Would you want Randy Moss on this Team?

stilltheguru;3283705 said:
i would love to get randy just to see how quick people turn on him because they are too silly to realize there isnt much difference btw he and to other than the fact that TO doesnt quit
:lmao: yeah ok
We're headed in a different direction and Moss isn't the type of player that fits here.

At least TO was 50% of what we wanted and gave everything he had when he played.

Moss admits he takes plays off and he has the attitude.

Its just a bad fit with what we're doing now.

Plus Romo won't throw jump balls and thats 90% of the reason you want that guy.
CATCH17;3283877 said:
Plus Romo won't throw jump balls and thats 90% of the reason you want that guy.

I think this would be a big reason to not bring him in, good point, i was waiting for someone to make it.
H to the Hov-no!

Roy E Williams has a better chance of catching 70 passes than Randy Moss does of signing with the Cowboys.
sm0kie13;3283780 said:
What exactly makes him a POS? Smokes a lil weed, takes a few plays off?

Having the athletic ability to rewrite the record books and make Jerry Rice look like JAG but deciding he was too cool and only had to play when he felt like it makes him a POS in my book.

Moss was a once-in-a-generation talent that underachieved for significant stretches of his career. If you think that is admirable, that is your prerogative.

Internet thug, would like to see you say that to his face.

Me too. Because David could then retire a very wealthy man. Unless Moss decided he was too cool to rough up David and decided to take that play off.
CATCH17;3283877 said:
We're headed in a different direction and Moss isn't the type of player that fits here.

At least TO was 50% of what we wanted and gave everything he had when he played.

Moss admits he takes plays off and he has the attitude.

Its just a bad fit with what we're doing now.

Plus Romo won't throw jump balls and thats 90% of the reason you want that guy.

I'm not so sure. I haven't watched Moss closely the last two years, but, physically, he was the type of player we actually do want for this offense. A WR who can stretch teams deep would make Austin and Felix and Witten a lot more dangerous. I also don't agree with you that Romo won't throw jump balls if he can be effective doing it.

I'm not normally one for wanting headcases, but I wouldn't have a problem with Moss's particular set of problems for a year or two if it didn't cost us anything more than his salary.
sm0kie13;3283917 said:
I think this would be a big reason to not bring him in, good point, i was waiting for someone to make it.
but atleast he can still get open deep down the field unlike Bum Williams.
You can't cut TO for the reasons we did and sign Randy Moss.
CATCH17;3283971 said:
You can't cut TO for the reasons we did and sign Randy Moss.
While they're both problem children, T.O. and Randy's personalities are nothing alike. Granted, both can have a negative impact on a team, but Randy has never shown that he can destroy a locker room like T.O. has.

Randy's biggest problem is when there's no leadership or a philosophy that he believes in, he only puts in half of the energy. T.O. on the other hand will destroy the locker room by running his mouth to the media and show up his QB and coaching staff on the sidelines without being the least bit apologetic about it. He's too imposing and wants to control every situation he's in and when things dont go his way, he'll raise hell. Tony couldnt handle that.

Randy has proven when put in the right situation, he can adapt. T.O. hasnt.
Blast From The Past;3283801 said:
Ya really sure about this one? I can't get over that dropped td in the super bowl:bang2:

Jackie Smith was a big reason the Cowboys even got into the SB that season.
I'd rather draft the Williams kid. If you want to seek out trouble then do it when they're young. Maybe you can beat it out of them. :D
CATCH17;3283971 said:
You can't cut TO for the reasons we did and sign Randy Moss.

They are very different personalities, and even the TO experiment worked out ok for us on the whole. CZ drama queens aside, it's not like the team wasn't able to just cut TO and move on. Had we just stuck to our guns and paid him by the year, he wouldn't even have hit our cap the way he did.

jobberone;3283992 said:
I'd rather draft the Williams kid. If you want to seek out trouble then do it when they're young. Maybe you can beat it out of them. :D

The problem with that is you invest a pick on the guy. If you're just risking marginal cap space one year at a time, there's really no downside looking at a player like Moss. You get into problems when you let them burrow under your salary cap or when you invest picks on them that you're reluctant to write off.
the guy has *NEVER* been the problem that the media has ever played him out to be. I think he's a quality player now, even at his age.

While Dallas does need a legit #2 WR now, I think a guy like Ogletree deserves a shot. Romo likes him, he's shown flashes of what he can do.... tough call
2much2soon;3283927 said:
Having the athletic ability to rewrite the record books and make Jerry Rice look like JAG but deciding he was too cool and only had to play when he felt like it makes him a POS in my book.

Moss was a once-in-a-generation talent that underachieved for significant stretches of his career. If you think that is admirable, that is your prerogative.

Me too. Because David could then retire a very wealthy man. Unless Moss decided he was too cool to rough up David and decided to take that play off.

You know what happens when you assume right? Show me where i said that. I just dont run around calling people i dont know POS, thats all.

That being said, i guess in your book ima POS too because i havent fully lived up to my potential either?

Dont think i said Randy would assualt him either? Since you have comprehension issues i was implying that he would not say that to the man's face if he saw him on the street,

Thats cool you stuck up for your bf, errr bff on an internet forum though.

**** ** ****
Whats the beef with Randy? is it that he quits on plays when you dont throw him the ball enough?

But yeah, no I dont want him.

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