Well, you can look at it one of two ways. We were ranked 12th and 2nd in takeaways in 13' and 14', respectively. Then in '15 we dropped to last in the league. So either '13 and '14 were outliers and the D showed their "true colors" last year, or '15 was an outlier and we'll we should bounce back to a respectable number in '16.
15 was an out-lier, Teams played us different due to no tony, and they saw that our coaches could not score many points with tony out of the game.
I think by game 6, or Cassels 1st game , this was confirmed, and then
what teams did was concentrate on not giving up
easy or short scores with turnovers.
So the other teams game plan was in large part
no turnovers, just score a few points, and rattle the qb and you will beat the cowboys.
Dallas lost games 13-12,10-6, teams knew dallas could not score much on their own, so just dont give them turnovers, just punt the ball.
The other thing is dallas cut or didnt sign, several defensive players, who had got 17 of the 32 turnovers in 2014.
So the guys who got 1/2 of the t/o were no longer on the team. This had a effect too.
The other thing is that the cowboys defense and I think Marinelli as a DC are just avg, not real bad , and not real good.
Marinelli's scheme doesnt lend itself to getting ints, where a player undercuts a wr and steals the pass, it is more tackle after the catch
type defense, or block the catch. Be in position and make the tackles.
It isnt a gambling defense.
The players not resigned or cut, were evidently more important than the coaches and jones boys thought they were.
So 15 was a combination of things, but still to have fewest turnovers ever in history of NFL is pretty bad , and that has to say
something about Marinelli, that many fans dont want to see or say.
It happened on his watch, so make excuses, or realize, he is partly to blame for that.
This defense will probably go back to being avg, and with turnovers, I dont know, but I dont expect them to be average there,
probably a bit below avg.
But if our offense can score a lot of points, then other teams have to go all out trying to move the ball, which should mean
more turnovers, so they could be better than avg.
Depends on what our offense does points wise.
Bottom line is the defense is AVG, Marinelli is AVG ! Some think he is great DC , who just needs better players, but I think
Better players make any coach look better, and a good coach will make avg players look good, not bad.