Video: Xavier Woods: "Not possible to go full-speed."


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While they don’t get paid as much as Jaylon and D-Law, they still got the money. As long as you’re getting paid and scamming Jerry Jones, why try harder than you need to? The players know this.
The guy in your avatar is doing the same thing. But hey. Whatever helps you get attention.


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People wonder why the Dallas Cowboys do not succeed???? This right here tells you all you need to know about the culture in Dallas:

""We’re in the NFL. You don’t expect guys full speed for 70 plays. That’s not possible. But you're going to push all you can." Xavier Woods comment.

Dallas has a culture of lazy *** players and it's worse when they get paid. This is why Dallas misses Jimmy Johnson because he would cut his *** immediately to send a message and this is why Dallas has not gone to the Super Bowl in over 25 years.

I said it many years go- We have to many RKGs and not enough DOGS! It was something like that- you know, nice guys!


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This is all facts

But when your team is 1-3 this is not the mentality or what people want to hear.
It might not be what people want to hear but that's where you gotta emotional fans to kick rocks. If you know the true intent of the words don't twist them up because you're being emotional. That's weak to me.


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People wonder why the Dallas Cowboys do not succeed???? This right here tells you all you need to know about the culture in Dallas:

""We’re in the NFL. You don’t expect guys full speed for 70 plays. That’s not possible. But you're going to push all you can." Xavier Woods comment.

Dallas has a culture of lazy *** players and it's worse when they get paid. This is why Dallas misses Jimmy Johnson because he would cut his *** immediately to send a message and this is why Dallas has not gone to the Super Bowl in over 25 years.

Well, Woods is pure garbage and I've been saying it from....not day one...but pretty much after a few games.

He NEVER makes a play, is not a presence in the backfield, and gets faked out or beat very often.

He had a ton of defenders around here this past offseason....and his play hasnt declined at all.

It's the SAME.


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People wonder why the Dallas Cowboys do not succeed???? This right here tells you all you need to know about the culture in Dallas:

""We’re in the NFL. You don’t expect guys full speed for 70 plays. That’s not possible. But you're going to push all you can." Xavier Woods comment.

Dallas has a culture of lazy *** players and it's worse when they get paid. This is why Dallas misses Jimmy Johnson because he would cut his *** immediately to send a message and this is why Dallas has not gone to the Super Bowl in over 25 years.

Oh and you dont get cut in Jerryland.

Theres a better chance of Woods getting an extension and Jerry insisting he nailed the 6th round pick.

Same deal....I PAY you to be something, so therefore you SHOULD be.


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This team has lacked true leadership for many seasons. We also frown upon players like Dez that despise losing so much that they vocalize it to challenge his team mates to do better. Take a look at our bench when we are losing. Heads down, totally deflated look up and down the sidelines. We need someone to spice up this teams moral, reestablish the passion for the game. I would bring Dez back just for that purpose and look for a passionate player to keep our lousy defense on its toes as well.


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I get it but Mics are stuck in his face all day asking stupid questions, he was answering questions as honest as he can..sure most likely wished he said no comment but ,media make chat up anyway , its all about ratings..
Who does he think he is? The Pez? All he needs to do is walk away from the mic. If you lose, you should have absolutely NOTHING to say to the media.

The Natural

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This is the kind of lame stuff you never hear from elite defenses and why we'll never get to that level. It's indicative of the leadership on that side of the ball that a JAG feels comfortable enough to say this.


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I remember when Jason Garrett got 110 percent out of these guys 100 percent of the time smfh


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He should be cut for that.

Yep, I cut his sorry arse and tell the rest of the players in the lockerroom that if I catch anybody else loafing, they are gone as well and I dont give a dam what the score is, we could be down 50-0 and I dam well better see effort on every play!!!

Redball Express

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Lazy. No effort. And the funny thing is, they don’t even see a problem with it.

The culture in Dallas is so bad, the bar is so low. That going no effort, especially on big plays like this where you’re in position to comeback, is acceptable. And that’s why this team could care less about winning, let alone winning championships. They got the money. That’s all that matters to them.
It's difficult when the owner is as wealthy as Jerrah is..

to not have a trickle down effect of feeling privileged playing n Dallas.

For most players making a team like Dallas with its notoriety and reputation is a career dream come true.

Then on top of that being well paid making a player rich in one year beyond what some people spend a lifetime struggling for..

Is something our team has always struggled with.

Players like X. Woods have been on our rosters year in and year out. And it's obvious we have them now.

McCarthy is a stand up guy and he knows what needs to be done.

Unfortunately this is happening with an area of the team in short supply of bodies.

As soon as the starters return Woods will be on the bench watching his football career wind down.

He must have been crazy to say this outside the locker room.



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Yep, I cut his sorry arse and tell the rest of the players in the lockerroom that if I catch anybody else loafing, they are gone as well and I dont give a dam what the score is, we could be down 50-0 and I dam well better see effort on every play!!!

Yup! Enough of that crap! They get paid a lot of money to work on 16 days during the year and practices. They better give 110% every time! If we suck, then suck the best you can! If you can't give full effort in the NFL, then we need players that will!


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You dont say these things publicly.....

of course every team has guys that take plays is taxing but you never go admit it.....


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Yep, I cut his sorry arse and tell the rest of the players in the lockerroom that if I catch anybody else loafing, they are gone as well and I dont give a dam what the score is, we could be down 50-0 and I dam well better see effort on every play!!!

In fact! I'll go one step further! If I were Mike McCarthy and I heard this, the next day, I'm calling everyone into a huddle in the end zone, laying into the team about that, and cutting Xavier Woods on the spot. Essentially a public football execution if you will. Tell the team that if I ever catch you loafing again or if you ever think about doing and/or saying what Woods just said, the same thing will happen to you. Strike fear into the team.


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In fact, what Xavier Woods said actually explains a lot. It tells me that the players weren't trying last year, and they aren't trying this year. At least on defence. If that's the case, and it certainly appears to be the case, then that says that the players don't care and don't respect their coaches. Thus, cutting Xavier Woods infront of the entire team should strike that fear to say you better give it your all.