Zach Martin out ** do NOT discuss covid/vaccinations **


Taco Engineer
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Another fun-filled, lighthearted thread! I can't wait wait to read more.


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Unless Martin can pull off 2 negative test results before Thursday he will be out of this game. This would be a big loss for the Cowboys since at least in my view Martin is one of the top offensive players on this team and the best OL player. Regardless the game will still be played and it will be up to McGovern likely to fill in and it will fall to coaches to adjust blocking schemes. Cowboys still have a job to do come Thursday night and I fully expect them to go out and win. Tampa is not going to throw a pity party for the Cowboys, it will be up to the Cowboys to make the plays and find a way to win.


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not assuming it, IM SAYING are miserable fans.

if you ,
1. 24/7 openly trash talk your own team
2.seem happy when things go wrong to just say i told you so.
3.when you seem to not like one thing about the current team or ownership and poke fun at them.talking the 25 year narrative crowd who are truly not Cowboy Fans anymore. you are il use the word pot stirrers to not get mods upset.
yet call yourself a fan even though we know you UDSE to be FAN of the old regime and only when they won in the 90s and dismiss those wins as all Jimmy and jerry had nothing top do with it to make yourselves feel better.

thats the issue,

coming here sometimes feels like im surrounded by opponents fans, that NOT what this place was intended for!

We get teams and fans of said teams are like a family unit and sometimes you have to say ugly things and punish your children ..sure we can be negative or upset at bad games, bad plays, stupid decisions etc etc etc its ok to predict loss but top add a page long diatribe's of your admitted hate and clown words to why we will loose, that unacceptable and i will respond with equally harsh words..

However that not what a lot of us alleged homes which btw is what fan is supposed to be, defense the star , well that what im doing. Some miserable fans who take pleasure in seeing the team suffer and just to comes here and gloat about it are not true fans .

it is as if the 70s. 80s, 90s team fan supporter has drawn line against any fan who still openly support the current us homers because we want to take bad situation and see the upside in me home i calls you a trolling , hater, clownfan who are miserable toward our own team.

I can get that from a eagles, wft, giants, packers or steelers fan forum. i expect it there but ive had more pleasant conversations with opposing teams fans at a bar watching a game..they were far more fun to be around then SOME of you..

you used to be Cowboys fans like the team 25years and back but we can see through the fact you only come here to trash talk our own team and il defense it no matter then consequence ie benching or deletion to my me home ill wear it proud ..its what fans do defend their teams honor..

Im not positive person cups always half empty so don't try and call me some silver lining personality who cant be negative i see flaws in the team and dont mind debating about them but will not trash talk my own team every chance i get and will respond harshly to anyone who does...

Agree mostly with your post.
Though you didn't say it, I'm assuming despite the "Some miserable fans who take pleasure in seeing the team suffer and just to comes here and gloat about it are not true fans ." comment you know there are a substantial number of people who come here who aren't actual Cowboys fans, they're fans of some other, probably other NFC East, team. Though I don't know why they feel they are fooling most of us by pretending to be Cowboys fans (I've gone on other teams' sites on rare occasions to gloat after a big Cowboys win over that team but always make it clear I'm a Cowboys fan) when it's usually pretty clear they aren't. There are a couple of other teams' fans who come here who don't pretend to be Cowboys fans, and they're either cordial, which leads to a good conversation, or so ridiculously partisan it's funny.

But I also get it, that there are real fans who come here dissing the team because, like me, they're thoroughly disgusted with the lack of SBs and playoff wins, they just are venting, which of course is all they can do. Doubt there are any multi-billionaires on this site that are just itching to buy the Cowboys and "fix" the team, even if Jerry would entertain a sale of the team (not happening). I can sympathize with those fans, and usually don't even comment on their posts because I know it'll just lead to acrimonious comments and, like you, are painted as pollyannas, just plain stupid or ignorant.

Gotta expect everything on a site like this and try not to take it personally...


Well-Known Member
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Agree mostly with your post.
Though you didn't say it, I'm assuming despite the "Some miserable fans who take pleasure in seeing the team suffer and just to comes here and gloat about it are not true fans ." comment you know there are a substantial number of people who come here who aren't actual Cowboys fans, they're fans of some other, probably other NFC East, team. Though I don't know why they feel they are fooling most of us by pretending to be Cowboys fans (I've gone on other teams' sites on rare occasions to gloat after a big Cowboys win over that team but always make it clear I'm a Cowboys fan) when it's usually pretty clear they aren't. There are a couple of other teams' fans who come here who don't pretend to be Cowboys fans, and they're either cordial, which leads to a good conversation, or so ridiculously partisan it's funny.

But I also get it, that there are real fans who come here dissing the team because, like me, they're thoroughly disgusted with the lack of SBs and playoff wins, they just are venting, which of course is all they can do. Doubt there are any multi-billionaires on this site that are just itching to buy the Cowboys and "fix" the team, even if Jerry would entertain a sale of the team (not happening). I can sympathize with those fans, and usually don't even comment on their posts because I know it'll just lead to acrimonious comments and, like you, are painted as pollyannas, just plain stupid or ignorant.

Gotta expect everything on a site like this and try not to take it personally...
i can live with that but ill defend the STAR to my core..if thats Homer ill wear it like a badge of the zoner who will run over the TOs of this site stomping on the midfield star..thats what a fan does.


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This would be a big loss for the Cowboys since at least in my view Martin is one of the top offensive players on this team and the best OL player

Oh you're not alone in your opinion, I and most of the "experts" heartily agree.

Though as I've already posted, McGovern might not be as bad as some think, he's only had 8 games that he's played so he's somewhat of an unknown, playing next to Collins will certainly help, last year he played next to far less talented tackles, having two greenhorns on one side of the line is much worse than one, obviously.

We'll see in a couple of days, but even if he's awful, Martin will almost surely be back for game 2, and there's plenty of time for Dallas to get up to snuff...


Well-Known Member
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Oh you're not alone in your opinion, I and most of the "experts" heartily agree.

Though as I've already posted, McGovern might not be as bad as some think, he's only had 8 games that he's played so he's somewhat of an unknown, playing next to Collins will certainly help, last year he played next to far less talented tackles, having two greenhorns on one side of the line is much worse than one, obviously.

We'll see in a couple of days, but even if he's awful, Martin will almost surely be back for game 2, and there's plenty of time for Dallas to get up to snuff...

I think McGovern can do the job but he will not replace Martin and his abilities. No way do you lose a top caliber player and just replace them with a backup and things go completely smooth. I do expect the blocking schemes will be adjusted with McGovern in the lineup but at the end of the day McGovern will need to step up and do the job.


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Looking at McGovern's draft profile on, it's evident has has the physical tools necessary to be a top guard, but was lacking in technique both in run and pass blocking.

Question is, after basically half a year's game play and one active off season, has he been "coached up" to overcome a lot, or at least some, of those shortcomings? That'd be pretty hard to do, though he's only 20% of the line, it's not like the entire line depends on his matching Zack's abilities.

We'll find out soon enough...


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Has there been any talk about a test being passed or failed yet? Or is it something they will do like today and tomorrow 24/48 hours before the game?

Sorry, went back a few pages and it's posters questioning fandom and I backed out.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
not assuming it, IM SAYING are miserable fans.

if you ,
1. 24/7 openly trash talk your own team
2.seem happy when things go wrong to just say i told you so.
3.when you seem to not like one thing about the current team or ownership and poke fun at them.talking the 25 year narrative crowd who are truly not Cowboy Fans anymore. you are il use the word pot stirrers to not get mods upset.
yet call yourself a fan even though we know you UDSE to be FAN of the old regime and only when they won in the 90s and dismiss those wins as all Jimmy and jerry had nothing top do with it to make yourselves feel better.

thats the issue,

coming here sometimes feels like im surrounded by opponents fans, that NOT what this place was intended for!

We get teams and fans of said teams are like a family unit and sometimes you have to say ugly things and punish your children ..sure we can be negative or upset at bad games, bad plays, stupid decisions etc etc etc its ok to predict loss but top add a page long diatribe's of your admitted hate and clown words to why we will loose, that unacceptable and i will respond with equally harsh words..

However that not what a lot of us alleged homes which btw is what fan is supposed to be, defense the star , well that what im doing. Some miserable fans who take pleasure in seeing the team suffer and just to comes here and gloat about it are not true fans .

it is as if the 70s. 80s, 90s team fan supporter has drawn line against any fan who still openly support the current us homers because we want to take bad situation and see the upside in me home i calls you a trolling , hater, clownfan who are miserable toward our own team.

I can get that from a eagles, wft, giants, packers or steelers fan forum. i expect it there but ive had more pleasant conversations with opposing teams fans at a bar watching a game..they were far more fun to be around then SOME of you..

you used to be Cowboys fans like the team 25years and back but we can see through the fact you only come here to trash talk our own team and il defense it no matter then consequence ie benching or deletion to my me home ill wear it proud ..its what fans do defend their teams honor..

Im not positive person cups always half empty so don't try and call me some silver lining personality who cant be negative i see flaws in the team and dont mind debating about them but will not trash talk my own team every chance i get and will respond harshly to anyone who does...
This is ridiculous hyperbole...a drama infused exaggeration.

Who are you talking about? Pappy?

Certainly not me. You can fin PLENTY of supportive positive posts form me.

The same guys that claim they are all rosy sunshine...complain the LOUDEST about less than handful of fans...incessantly. They find one not so glorious comment, and lose their minds.

I'm going to have to make an effort to just let you carry on, and not reply to this garbage. It is what it is


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Another fun-filled, lighthearted thread! I can't wait wait to read more.
If only some people didn't would cut this crap in half at least.

Why people are crucified for speaking their mind is unfathomable to me,

I know, it's a fan message board....and there is naturally some wing nuts.

The high fives and attaboys will come when we take the field. Right now we just need a little patience, and some common courtesy. The false accusation "hater" thing is just out of control and mods should really help us get rid of it. It breeds a LOT of not talking about football.


Taco Engineer
Reaction score
If only some people didn't would cut this crap in half at least.

Why people are crucified for speaking their mind is unfathomable to me,

I know, it's a fan message board....and there is naturally some wing nuts.

The high fives and attaboys will come when we take the field. Right now we just need a little patience, and some common courtesy. The false accusation "hater" thing is just out of control and mods should really help us get rid of it. It breeds a LOT of not talking about football.
I wasn't talking to you, about you specifically and I didn't quote you, but thanks for supporting my point.


Well-Known Member
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I wasn't talking to you, about you specifically and I didn't quote you, but thanks for supporting my point.
And I wasn't trying to argue with you...I fo in fact support your point though unsure if we actually agree on the root cause.


Cowboy Fan
Reaction score
not assuming it, IM SAYING are miserable fans.

if you ,
1. 24/7 openly trash talk your own team
2.seem happy when things go wrong to just say i told you so.
3.when you seem to not like one thing about the current team or ownership and poke fun at them.talking the 25 year narrative crowd who are truly not Cowboy Fans anymore. you are il use the word pot stirrers to not get mods upset.
yet call yourself a fan even though we know you UDSE to be FAN of the old regime and only when they won in the 90s and dismiss those wins as all Jimmy and jerry had nothing top do with it to make yourselves feel better.

thats the issue,

coming here sometimes feels like im surrounded by opponents fans, that NOT what this place was intended for!

We get teams and fans of said teams are like a family unit and sometimes you have to say ugly things and punish your children ..sure we can be negative or upset at bad games, bad plays, stupid decisions etc etc etc its ok to predict loss but top add a page long diatribe's of your admitted hate and clown words to why we will loose, that unacceptable and i will respond with equally harsh words..

However that not what a lot of us alleged homes which btw is what fan is supposed to be, defense the star , well that what im doing. Some miserable fans who take pleasure in seeing the team suffer and just to comes here and gloat about it are not true fans .

it is as if the 70s. 80s, 90s team fan supporter has drawn line against any fan who still openly support the current us homers because we want to take bad situation and see the upside in me home i calls you a trolling , hater, clownfan who are miserable toward our own team.

I can get that from a eagles, wft, giants, packers or steelers fan forum. i expect it there but ive had more pleasant conversations with opposing teams fans at a bar watching a game..they were far more fun to be around then SOME of you..

you used to be Cowboys fans like the team 25years and back but we can see through the fact you only come here to trash talk our own team and il defense it no matter then consequence ie benching or deletion to my me home ill wear it proud ..its what fans do defend their teams honor..

Im not positive person cups always half empty so don't try and call me some silver lining personality who cant be negative i see flaws in the team and dont mind debating about them but will not trash talk my own team every chance i get and will respond harshly to anyone who does...
Great post


Well-Known Member
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What I hate is people like you, Rockport, etc. who are constantly trying to force your way of thinking down every ones throats. Only talk of rainbows, unicorns, and bunnies are allowed, and if you don't feel that way you are labeled a hater, troll, etc.

We're not fun because we aren't caving to YOUR demands, and I on the right path here?

whatever i told you dont bring that reply back to me and yet you did,

i am in no way a bunnies' and unicorn guy my family and friends would laugh so hard it would spit in your face if you described my personality as such ye your reading comprehension brought us to this

there's a huge difference from just normal debates and saying negative things about the teams PLAY and coaches etc nut the fans like you, a small % here, its AL YOU DO and gets equally as tiresome and im in no way Rockport he goes way far above what i defending the team not just dak and few players..

So call me homer better then BAD FAN miserable pile goo in my book to have what appear to be fans in sheeps clothing constantly trash talk our team..sorry man ill do it until you ignore get used to it or move on..

constructive criticism is NOT what some of you do its straight up team hate and that's a fact..


Reaction score
What I hate is people like you, Rockport, etc. who are constantly trying to force your way of thinking down every ones throats. Only talk of rainbows, unicorns, and bunnies are allowed, and if you don't feel that way you are labeled a hater, troll, etc.

We're not fun because we aren't caving to YOUR demands, am I on the right path here? People like you and Rockport want this place run like a cult. Sorry Jim Jones, I'm not drinking your kool-aide. If that upsets you, too bad. Go open your own site and only allow the lemmings in who will give in to your demands.
No you're a hater because that's all you do here. Simple as that. You reap what you sow. Deal with it.