You guys make me sick


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Q_the_man;2334395 said:
When we try to create a positive thread, people trounce on us like wow.

I can see a little negativity but honestly we get more negetivity than when we were 5-11 and it's to the point to where all we get on this forum is not a fan forum but a troll forum....

Go ahead and say we have high expectations now that we are a better team, what's the difference than the other teams we had? nothing we still haven't won a playoff game.

Are we suppose to be happy when we lose, no. Believe me after a loss I don't do nothing but go to sleep, that's been a tradition of mine for over 20 years. But one thing I don't do is downgrade our team, I might point out where we need help, we need more speed at LB, we need a WR ( Shoot we have been looking for a Wr for 10 years now) other than TO we let WRz pass in the draft for years now. We have a good team not great and all we get here is bashing them because the media says we are favorites to win the bowl.. We should be favorites, we have talent at every position..

All I want from our team is to play solid from offense, defense and special teams. I can see us been mad after a loss screaming for heads of Wade, Garrett, Stewart, Campo or whoever, but we get the same head calling after we win...

For Example after we won or first 3 games, there was negativity, after we were 4-1 negativity, this week I know this forum is gonna be crazy, with people ready to even trades owners...................

We are the Cowboyz and forever we will be America's Team, let this team play and win and not criticize our every move, but Embrace we have the best franchise that the NFL can offer.............

I disagree with that people were definitely negative after 3-0.....Some people haven't gotten over the playoff lose......the game plans in preseason on defense were the same thing last year where Jacquee Reeves was the excuse and its the same game plan this year when we upgrade on defense.


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Q_the_man;2334395 said:
When we try to create a positive thread, people trounce on us like wow.

I can see a little negativity but honestly we get more negetivity than when we were 5-11 and it's to the point to where all we get on this forum is not a fan forum but a troll forum....

Go ahead and say we have high expectations now that we are a better team, what's the difference than the other teams we had? nothing we still haven't won a playoff game.

Are we suppose to be happy when we lose, no. Believe me after a loss I don't do nothing but go to sleep, that's been a tradition of mine for over 20 years. But one thing I don't do is downgrade our team, I might point out where we need help, we need more speed at LB, we need a WR ( Shoot we have been looking for a Wr for 10 years now) other than TO we let WRz pass in the draft for years now. We have a good team not great and all we get here is bashing them because the media says we are favorites to win the bowl.. We should be favorites, we have talent at every position..

All I want from our team is to play solid from offense, defense and special teams. I can see us been mad after a loss screaming for heads of Wade, Garrett, Stewart, Campo or whoever, but all week same thing. Funny thing is we get the same head calling after we win...

For Example after we won or first 3 games, there was negativity, after we were 4-1 negativity, this week I know this forum is gonna be crazy, with people ready to even trade our owner...................

We are the Cowboyz and forever we will be America's Team, let this team play and win and not criticize our every move, but Embrace we have the best franchise that the NFL can offer.............

People don't trounce on you, they read the opinion and information in your posts. If they disagree after cross referencing the information and opinion they have at hand then they express their opinion. Just because they don't agree with you and express it doesn't mean you're being trounced on. Provide an example of 1 of your threads that proves this. Provide the example thread. Please.


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AKATheRake;2334446 said:
People don't trounce on you, they read the opinion and information in your posts. If they disagree after cross referencing the information and opinion they have at hand then they express their opinion. Just because they don't agree with you and express it doesn't mean you're being trounced on. Provide an example of 1 of your threads that proves this. Provide the example thread. Please.

No one has to agree with me, but this forum, thrives on negativity now, not everyone, but to me 70% of the new posters come with shotgun in hand.....

Billy Bullocks

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Just because many of us are honest and are point out flaws in the team does not mean we are fair weather fans. It doesn't mean we don't care. But it does mean that we are realistic.

If you want to bury your head in the sand and blindly say Dallas is doing great, be my guest. Fact is, we are 1-2 over the last 3 games, and have looked bad in all 3 of them.


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cardsfanmd;2334414 said:
Thank you very much. I celebrated it as such. :D

you should. the cardinals don't have much of anything else going for them...:cool:


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GimmeTheBall!;2334347 said:
Name me one Zoner who has cut and run.
No, we don't prefer the doom and gloom. We prefer winning. And when we lose we prefer losing to a better team, not one that has fewer mistakes and better leadership at HC

Who could not enjoy the 13-3. The fact is we lost to the overrated Giants. At home. After a disastrous November-December swoon that had Wade saying "we're fine" in spite of all that. If you enjoyed 1 and out in the playoffs, that is your baggage.

We are far from experts.
But we know a poorly led team when we see one. And, yes, other teams have problems and bad losses, Mr. Redundant. It's just that other teams don't have this array of talent on both sides of the ball.

We are incapable of joy today. Or after the Skins game or after the Bengals game.
I am glad your day is filled with joy today.
And thanks for telling us you will no longer preach. At 200-plus posts we were getting exhausted from your sermons.

Fail. You tried to dissect my words, but didn't score any points. I never said I was happy today. Yesterday's loss stunk, but there were positives. Barber's play, Crayton's catch and run, Folk again, the pass rush was there,,,

The team has some problems, but name one team you would trade ours with right now. I can't think of one, even the Giants.


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Audiman;2334515 said:
you should. the cardinals don't have much of anything else going for them...:cool:
Why make yourself look like an ***?

I have been on this board all week talking good football with many of your posters. I have yet to be rude to any of them, and likewise they have been decent to me. Why do you feel the need to be so whiny?

Where do you live? I made a remark about bandwagon fans, and you get all pissy. If you aren't a bandwagon fan then there would be no reason for you to be offended by my original post. That leads me to believe that you are one of the guys from another area who had self-esteem issues growing up. You then jumped on the 'Boy's wagon so you could feel like you were part of "America's Team", thus improving yuou thoughts on your own self worth. Before you start crying and credit me with telling your life story just now let me say that someone else from my Cardinal board explained it to me.

Oh, and BTW we do have something going on that your Cowboys dont; a win streak. Oh yeah, it doesn't hurt that we are in 1st place in our division either.