News: WP: CBS fires VP for writing ‘Republican gun toters’ killed in Las Vegas don’t deserve sympathy

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The data does back this up.
The murder rates in some cities are only lower because Trauma Surgeons have gotten so good at treating gunshot wounds that they are saving more lives but the number of shooting is up

Under Obama there were 18,000 shootings in Chicago and 3900 died....... the murder rate could be even higher but the ERs see more action than Iraq

Thank God and the medical workers that the victims in Las Vegas got such quality care under such duress

The cities with Open Carry see less shootings....period
It was never intended for recreational gun ownership, it was meant to allow for citizen armies in times of need.

The 2nd Amendment was influenced, in part, by the English Bill of Rights which talks about self defense. The Pennsylvania State Constitution also spells out the right to bear arms. The right to self-defense, of both their person and property, had to be an important issue for these people and not just one where organized militia are armed.

Section XIII. That the people have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and the state; and as standing armies in the time of peace are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be kept up; And that the military should be kept under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
The murder rates in some cities are only lower because Trauma Surgeons have gotten so good at treating gunshot wounds that they are saving more lives but the number of shooting is up

Under Obama there were 18,000 shootings in Chicago and 3900 died....... the murder rate could be even higher but the ERs see more action than Iraq

Thank God and the medical workers that the victims in Las Vegas got such quality care under such duress

The cities with Open Carry see less shootings....period
Show me the data where it shows more guns equals less shootings. I can show clear indisputable data where it shows less guns equals less shootings.

Stop spreading lies.
I have no problems with people defending their homes with guns from home invasions.

It's the access to assault rifles, which allow people to commit mass shootings that I have a problem with. Laws can be made where people are allowed to defend their homes, and reduce mass shootings and the death by guns in America.

People keep bringing up Chicago, when it is known that guns are brought in from states around Chicago with easier/more lax gun laws. Until overall stricter gun laws are past nationwide then this will be a problem. Chicago is not on an island, so it's not hard for people to drive to the next state if they want easier access to guns.

Open carry wouldn't have stopped who was shooting from 32 floors up in Las Vegas.
The problem with that is you will never expand the gun laws that Chicago already has wide enough for your satisfaction until it is coast to coast and then you still won't be happy. When is enough enough for your irrational gun grabbing mind?
this post is typical of the ignorance of the left.

SO by your claim only muskets can be used since that was what was used then. By the Constitution as YOU interpret it.

THAT means that newspapers that print digitally are not protected by the First Amendment. They can be shut down anytime.

Any website no matter by who can be shut down since the Internet did not exist then; was not even a wild dream.

See how stupid that post is now?
Your logic fails on many levels.
No where did he say or imply that the constitution was not amendable. In fact it was written with the intention that it can and should be amended. He made the point that our rights are not unlimited and cannot be taken exactly how they are written.. Free speech? Sure. Yell fire in a movie theater...No...See how this works.
Weapons sure.... RPG's, Nukes, Missles.... No..
The debate isnt just about guns vs no guns... Its about where the line should be drawn. Expanded magazine, Semi Automatic weapons, Silencers, should not be allowed. You can still have your second amendment rights. Being mentally ill to the point where the government is paying you SS benefits should mean no guns for you.

What is so complicated about this. Don't preach NRA talking points. Obama isnt coming to take your guns away. But a citizen shouldnt be allowed access to slaughter so many other people in such a short amount of time either.
Let it be known. If I have a gun and I'm intent on shooting someone. Before I shoot that person. I will shoot anyone foolish enough to open carry, then I would shoot the intended person.

Broadcasting the fact that you're carrying a gun makes you a primary target of a would be shooter. Any police or military training will tell you. Shoot the biggest threat first, then move on to lessor threats.

When you see someone open carry. You know you're looking at a fool as only a fool would do something so foolish.
Show me the data where it shows more guns equals less shootings. I can show clear indisputable data where it shows less guns equals less shootings.

Stop spreading lies.
The truth is responsible gun ownership is just one variable in a very complex equation. And, it does a disservice to everyone when it’s isolated to make a point about crime statistics one way or the other. We have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms – that should be enough. We don’t need to complicate the picture by including crime statistics that do nothing but muddy the water.
The problem with that is you will never expand the gun laws that Chicago already has wide enough for your satisfaction until it is coast to coast and then you still won't be happy. When is enough enough for your irrational gun grabbing mind?
No one is gun grabbing. Stop this crazy nonsense.
Start thinking for yourself and get the NRA talking points and scare tactics out of your mind. Do you realize the Democrats had complete control of the government Obama's first 2 years in office when he passed Obamacare.. He had a super majority in the senate. The democrats could have taken away your guns then if this was their plan and there would have been nothing you could do about it....and guess what? They didnt. So stop this craziness anytime rational people dont believe just anyone should have access to assault weapons. The only reason we have access is because the gun lobby have bought and intimidated out government mostly on the republican side. If there was no NRA and money wasnt the driving force behind our politicians actions then assault weapons would already be banned. Trying to make an intelligent logical argument in favor of them just doesn't happen.
The truth is responsible gun ownership is just one variable in a very complex equation. And, it does a disservice to everyone when it’s isolated to make a point about crime statistics one way or the other. We have a Constitutional right to keep and bear arms – that should be enough. We don’t need to complicate the picture by including crime statistics that do nothing but muddy the water.
They dont muddy the water. They clear the water.

Show me where your constitutional right in unlimited and includes assault weapons?

Go ahead and bear your arms... There are thousands of arms that cover your rights.
One thing I have noticed about the media - regardless whether it is cable or major network and regardless whether it is conservative or liberal - is that very few, if any, of the primetime newscasters simply report the news.

Everything now is reported with a bias or personal opinion. The news media has crossed the line from reporting to editorializing to entertainment. Couple this phenomenon with the explosion of social media and it is darn difficult to find much integrity in the news business.

My deep and meaningful thought for the day.

Bring on GB!
One thing I have noticed about the media - regardless whether it is cable or major network and regardless whether it is conservative or liberal - is that very few, if any, of the primetime newscasters simply report the news.

Everything now is reported with a bias or personal opinion. The news media has crossed the line from reporting to editorializing to entertainment. Couple this phenomenon with the explosion of social media and it is darn difficult to find much integrity in the news business.

My deep and meaningful thought for the day.

Bring on GB!
No denying that
The debate isnt just about guns vs no guns... Its about where the line should be drawn. Expanded magazine, Semi Automatic weapons, Silencers, should not be allowed.

Semi-automatic weapons? Handguns can are semi-automatic weapons. Is this what you mean? Or so you mean fully automatic weapons (ie: machine guns)?
There are idiots on both sides of that aisle, there is just a hell of a lot more on the right.
And yet the "right" owns everything, runs everything, accomplishes everything, dominates everything, and always will.
No one is gun grabbing. Stop this crazy nonsense.
Start thinking for yourself and get the NRA talking points and scare tactics out of your mind. Do you realize the Democrats had complete control of the government Obama's first 2 years in office when he passed Obamacare.. He had a super majority in the senate. The democrats could have taken away your guns then if this was their plan and there would have been nothing you could do about it....and guess what? They didnt. So stop this craziness anytime rational people dont believe just anyone should have access to assault weapons. The only reason we have access is because the gun lobby have bought and intimidated out government mostly on the republican side. If there was no NRA and money wasnt the driving force behind our politicians actions then assault weapons would already be banned. Trying to make an intelligent logical argument in favor of them just doesn't happen.

Don't lie, you are seriously advocating a gun grab though. No one said anyone is actually gun grabbing, not yet. That's the problem with you, you hear what you want to hear no matter what anyone says. I'm not a member of the NRA nor do I pay attention to their talking points but if you think what I say sounds similar to what they advocate then maybe I ought align with them. Thanks for the tip. You place far too much power at the hands of Barry O in his first 2 years in office. He would never be re-elect if he even hinted at a gun grab like you are suggesting. You keep making wild assertions and it just hurts your argument. No one thinks just anyone should have access to assault weapons so stop making that argument. The reason we have access is because we as a people value our forefathers wishes for us to bare arms. Your paranoia over concentrated power in the NRA and its alliance with the GOP is crazy talk. You need a boogie man out there to fear so you've invented him in your mind and now want to convince all of us he is real. You are a nut job. The exact type of nut job my 2A rights protect me from.
They dont muddy the water. They clear the water.

Show me where your constitutional right in unlimited and includes assault weapons?

Go ahead and bear your arms... There are thousands of arms that cover your rights.
You are a scary man with scary thoughts of stifling American's constitutional rights.
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Show me the data where it shows more guns equals less shootings. I can show clear indisputable data where it shows less guns equals less shootings.

Stop spreading lies.
More guns in the hands of law abiding citizens....... which is 99% of the NRA

Beyond that do your own research beyond your little 1500 mass shootings talking point
Let it be known. If I have a gun and I'm intent on shooting someone. Before I shoot that person. I will shoot anyone foolish enough to open carry, then I would shoot the intended person.

Broadcasting the fact that you're carrying a gun makes you a primary target of a would be shooter. Any police or military training will tell you. Shoot the biggest threat first, then move on to lessor threats.

When you see someone open carry. You know you're looking at a fool as only a fool would do something so foolish.
That is rubbish.... criminals consistently report they choose soft targets so they won't get shot at

Almost all of these mass shootings ends when the murderers first encounter armed resistance.... they either kill themselves or die in a shoot out
Let it be known. If I have a gun and I'm intent on shooting someone. Before I shoot that person. I will shoot anyone foolish enough to open carry, then I would shoot the intended person.

Broadcasting the fact that you're carrying a gun makes you a primary target of a would be shooter. Any police or military training will tell you. Shoot the biggest threat first, then move on to lessor threats.

When you see someone open carry. You know you're looking at a fool as only a fool would do something so foolish.

I am all for conceal carry but I am vehemently against open carry. There's only one reason to open carry - to let everyone around you know what a big strong MAN'S MAN you are and to intimidate the hell out of those around you. People that get off on the power trip they get when they see people double take and get out of their way because they are openly toting around something that can end their lives in a split second. Especially the idiots who open carry rifles out in public.
I am all for conceal carry but I am vehemently against open carry. There's only one reason to open carry - to let everyone around you know what a big strong MAN'S MAN you are and to intimidate the hell out of those around you. People that get off on the power trip they get when they see people double take and get out of their way because they are openly toting around something that can end their lives in a split second. Especially the idiots who open carry rifles out in public.
Sounds like you have other issues
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