News: WP: CBS fires VP for writing ‘Republican gun toters’ killed in Las Vegas don’t deserve sympathy

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I am all for conceal carry but I am vehemently against open carry. There's only one reason to open carry - to let everyone around you know what a big strong MAN'S MAN you are and to intimidate the hell out of those around you. People that get off on the power trip they get when they see people double take and get out of their way because they are openly toting around something that can end their lives in a split second. Especially the idiots who open carry rifles out in public.
Now we know what goes through your mind when you come across a police officer. :eek:
That is rubbish.... criminals consistently report they choose soft targets so they won't get shot at

Almost all of these mass shootings ends when the murderers first encounter armed resistance.... they either kill themselves or die in a shoot out

Say what you want, only an absolute FOOL would open carry. Like big trucks, it's nothing more than an attempt to compensate. A stupid one at that.
How do you propose we do this? What law can be passed that would prevent these types of animals, hell bent on destruction, from committing these atrocities? As I mentioned in an earlier post, how did strict gun laws in France prevent mass shootings? How did it prevent the Charlie Hebdo attack or the attack on the concert venue that killed 130 people. Or the Norway massacre that killed 77 kids at a summer camp? Or the Beslan School siege in Russia where almost 400 children were massacred? The Vienna and Rome airport attacks?

Folks act like there's some utopia in these countries but they've been dealing with these types of mass killings for decades. I'm not a gun enthusiast. I own a couple of handguns, some shotguns I used as a kid for hunting but no rifles. But because I don't own a rifle doesn't mean that someone else can't buy one if he or she chooses to do so.

Not saying that other countries don't have mass shootings. Just that their overall death rates by guns are lower than America's. Also just because there are evil people and socio paths who will murder innocent people, doesn't mean that we can't come up with measures to try and prevent these things from happening or reduce their chances of happening.

I agree that people have a right to self defense. I think that anyone who shoots someone trying to break into their house is justified. I also think that people have the right to go out in public and enjoy themselves without having to be murdered, by a sociopath with a assault rifle who one day decides to go on a killing spree. The right for people to defend themselves, isn't greater than the right to be able to go out and feel safe. Don't see what is wrong with limiting the types of guns that a person can get or limiting their ammo.

The shooter in Las Vegas was loaded up with Ammo because he wanted to kill as many people as he could.
Also just because there are evil people and socio paths who will murder innocent people, doesn't mean that we can't come up with measures to try and prevent these things from happening or reduce their chances of happening

I agree. The question is how we can reduce the chances of this happening. Short of a gun ban or confiscating every singe rifle out there, how can we prevent this in a country of 300 plus million people? This idiot in Vegas didn't fit your normal "profile" from everything we hear. I don't think he had any criminal history and he was well off financially.

I agree that people have a right to self defense. I think that anyone who shoots someone trying to break into their house is justified. I also think that people have the right to go out in public and enjoy themselves without having to be murdered, by a sociopath with a assault rifle who one day decides to go on a killing spree. The right for people to defend themselves, isn't greater than the right to be able to go out and feel safe. Don't see what is wrong with limiting the types of guns that a person can get or limiting their ammo.

I agree with some of what you posted but you can't even see the contradiction of your point. The part I bolded is really a logical fallacy in the sense that you're not threatened by someone exercising his/her right to defend themselves. It's not an either or as you're making it out to be. When I am armed in public, I am exercising my "right" to feel safe.

And we have limited the types of guns people can own. So where does it end?
Not saying that other countries don't have mass shootings. Just that their overall death rates by guns are lower than America's. Also just because there are evil people and socio paths who will murder innocent people, doesn't mean that we can't come up with measures to try and prevent these things from happening or reduce their chances of happening.

I agree that people have a right to self defense. I think that anyone who shoots someone trying to break into their house is justified. I also think that people have the right to go out in public and enjoy themselves without having to be murdered, by a sociopath with a assault rifle who one day decides to go on a killing spree. The right for people to defend themselves, isn't greater than the right to be able to go out and feel safe. Don't see what is wrong with limiting the types of guns that a person can get or limiting their ammo.

The shooter in Las Vegas was loaded up with Ammo because he wanted to kill as many people as he could.
Your lame argument about other country's record on gun deaths is mitigated by so many other factors. Citizens in other countries don't enjoy the freedoms we do and in many countries they have but the barest of essentials. You can not make the claims you do without getting into false equivalency because no other county enjoys our freedoms. So let's stick to American laws and American citizens... you seem to want the criminally minded to obey the law but you can not tell me the law that will elicit cooperation from criminals. You present a false "either or" argument when you say my right to self defense is in conflict with your right to walk around enjoying yourself without being murdered. My preferred method of self defense will never even be in your eye sight unless an imminent threat is in my immediate area and if you are in that immediate area as well, you will want me to defend you from that imminent threat because you've already expressed a desired to not be murdered by a sociopath.
Issues with a bunch of frickin' beta ****lords carrying around firearms in a Target because IM A MAN AND THIS IS MY RIGHT YOU BETTER RESPECT ME
I conceal my weapon because I don't want to be forced to defend myself because someone like you gets offended and decides to challenge me.
You mean thanks to Putin.
Your lame argument about other country's record on gun deaths is mitigated by so many other factors. Citizens in other countries don't enjoy the freedoms we do and in many countries they have but the barest of essentials. You can not make the claims you do without getting into false equivalency because no other county enjoys our freedoms. So let's stick to American laws and American citizens... you seem to want the criminally minded to obey the law but you can not tell me the law that will elicit cooperation from criminals. You present a false "either or" argument when you say my right to self defense is in conflict with your right to walk around enjoying yourself without being murdered. My preferred method of self defense will never even be in your eye sight unless an imminent threat is in my immediate area and if you are in that immediate area as well, you will want me to defend you from that imminent threat because you've already expressed a desired to not be murdered by a sociopath.
Your an idiot that has proven again and again that you know little about this country and absolutely zero about the rest of the world.

Every civilized country that anyone would or has compared our gun problem to enjoys all the same freedom that we have. Only difference is they also get to enjoy the freedom to live life without fear of a mental patient shooting them and their family with an assault rifle.
I conceal my weapon because I don't want to be forced to defend myself because someone like you gets offended and decides to challenge me.
Your so full of crap. Your some old dude in a group home who sits on the internet all day trolling people.
Don’t think I don’t know who you are. You don’t even have a gun. You can’t keep your lies straight and you sound like a wack job.

Go ahead and respond with some incoherent nonsense like you always do.

Just admit it man,,,you don’t even have a gun.
Your an idiot that has proven again and again that you know little about this country and absolutely zero about the rest of the world.

Every civilized country that anyone would or has compared our gun problem to enjoys all the same freedom that we have. Only difference is they also get to enjoy the freedom to live life without fear of a mental patient shooting them and their family with an assault rifle.
I disagree with your ideology so I'm an idiot? sounds like a lefty to limit your tolerance of others to ideology.

My travels around the world tells me differently than your theory. They wish they could have guns as freely as we do. They don't have a handgun in their home to defend from bad guys.
Your so full of crap. Your some old dude in a group home who sits on the internet all day trolling people.
Don’t think I don’t know who you are. You don’t even have a gun. You can’t keep your lies straight and you sound like a wack job.

Go ahead and respond with some incoherent nonsense like you always do.

Just admit it man,,,you don’t even have a gun.
LOL, If that's what you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night. You are pathetic.
Your so full of crap. Your some old dude in a group home who sits on the internet all day trolling people.
Don’t think I don’t know who you are. You don’t even have a gun. You can’t keep your lies straight and you sound like a wack job.

Go ahead and respond with some incoherent nonsense like you always do.

Just admit it man,,,you don’t even have a gun.

This is a mic drop article:

Simply put: for every time a gun in or around the home was used in self-defense, or in a legally justified shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.
This is a mic drop article:

Simply put: for every time a gun in or around the home was used in self-defense, or in a legally justified shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.

And what makes this worth anything beyond something to wipe your rear end?

There is no documentation of probably hundreds of thousands of times a gun scared someone off. So any so called study that claims to know anything is total horsecrap.
This is a mic drop article:

Simply put: for every time a gun in or around the home was used in self-defense, or in a legally justified shooting, there were four unintentional shootings, seven criminal assaults or homicides, and 11 attempted or completed suicides.
Unfortunately we have some folks here that are either trolls or blind fools. They are carrying the water for a cause that hurts them and they are too clueless to see it or to ignorant to care. Unless you are a major stakeholder in a large gun manufacture assault weapons and the ease at getting them is not helping you in any way. I can understand a conservative person who would argue for trickle down economics even though this theory has been proven to be a disaster, but at least you can understand how some people just don't know or believe in this concept. But assault weapons are not something that any person who doesn't want to be a mass murder should defend. No one has been able to make a logical or compelling defense of these.
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