Your favorite TV series?

Star Treks
Married with Children
The Night Stalker
The X Files
Night Gallery
The Twilight Zone
Spatacus: Blood and Sand
burmafrd;3723260 said:
The episode "Inner Light" was great on TNG. But my all time favorite was "Yesterday's Enterprise". "All Good Things" was a good way to end it. "The Best of Both Worlds" to me is where the series really hit stride.

Can't really disagree with any of what you said. You hit it on the head.
I've only seen the reruns but Hogan's Heroes is my all-time favorite.

Dukes of Hazard,
SC Cowboyfan;3723665 said:
I've only seen the reruns but Hogan's Heroes is my all-time favorite.

I loved reruns of Gilligan's Island and Bewitched when I was young. It didn't dawn on me until much later that both shows ended before I was born.
Boom;3723697 said:
I loved reruns of Gilligan's Island and Bewitched when I was young. It didn't dawn on me until much later that both shows ended before I was born.
You mean those are reruns?! Quit pulling my leg! :eek:
Chief;3722840 said:
The Office
The Andy Griffith Show
Hawaii Five-0 (original)
High Chaparral
All in the Family
Criminal Minds
Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives

You know I'm a fan of High Chaparral Chief. Did you ever watch the Untouchables when you were a kid? I really liked that one too.
hookemhorns72;3723756 said:
You mean those are reruns?! Quit pulling my leg! :eek:

Yea. That Bob Denver autograph you got last week is either worthless or VERY valuable. :p:
CowboyMike;3723047 said:
I thought Skin of Evil was absolutely pointless. Just like they would touch on the rest of the season, Tasha's death was senseless and so was the episode.
Got to disagree. An amoral alien malevolent being, with total control over the lives of the shuttlecraft crew (was there someone other than Troi inside the ship?), creates a no-win situation for victims and rescuers alike. All of their advanced technology was rendered practically useless--so much so to the point where a major series character was killed as casually as any of us would have stepped on a bug.

In the end, the survivors found themselves acting more so out of revenge while they escaped--which was almost a complete 180 degree stance away from the established Gene Roddenberry 24th century "evolved" human attitude he centered ST:TNG on. I have always considered it one of Roddenberry's more edgy retro plotlines dealing with utterly alien entities without any regard for other intelligent lifeforms, much like his Wolf In The Fold from the original series.
CowboyMike;3723047 said:
Conspiracy was good if not a little weird. It has been suggested that the aliens in that episode were a precursor for the Borg, but never solidified. I thought DS9 did a much better job with pretty much the same plot (minus the aliens) in "Homefront" and "Paradise Lost".
Agreed. I do like the episode, but have to admit that an alien invasion composed of what I have always described as 'beetle scorpions' which burrow into your neck and control you mind and body through your brain stem was a little thin. :eek::

Roddenberry borrowed the idea for the tiny aliens from the creatures Khan used to control Captain Terrell and Chekov in STII:Wrath. They were more 'menacing' in the movie than they ever were in the episode.
CowboyMike;3723047 said:
"Contagion" was good. I'll give you that. I was unimpressed with "Q Who", to be honest. But it did set up possibly the greatest Star Trek episode ever, "The Best of Both Worlds, Parts I and II".
One of my favorite pieces of dialogue from any ST episodes comes nearly at the end of Contagion, when Picard escapes from the facility on the planet and jumps onto the Romulan bridge through the transporter 'rip'. With her ship falling apart around her, the Romulan commander tells Picard that they cannot halt the ship's self-destruct, but that she will have the pleasure of at least having him die with them also--to which Picard replies (as he finally senses the Enterprise's transporter lock on him), "Not I think today, Commander". After he disappears, the look of disgust on her face is priceless. Great, great scene in my opinion.

"Q Who"? Where can I began? Nevermind. I'll go old windbag on you and bore you to death. :D However, I will say that Q Who was the first episode in Roddenberry's second series which reestablished the original series' main theme that the Federation was not 'all-powerful' and created a new alien race which made the Klingons and Romulans combined looked tame by comparison. One of the episode's subplots delved deeper into Guinan's character which I also enjoyed a lot of. Heck, her past dealings with Q (which were never explained indepth) were significant enough that Q was concerned about her being on the ship with him. Now, why would a ommipotent entity care one iota about some mortal (albeit a very LONG lived mortal)? :D

Best Of Both Worlds is my all-time favorite as well. It beats out my next three favorite two-parters: Redemption, Unification and Descent.

CowboyMike;3723047 said:
I do have some favorites in Season 2, though. I thought "The Outrageous Okona" was a fun episode with a good performance from Bill Campbell, who was in the top 2 originally considered for Riker.

"The Measure of a Man" may be among the top five of the entire series. It is an absolutely excellent episode, in my opinion.
Love those two choices. Two of my favorites off the top of my head are The Survivors and Relics.

Great dialogue at the end of Survivors. Forgive me. This is from memory, so it's not exact at all :eek:: :

Picard: It's no wonder you tried so hard to hide your identity. You are responsible for the destruction of Rana 3!

Kevin: No! I was defending Rana and that is the reason for my shame.

Picard: Shame? Who really destroyed the planet?

Kevin: They called themselves the Hushnock. A malevolent race of hideous thought and mind. I tried to fool the Hushnock as I did you, but they saw through my illusions. It only made them madder. More cruel.

At one point, Reshan ran off to help the other colonists defend themselves from the Hushnock.

Troi (I think): Why did you not fight as well?

Kevin: I am a Dowd. I will not kill and thus did not help Reshan and the others.

Troi: But you could have saved them all.

Kevin: I... will... not... kill.

Picard: Then... what you tried so hard to prevent... happened. Reshan died defending the colony.

Kevin: This is what I wanted to hide from you. This is my shame. When Reshan died, in a fit of anger, I lashed out and destroyed the Hushnock...

Picard: ... but you were only defending the colonists ...

Kevin: No no no. You do not understand. I did not kill a hundred Hushnock. Or a thousand. I killed them all. All Hushnock everywhere...

Are the lives of 10,000 colonists worth the lives of 30 billion? Is the destruction of an entire species worth the love of one woman?


I could finish it, but I have typed too much junk as it is. :laugh1:
burmafrd;3723260 said:
The episode "Inner Light" was great on TNG. But my all time favorite was "Yesterday's Enterprise". "All Good Things" was a good way to end it. "The Best of Both Worlds" to me is where the series really hit stride.
Those are three home runs in my book. I forget. How long was Picard unresponsive when the probe scanned him on the bridge in Inner Light? He lived a lifetime in his mind under the probe's influence, but wasn't he only out for a few minutes?

It's interesting that you mentioned Yesterday's Enterprise and ...All Good Things together. A common thread for both was Denise Crosby.

Not only was her Tasha Yar character a great one in ST:TNG, but her half-human/half-Romulan daughter character was one as well. Yesterday's Enterprise explains that subplot very well.

Then to see Crosby again in the series finale was fantastic. It has always made me wonder what would have been if she had remained on the show. Then again, her staying would have possibly hindered Michael Dorn's Worf character development.
I've liked several older ones that have been named. One of the older ones I haven't seen that I liked was Black Sheep Squadron.
The Twilight Zone (The original)
Family Guy
The Dick van Dyke Show
M*A*S*H* (Except the last few seasons when the show got preachey)
The Andy Griffith Show
Good Eats
Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives
Scrubs (especially the first few seasons. It got pretty bad by the end).

and probably a lot more...I watch too much tv.

I never could get in to Lost though. I tried. Started from the beginning and everything. I think it's because they spent so much time trying to get off the island the first season, and because I was watching it later, I knew it was going to fail. That, and the whole "what you think you know isn't what it seems" thing, just got tiring after a while.
Illini88228;3723925 said:
The Twilight Zone (The original)
Family Guy
The Dick van Dyke Show
M*A*S*H* (Except the last few seasons when the show got preachey)
The Andy Griffith Show
Good Eats
Diners, Drive-ins, & Dives
Scrubs (especially the first few seasons. It got pretty bad by the end).

and probably a lot more...I watch too much tv.

I never could get in to Lost though. I tried. Started from the beginning and everything. I think it's because they spent so much time trying to get off the island the first season, and because I was watching it later, I knew it was going to fail. That, and the whole "what you think you know isn't what it seems" thing, just got tiring after a while.

I don't know how I could have left off Scrubs and Family Guy from my list. I love both of those.
yes minister
six feet under
Fawlty towers
x files
Star trek-tng
Battlestar Galactica
Black Sheep Squadron. A good friend of mine talked to Pappy a year or so after the series ended. He said RObert Conrad played him just right; and that he liked Conrad since he was just like him.
ABQCOWBOY;3723765 said:
You know I'm a fan of High Chaparral Chief. Did you ever watch the Untouchables when you were a kid? I really liked that one too.

Hey my friend. I don't remember The Untouchables series. The movie, however, is one of my favorites.

High Chaparral was my favorite Western. It was overshadowed by Gunsmoke, The Big Valley, Laredo and Bonanza.

They filmed it at Old Tucson studios and I visited the ranch house a few years ago.
Ever: Lost

Favorites that have ended:
Dead Like Me
My Name is Earl

Favorites currently:
True Blood
South Park
Family Guy
American Dad
DallasEast;3723799 said:
Those are three home runs in my book. I forget. How long was Picard unresponsive when the probe scanned him on the bridge in Inner Light? He lived a lifetime in his mind under the probe's influence, but wasn't he only out for a few minutes?

It's interesting that you mentioned Yesterday's Enterprise and ...All Good Things together. A common thread for both was Denise Crosby.

Not only was her Tasha Yar character a great one in ST:TNG, but her half-human/half-Romulan daughter character was one as well. Yesterday's Enterprise explains that subplot very well.

Then to see Crosby again in the series finale was fantastic. It has always made me wonder what would have been if she had remained on the show. Then again, her staying would have possibly hindered Michael Dorn's Worf character development.

Huge fan of that series. The only show I can say that I actually watched the first pilot episode and didn't miss a single show for quite a few seasons. Agree with Yar, if she stays Worf doesn't get nearly as well developed. There were a few times the series jumped the shark here and there with regards to the old ST revamped episodes, but other than that, a solid piece of TV programming.

The only other show I can say I've watched every episode of would be Deadliest Catch. Technically, the first episode would be when Discovery Channel did a show on the World's Deadliest jobs as a conglomerate, then did a special single show on each job, focusing on the Alaskan crab fishery. I caught the first season in totality. I thought it was really going to kill the drama of it when they switched from a marathon sprint fishery (I forget the actual terminology) to a quota based system. WRONG. Just as good as a show.
High Chapparal was my favorite western of all time. Another was Paradise, and also liked Young Riders.

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