play, start and produce, before I do. Or that could bite you as bad or worse than Dak's infamous contract.

People are insisting we go sign any free agent, willy nilly, for our team, because, as far as they know, both teams are exactly equal, on paper at least, 'cept for the other team added free agents and we didn't, and thus, without considering, they're upset about losing and all have the hidden talent of being an NFL GM, if only they had over 8 billion to buy it from a stubborn owner, and they're placing more weight into the free agent activity as something that is the reason for other teams success and if we do that, too, that it's right for our situation and not only a risk that would work, but could in spite of things like the dual away games in 4 days, Brett Maher's Kicker Amnesia, Tony Pollard's untimely injury along with Prescott's seemingly predictable double picks.

The truth is, it's never the same situation for the Dallas Cowboys as it is to the Philadelphia Eagles.

It's another team, another situation, which is very possible could actually call for a different solution.

On top of that, most fans' suggestions about moves they should make are only moves a team with the right information can reasonably make. The fans are just knee-jerking, because we're fans, and it's frustrating not being able to partake, be the hero, and save them from the jaws of failure.
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Philly didn’t go all in. They traded players that weren’t good enough and got picks while the iron was hot. They had three #1’s last season and traded one to Tenny for AJ. It was a steal for them. They actually remind me of the early 90’s Cowboys with the Walker trade. Lost to Detroit in 91’ and than SB next season. Cocky HC etc. Always trying to improve. Disgusting.

To the OP going all in doesn’t need to be buy buy buy….but they need to get creative to get some Vet players that are really good. They love keeping draft picks but they need to trade a few if it gets you some good players. We need another WR bad. I would say thanks for your service to TP and Zeke as well.
They also have a top 10 pick that they traded to get, if I recall correctly.
I'm going to echo what some others in this thread have already said......................we don't even need an "all in" season. Just show us fans some ambition that you want to improve this team. Grab some players in FA. Stop being cheap. It's incredible that Dallas has the most valuable franchise in the entire galaxy, yet they have the cheapest owners. Our owner Jerry "it would be shocking if you knew the size of the check I would write if it guaranteed me a Super Bowl" Jones, yet the guy refuses to open his checkbook to bring in actual talent.

I actually miss the crazy wheeling and dealing Jerry Jones making dumb decisions like trading away draft picks for a Joey Galloway or Roy Williams. Yeah, those were not great trades, but at least they were exciting. They showed us chance. They showed us willingness. They showed us something!
Which free agents? Do they want to play here?

I only want free agents if I'm 90 percent sure that, barring injury, they would produce on the field the amount I would need them to for the money I gave them to produce to be worth it on a championship team, and the risk of that not happening worth the cost of ruining any chance at a championship.

Too often, teams make moves and aren't even getting beaten on Sundays, they already beat themselves in the offseason. And for that, I'm thankful even though I would love to win.

If a team assesses the situation, and believes they can get X amount of production for X amount of money, or an unsure, I'd rather sign the players I know and trust, than blow money that only sets you backwards.

The thing is . . . if you do win it with the strategy of holding back a little, and you win, then it's usually easier to get guys to come back for another run, and then that would be obviously where you'd use your Safe Sammy money to fill holes, make corrections, etcetera.
Jerry is running a tighter ship. This strategy and his moves have slowly pulled us to being competitive when we were once at a clapping crawl. Jerry surely did make some mistakes back then, but I believe he's learned along the way and is more qualified at playing his part on a well-assembled team more than most want to believe. They just don't have the patience, with the 27 years being an all-too-convenient quip to fall back on. But the whole thing is an impulsive, short-sighted, briefly written mantra about some magical solution. When what he's doing has made us competitive.

You just need guys who can win it on the given day, and that takes a certain amount of luck that didn't go our way.
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That's right.

And that's actually what I'm saying too. I'm just pointing out that Jerry isn't a moron just because he's 80-years-old and doing it his way, which happens to be different from the current owners.

Whether he were 80, or 45, any honest evaluator would say he put in a top-notch effort, as far as his job of GM, if you didn't know the names of those involved, whether he was the owner or not. But people have Jerry envy. It's part of being a fan of escapism and fantasy.

Novel idea in the day of Twitter, reading the rest of what I said shows I'm actually sticking up for Jerry, because he's doing a good job. And nothing says doing it another way would actually get him over the top.

The fans want it so bad, they can feel it, it doesn't make their jobs the following years more difficult if they screw it up; they're just fans. And it's not their money, and Jerry may not claim all of his kids. But the Dallas Cowboys are genuinely owned by Jerry, and, well, it's legitimately his team. Just ask the old codger. He'll tell you.

With all of his flaws, and checkered marks from his past, and the good and bad decisions he makes along the way, that's what I like about Jerry, I like how he's a human with flaws and faults and yet still proceeds like a stubborn old bull, because it is his team. Yeah, he's a bit egotistical and narcissistic. But that's how that era had to be, they had to get past all the bull**** happening and just get by, and being self-serving and even bigoted was a survival mechanism. Most didn't have the access to the kinds of information we have, and a lot was subconscious on their part, not ill-willed.

From an observational standpoint, and I guess I'm guilty of saying it once or twice, too, but I find more joy in buying into perceived Jerry's successes, because he's done well building some solid, rotating parts that build a competitive team.

You can say the 9ers were so much better, but they weren't. You can say the Eagles are so much better, but we split with them, and could have easily won almost every game we were in in 2023. But we didn't.

You just have to take the sting as part of being a fan, trying to actually be Jerry, and being mad because you can't be Jerry is asinine and refuse to live my life that way, although I gather not everyone makes that choice, which then becomes quite pathetic.

At the end of the day, I think there's only one or two owners or GMs who have more rings than him anyway.
Or maybe at the end of the day, Jerry's loyalist characteristics payoff.

And if they don't, he can die well knowing he didn't sell out his word to get some cheap championship ring.
No, Passy, they would not. Jerry refuses to watch film and spend time evaluating possible draftees. It is a well known fact that he refuses to put in top-notch effort.

Where did you get the idea that he does?
This team is great at drafting but they severely lack in talent evaluation and acquisition during free agency. I dont think they'd be risking too much to make a couple of moves that could put them over the top. They're not too far away.
Not to mention horrible at salary cap management.

I would absolutely go all in on one year.

After 27, I think it would completely reenergize a fan base, some of whom have never even seen a Championship game

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