Not sure what point you're making now but you said your point was that YTTV could make profit on their investment with a lower price point. I'm showing you why they don't have to make the price lower: it's demonstrated that people are willing to pay it already and they can lure people with lower annual costs than cable/satellite service where they lifted the Sunday Ticket from in the first place. Ain't just about the NFL. The real money's beyond it.
I have not read through all the posts to get the entire context.
But I think he may be thinking, YT may find out, they will not get as many people subscribing or changing providers to get that discount. Nor will they spend the extra money to buy ST stand alone. As many will think it is unfair to be forced (in context) to subscribe to get that discount. So they will not buy neither.
However, if they were offered the special or a lower rate as if a customer, they would purchase it as a stand alone way to watch games. Therefore YTTV will sale more NFL ST subscriptions overall.
It will not cost them anymore to broadcast to 1,000 homes as it would 100 homes. They are just trying to maximize the profits, as you say, thinking they are willing to pay for it. And they could be correct, we will see.
I have been thinking of switching from DTV to YTTV or Hulu or even DTV Stream. And this special price does not make me want to sign up just to get it. However if that would be the price offered right up to the season starts, I would consider it. Not this decide by June crap.
I get all the Dallas games anyway, but I like the option of many other games. And yes, one can stream from other sources, but it is not as convenient to quickly switch channels on your TV or watch multiple games on your TV screen.
At $249 I would definitely consider it. I did get NFL ST free for many years, 6 of the last 8 were free.
On could cancel several other things to shift that money if they wanted to. Cancel Netflix for 6 months, I plan to cancel Sirius XM but never do. Though I only pay $6 a month, as they try to change it every year to $21. So there are ways to adjust for the cost if that is what one really wants to do.
Then again maybe I am thinking too much.