Would you want Randy Moss on this Team?

It depends.

If the 2010 season doesn't go well for Williams, maybe you cut him, sign Moss as a stopgap, as you try to develop a longer term answer (e.g., a 2011 rookie WR).

Many years ago the Cowboys signed a future HoF WR who was at the end of his career. It worked out well for Alworth and also for the Cowboys.

IMO, though, it wouldn't make much sense to bring Moss in unless Roy Williams were released and/or Miles Austin suffered some sort of serious injury.
sm0kie13;3283616 said:


"You know the Patriots don't really pay, so when I got my second contract from them that was a blessing in disguise. I understand the business. I don't think they're going to re-sign me back. I'm not mad. I'm not bitter. It's just the way things are in this NFL, so like I said after this year I'll be looking for a new team. I think so. . . .

"That's not a knock on them. That's just how they run their organization," Moss added. "That's how it is. Put it like this, I guess that before I came there the philosophy was believing in their system. I think that's where they really don't pay guys because they have so much faith in their system. I didn't mean it as a knock against the organization. They just don't pay. If as an individual I'm not really in their future plans I would like to go elsewhere."

I know that we will have alot of money tied up in WR's so most will say no because of that but if we for some reason don't bring back Williams next year would you want him?

wanted to throw it out there and hear what people had to say.

If yes, what would you be willing to give up?

getting paid like that has to be the worst disguise ever for a blessing!
Moss' knees are shot. He is in bigger decline than many realize. I would not be one bit surprised if next year is his last.
i would love to get randy just to see how quick people turn on him because they are too silly to realize there isnt much difference btw he and to other than the fact that TO doesnt quit
All I know is the guy was injured throughout the season and still put up phenomenal numbers, and still has secondaries shook.

NOT drafting him set a whole set of events in motion that eventually took us nearly 10 years recover from. However, at this point of his career and considering where the Cowboys are in terms of personel and payroll, it does not make any sense.

By the way, he should have kept his mouth shut. This article basically guarantees the Patriots are not going to resign him and watch them draft one or two receivers early with their top 4 picks. He is right that there was a very good chance he wasn't going to be brought back, but had he kept quiet and gone on about his business, the Patriots might have considered it at a reduced price, which is something he should get used to because his days of making the big bucks are over.

Now he's going to have to take his services somewhere else ( IF anybody would want a 35, 36 years old receiver ) for near the minimum, learn a new system and get used to another QB, instead of playing with one of the best QBs in the league.

Not very smart of him.
AMERICAS_FAN;3283666 said:
Austin = The real-deal; the shining light at WR

William's = The little engine that tries but just can't.

Moss = The little engine that can but just doesn't try.

Yeah, let's surround Austin with all that great talent. Maybe we can re-sign T.O. as the #4 WR once Buffalo cuts him.

Championship! :rolleyes:

although I believe that Williams has the talent and the ability to do it, but my favorite theory is one my friend says that is; "he has the mentality of a kicker"
Not at all. Moss had the physical skills to be the greatest receiver in NFL history, but he didn't want it. He's a knucklehead who never rose to the occassion.

No way do I want him in our lockerroom now.
Not just no but hell no.

Moss is a loser, always has been, always will be.

I'd rather take my chances with what they have than bring that POS in.

He's about done anyway.
dbair1967;3283771 said:
Not just no but hell no.

Moss is a loser, always has been, always will be.

I'd rather take my chances with what they have than bring that POS in.

He's about done anyway.

What exactly makes him a POS? Smokes a lil weed, takes a few plays off?

Internet thug, would like to see you say that to his face.
Randy White;3283743 said:
NOT drafting him set a whole set of events in motion that eventually took us nearly 10 years recover from.
I thought not drafting a QB and being caught unprepared for Aikman retiring is what caused us 10 years to recover from.
sm0kie13;3283780 said:
What exactly makes him a POS? Smokes a lil weed, takes a few plays off?

Internet thug, would like to see you say that to his face.

I think Randy Moss is pretty close to the end of the road. I'm not all about bringing in a guy that gets alligator arms on passes from Tom Brady because he's upset Wes Welker is getting more looks...
I think the risk is far greater than the potential reward given his age. He'll be 35 by 2011, so unless we got incredibly lucky we'd get at best one one thousand yard season out of him and he won't come cheap. Better to look elsewhere for WR upgrades.

Besides, I'm enjoying the Cowboys having a low punk-quotient with Owens, Pac-Man, and Tank gone and would just as soon keep it that way.
BAT;3283654 said:
If the Pats want to swap Roy for Randy, I would take that in a heartbeat. Moss, even in his ripe old age, is the better playmaker. Besides, Dallas has a tradition of bringing in the great ones towards the ends of their careers, with pretty good results:

Jackie Smith
Ya really sure about this one? I can't get over that dropped td in the super bowl:bang2:
sm0kie13;3283816 said:
I'm glad he did, cause i would have had to quit watching football if that team won another superbowl. My hatred for them is unmatched.
I could be wrong, but Blast From The Past may have been referring to Jackie Smith's dropped pass.
DallasEast;3283820 said:
I could be wrong, but Blast From The Past may have been referring to Jackie Smith's dropped pass.

You are correct sir, my mistake. Didnt even see his name down there.
dbair1967;3283771 said:
Not just no but hell no.

Moss is a loser, always has been, always will be.

I'd rather take my chances with what they have than bring that POS in.

He's about done anyway.


Didn't we learn *anything* from last offseason?

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