You Won’t Believe Who Broke The Smear Campaign On Greg Hardy!

It isn't exactly a smear campaign if he did it. He did play a part in this after all and by signing him we knew the criticism that would be coming.

I know, it's like people shouldn't be shocked about this. This is going to go on as long as he's on the team. Every boneheaded thing he does from here on out is going to be magnified.
Funny, Hardy just sent out a couple of tweets -

Well at least that's something. I think the Cowboys probably pushed him into doing this.

He doesn't tweet very much and after one of the media flare ups he quit tweeting entirely but would RT people saying nice things or hoping he was resigned as a Cowboy. Who knows what he really means but my reaction is that he really regrets all this stupid stuff taking oxygen away from the team.

I think if it was a formal thing it would be a carefully crafted PR statement. People in PR firms get paid enormous amounts of money to write up those kind of things.
He says he a Cowboy fan and has season tickets but you don't see him much unless it something like this and he post 3-4 times talking about how Dez or Greg is the devil and how Brady died for our sins.
I have been mildly critical of Dez in the past, but nowhere near the level you people are lying about.

Why don't you research some of my posts where I vehemently defended Romo as the #2 QB in the NFL today behind Rodgers (post was made prior to the season when everyone was healthy) and also praised the Cowboys for how well they handled the Bryant contract negotiations, as well as for not mortgaging the future to trade for Adrian Peterson.

Oh but wait, you don't want to let facts get in the way of your obscene ignorance. I've been critical of Jerruh for screwing STHers like me with his temporary seat options nonsense in the new stadium. Guess that means I hate Dallas! :rolleyes:
Same and absolutely not my stance on it. Sadly people will now feel justified because a woman said this.

I'm male but I think you mean Woodys.

I wasn't there so it's hard for me to pass judgment on what happened. Some say she took the money to go away, again idk so hard for me think one way or another.

Sounds like you're mad at the legal system to me.

Since IDK what happened it's just hard for me to join a lynch mob, not my style.

I haven't hit a women but I use to be bad person and just a plain ******* (can still be sometimes) but I've changed and so maybe that's why I'm more willing to give second chances but I'm gonna give him one unless he can't keep his nose clean.

Not sure what you're looking for, tons of people will shun Greg if that's what you mean
Wins matter, it is the only thing that matters in this game. People need to stop watching football looking for role models or moral reasons. Hell I think if it it wasnt for football, a majority of these players would be in some trouble or in jail.

My god, your statement is sickening.

Vomit? LOL what do you expect the crowd to do boo a great player for making a great play? That would make them pretty ****ty fans. We can debate all we want, but at the end of the day we don't know what happened. Those bruises aren't so severe that it's clear Hardy beat her. End of the day the man is a Dallas Cowboys football player. Jerry supports him. The entire franchise is behind him so as a fan who am I to argue with them? I'm a die hard Cowboys fan and I wanna see this team get back to the promise land. Greg helps us do that. I wanna see Tony Romo get the Super Bowl ring he deserves. I'm also rooting for a guy like Hardy. Not just because he's a Cowboy, but this man has been through quite an ordeal. People have questioned his character. He's been convicted in the court of public opinion despite not having an actual one and he's still stayed strong and leveled throughout this whole process. Good for him. I hope the Cowboys do everything in their power to re-sign him.

I see the only person who agrees with your statement is Witten, what a surprise. Lol, "bruises aren't so severe tha its clear Hardy beat her". Are you kidding or blind? Quite an ordeal? Poor Greg, my sympathies are with him. If he was on any other team I doubt either of you would have the same opinion.
My god, your statement is sickening.

I see the only person who agrees with your statement is Witten, what a surprise. Lol, "bruises aren't so severe tha its clear Hardy beat her". Are you kidding or blind? Quite an ordeal? Poor Greg, my sympathies are with him. If he was on any other team I doubt either of you would have the same opinion.

This isnt the boy scouts, so look for role models elsewhere
My god, your statement is sickening.

I see the only person who agrees with your statement is Witten, what a surprise. Lol, "bruises aren't so severe tha its clear Hardy beat her". Are you kidding or blind? Quite an ordeal? Poor Greg, my sympathies are with him. If he was on any other team I doubt either of you would have the same opinion.

If he was on the Eagles they would say typical for the Eagles. That whole city is scum. lol
JMO... With the circumstances under which Hardy arrived in Dallas, it doesn't matter who the writer was. He is the gift that keeps on giving from a media perspective. Folks want him to come out with a contrite statement saying he was sorry he did something that he wasn't convicted of. Never gonna happen. And if I'm the NFL, I don't force him to speak to the media, because all it does it makes people look sideways at the NFL, too.

and when they say something like:

"It is believed that Hardy and Nicole Holder, his ex-girlfriend, reached a settlement that gave her reason not to testify against him in court."

no need for news, quotes, or a source. just a slam.
You obviously haven't been paying attention the past 6 months.

Everybody has been paying attention to your misdirection, Hardy is not the issue here for you, it's pure deflation deflection. Tom Brady and the Patriots will always be considered to be cheaters and ulimately illegitimate in the annals of football history, Hardy's personal mistakes can't erase your teams' pervasive criminal legacy.
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If he was on the Eagles they would say typical for the Eagles. That whole city is scum. lol

Exactly. It would go something like this "Only a scum city like Philly would sign a scumbag like Hardy, he's not a RKG for the Cowboys and I'm glad we didn't sign this guy." You know that's what the majority of the responses would be if Hardy were on the Eagles.
My god, your statement is sickening.

I see the only person who agrees with your statement is Witten, what a surprise. Lol, "bruises aren't so severe tha its clear Hardy beat her". Are you kidding or blind? Quite an ordeal? Poor Greg, my sympathies are with him. If he was on any other team I doubt either of you would have the same opinion.

Can you point out exactly how those bruises contradict Hardy's version of events?
The same city that had the federal felon Vick as their QB for a while...While Hardy had charges dropped at his record expunged...It's to be

Don't forget Riley Cooper's transgression too.......Wow!
eagles fans should all be suspended from games...they that cheer career-ending injuries and throw batteries and opposing players' moms....
The greatest claim to fame that city has sports-wise is a fake, semi-******** boxing champion from an old movie

And a statue in his honor ..... P.S. Born and raised in Philly, but lifelong Dallas fan....

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