You Tell Me...does Ray Want To Come??


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I heard its Baltimore or Dallas and no one else.

Id love it if we jack up the price on Lewis then swoop in and grab Suggs


Kane Ala
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MarionBarberThe4th;2612238 said:
I heard its Baltimore or Dallas and no one else.

Id love it if we jack up the price on Lewis then swoop in and grab Suggs

Again, I'd take them both in a heartbeat. I think we need Suggs less than Ray but if the price were right (and it won't be for us) then I'd do it in a skinny minute. The more I think on it the more Ray makes a lot of sense for us in many areas.


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Ray can still play at a high level. I think he has a couple good years left, and his attitude is severely needed here. He can be the one to get in people's faces over bad play without it being a TO crime.


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Especially when you hear players never acted up b/c they would have to answer to Ray. They could not give less than 100% around him


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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I am nearly convinced he's coming here for several reasons but this is just another indication that he is.


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Good lord, I don't want that contract he was rumored at wanting. And in this interview, it just sounded like he wanted to get paid.


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I don't think it could have been set up more perfect for Ray to come here. We'll lose Zach and Burnett(he's going to want to cash in,no thanks), and that ILB position is wide open. With a few cuts here and there, (Henry,Ellis) and reconstructured contracts there will be more than enough room to ink him to a 2 year deal. I'm not worried about the cap, one of the few things Jerry and his staff know how to do is sqeeze a dollar out of a contract. Ware will get paid and Jerry will want that "star" addition to open up 2009


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cowboyschmps3;2612235 said:

Yep they both know how easy it is to get big money outta Jerry. Prime is such a butt clown. You didn't think at the end of the segment he was making fun of Dallas? That part where they are discussing playing X-Box and Prime was saying how about Dallas vs. The Ravens ( both laugh like school girls) how about Dallas vs, The Giants ( more laughter) how about Dallas vs. Philly (knee slapping big stoner type laughter) To me that was both of them doing nothing but mocking the Dallas Cowboys. I wouldn't want either of them on my team period, not for the money they think they are worth. Ray Lewis has been great in Baltimore, but I cannot see him being able to go to another team and have an immediate impact as a leader. I just don't believe his style would translate on any other team but the Ravens and rightfully so. We need a person with strong leadership in his vein but it needs to be someone we draft and has the ability to command trust and leadership immediately.Those types don't grow on trees and if you think a 13 year old tree can come into a feild of saplings and make it look like a forrest, then you can't see the forrest for the tree. I would also add that yes bears do crap in the woods, but if he crapped in the city limits it would still stink.


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ndanger;2612254 said:
Yep they both know how easy it is to get big money outta Jerry. Prime is such a butt clown. You didn't think at the end of the segment he was making fun of Dallas? That part where they are discussing playing X-Box and Prime was saying how about Dallas vs. The Ravens ( both laugh like school girls) how about Dallas vs, The Giants ( more laughter) how about Dallas vs. Philly (knee slapping big stoner type laughter) To me that was both of them doing nothing but mocking the Dallas Cowboys. I wouldn't want either of them on my team period, not for the money they think they are worth. Ray Lewis has been great in Baltimore, but I cannot see him being able to go to another team and have an immediate impact as a leader. I just don't believe his style would translate on any other team but the Ravens and rightfully so. We need a person with strong leadership in his vein but it needs to be someone we draft and has the ability to command trust and leadership immediately.Those types don't grow on trees and if you think a 13 year old tree can come into a feild of saplings and make it look like a forrest, then you can't see the forrest for the tree. I would also add that yes bears do crap in the woods, but if he crapped in the city limits it would still stink.

What rookie is going to come in and demand respect? cmon man..that's nonsense. Ray is only a short-term deal, that maybe can help us get over that hump..Ray is highly respected everywhere he goes. Players will listen to him and want to play hard for him. Wouldn't you? I sure would. The guy has been the piller of a defense that's been nasty for years now. He's also got a ring to flash around. I think he's got the credentials to hold players accountable. Get it done Jerry!!


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oh and I cant watch the video for some reason.HAH. my computer is acting up..can someone tell me what Ray said..doesnt have to word for word.


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Wake up and smell the toast people. He commands that respect and new guys don't want to piss him off because he has been there for 13 years. His style on any other team won't be anywhere near as effective. Would it help? I have doubts. Fact: nobody will call him Barbie. Will that translate to stronger men? The same men throwing around nicknames like Barbie to a fellow team mate and giggling like school girls about it on a show that is watched by Cowboy fans. It would take Ray Ray another 13 years to transform that kind of 3rd grade mentality. If these guys can't get it done with what we have, they will more than likely only tolerate his ,Rah Rah, get in your face, oh gee I don't want to piss Ray Ray off, attitude, knowing that a 13 year vet is gonna be gone next year, 2 at the most. I can hear 'em now, Waaaaa Waaaa Ray Ray mean. Ray Ray mean, make him stop. Waaaa Waaaaa Ray Ray mmeeeeaaannn ! Let's face it guys, one personality is not gonna correct the atmosphere that has infected this locker room. If Jerry thought that, we would already have Shannahan or Holmgren as head coach. I want to beleive that winning makes it all go away but when you realize going 13 and 3 the season before and then see how this year went it gets real hard to make that half empty cup look half full. This is the first off season in watching the Cowboys for 40 plus seasons that I am struggling to get excited about the upcoming season. Usually I am looking at draft possibilities and thinking about how certain players might help. This year not so much. By the time training camp is here hopefully things will be different. Most years it happens when the clock hits zero of the last game.


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SLATEmosphere;2612259 said:
What rookie is going to come in and demand respect? cmon man..that's nonsense. Ray is only a short-term deal, that maybe can help us get over that hump..Ray is highly respected everywhere he goes. Players will listen to him and want to play hard for him. Wouldn't you? I sure would. The guy has been the piller of a defense that's been nasty for years now. He's also got a ring to flash around. I think he's got the credentials to hold players accountable. Get it done Jerry!!

Like I said they don't grow on trees. He is a highly respected Baltimore Raven. Probably could be a highly respected Jaguar, or a Buckaneer. But in Dallas where players give out nicknames to fellow team mates and giggle about it and other players run to espn and let the world know that player x sorta has respect for the O/C in shakey kind of way,and player y says that firing the D/C did not fix the problem and gay Bob over here is not playing nice because straight Bob gets all the balls and how come white Bob doesn't get the scrutiny black Bob gets and coach Bob needs a consultant Bob and Jerry Bob won't fire Gm Bob. Parcells Bob was a mean grumpy grocery shopper and Wade Bob is a laid back cupcake eatin' son of a Bum Bob and Ed Werder Bob is a liar liar pants on fire. Please ....Ray Ray ain't gonna have a huge impact on that. But he will get his money, just like Prime did and he took his big ole sack a money over to Lil" Dannys playground in Washington and stole his milk money and went to Baltimore and made friends with Ray Ray.


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ndanger;2612271 said:
Wake up and smell the toast people. He commands that respect and new guys don't want to piss him off because he has been there for 13 years. His style on any other team won't be anywhere near as effective. Would it help? I have doubts. Fact: nobody will call him Barbie. Will that translate to stronger men? The same men throwing around nicknames like Barbie to a fellow team mate and giggling like school girls about it on a show that is watched by Cowboy fans. It would take Ray Ray another 13 years to transform that kind of 3rd grade mentality. If these guys can't get it done with what we have, they will more than likely only tolerate his ,Rah Rah, get in your face, oh gee I don't want to piss Ray Ray off, attitude, knowing that a 13 year vet is gonna be gone next year, 2 at the most. I can hear 'em now, Waaaaa Waaaa Ray Ray mean. Ray Ray mean, make him stop. Waaaa Waaaaa Ray Ray mmeeeeaaannn ! Let's face it guys, one personality is not gonna correct the atmosphere that has infected this locker room. If Jerry thought that, we would already have Shannahan or Holmgren as head coach. I want to beleive that winning makes it all go away but when you realize going 13 and 3 the season before and then see how this year went it gets real hard to make that half empty cup look half full. This is the first off season in watching the Cowboys for 40 plus seasons that I am struggling to get excited about the upcoming season. Usually I am looking at draft possibilities and thinking about how certain players might help. This year not so much. By the time training camp is here hopefully things will be different. Most years it happens when the clock hits zero of the last game.

your argument is weak. that "I don't wanna piss Ray off" attitude is called accountabilty, something that this team desperatly needs. I'm not saying we are going to win back to back SB's because of Ray, but it's a starting point leading somewhere positive. I dont know about you, but I will feel a whole lot more confident and comfortable with our team next year with Ray on it. The rookies that come in can understudy Ray and see what he's all about, then when he departs they can pick up where he left off.


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ndanger;2612274 said:
Like I said they don't grow on trees. He is a highly respected Baltimore Raven. Probably could be a highly respected Jaguar, or a Buckaneer. But in Dallas where players give out nicknames to fellow team mates and giggle about it and other players run to espn and let the world know that player x sorta has respect for the O/C in shakey kind of way,and player y says that firing the D/C did not fix the problem and gay Bob over here is not playing nice because straight Bob gets all the balls and how come white Bob doesn't get the scrutiny black Bob gets and coach Bob needs a consultant Bob and Jerry Bob won't fire Gm Bob. Parcells Bob was a mean grumpy grocery shopper and Wade Bob is a laid back cupcake eatin' son of a Bum Bob and Ed Werder Bob is a liar liar pants on fire. Please ....Ray Ray ain't gonna have a huge impact on that. But he will get his money, just like Prime did and he took his big ole sack a money over to Lil" Dannys playground in Washington and stole his milk money and went to Baltimore and made friends with Ray Ray.

Bob FTW.


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MarionBarberThe4th;2612238 said:
I heard its Baltimore or Dallas and no one else.

Id love it if we jack up the price on Lewis then swoop in and grab Suggs
who do you hear this stuff from or is it just your opinion? I don't see why he would want to come to the joke that is the Dallas Cowboys. he's about winning not about media coverage.


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Ray Lewis comes here and he'll be in a fist fight within the first team meeting after being signed. I would love to have a Ray Lewis but no one can be expected to handle this maniac locker room without a serious head coach and an owner that empowers the coach to run the troops no matter what. I have never heard so many players on 1 single team lack this level of confidence in the system they are in. I'm very worried about the state of our team. Jerry thinks Dan Reeves can crack a whip on this team with Wade at HC?

Man, I hope Jerry's right. I think Reeves being added is better than him not being added at the teams current state but it also signifies that this cupcake train is going to remain for the long haul. Dan Reeves is a good football guy but Jerry is going to use him to build our philosophy with what we have? Jerry gets the OC before the coach, the coach before the personnel executive? Scary stuff.


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SLATEmosphere;2612275 said:
your argument is weak. that "I don't wanna piss Ray off" attitude is called accountabilty, something that this team desperatly needs. I'm not saying we are going to win back to back SB's because of Ray, but it's a starting point leading somewhere positive. I dont know about you, but I will feel a whole lot more confident and comfortable with our team next year with Ray on it. The rookies that come in can understudy Ray and see what he's all about, then when he departs they can pick up where he left off.

Well maybe your argument is weak ,but I don't have an argument at all.I'm not arguing in any way shape form or fashion. Besides the internet ettiqette police will tell you that only people who post in caps are considered to be arguing because they are shouting at you. I'm merely posting my opinion but that doesn't mean it's right. The way I see it if a player can't look at Demarcus Ware and want to emulate him or Jay Ratliff and see what he's about do you really think Ray Ray is gonna impact him. Hey here's an idea, let's draft guys that are rookies just like Ray was when he was rookie or let's draft a guy with a motor like Ratliff or hey I know let's draft a guy like Ware and he can see how to be a consumate proffessional and a loving Father. All these guys were rookies and made an impact on thier team. Can you tell me who Ray Rays understudy was when he came into the league? Who's the guy that took rookie Ray Ray and showed him how it's done? Don't come at me with weak, tell me you don't agree with me that's fine. I didn't ask you to agree and I certainly didn't imply that you're opinion was weak. And to a certain degree I can agree Ray could help but I tend to think it would be minimal and for one or 2 years max and if your thinking he will be cheap I have some really really prime ocean front property for sale right here in Tropical Oklahoma. Now that was weak.


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ndanger;2612292 said:
Well maybe your argument is weak ,but I don't have an argument at all.I'm not arguing in any way shape form or fashion. Besides the internet ettiqette police will tell you that only people who post in caps are considered to be arguing because they are shouting at you. I'm merely posting my opinion but that doesn't mean it's right. The way I see it if a player can't look at Demarcus Ware and want to emulate him or Jay Ratliff and see what he's about do you really think Ray Ray is gonna impact him. Hey here's an idea, let's draft guys that are rookies just like Ray was when he was rookie or let's draft a guy with a motor like Ratliff or hey I know let's draft a guy like Ware and he can see how to be a consumate proffessional and a loving Father. All these guys were rookies and made an impact on thier team. Can you tell me who Ray Rays understudy was when he came into the league? Who's the guy that took rookie Ray Ray and showed him how it's done? Don't come at me with weak, tell me you don't agree with me that's fine. I didn't ask you to agree and I certainly didn't imply that you're opinion was weak. And to a certain degree I can agree Ray could help but I tend to think it would be minimal and for one or 2 years max and if your thinking he will be cheap I have some really really prime ocean front property for sale right here in Tropical Oklahoma. Now that was weak.

I commend you for the way you handled yourself in this post. I also agree wholeheartedly with your philosophy on Ray Lewis, the Cowboy players mentioned and the type of players we should be incorporating and developing within this team.