Donaldson looks for the WEAK link! He's not going to line up against Martin. That's the difference between Parsons and him, Parsons will take on all comers, whereas Donaldson will avoid those battles!Great battle, for sure, but Donald will be all over the place like he usually is.
If it was just a one on one battle... PPV stuff.
Donaldson looks for the WEAK link! He's not going to line up against Martin. That's the difference between Parsons and him, Parsons will take on all comers, whereas Donaldson will avoid those battles!
If I could be guaranteed that battle all day I would take it.Because it is going to be hard to focus on all the plays on offense, when we are focusing on
the battle that is about to unfold.
I actually can't wait for this... it will be like a UFC PPV.
Donaldson looks for the WEAK link! He's not going to line up against Martin. That's the difference between Parsons and him, Parsons will take on all comers, whereas Donaldson will avoid those battles!
We don’t see it much. They’ll probably line him up everywhere except in front of zack.Because it is going to be hard to focus on all the plays on offense, when we are focusing on
the battle that is about to unfold.
I actually can't wait for this... it will be like a UFC PPV.
Larry would’ve destroyed him. Also, he’s not better than Reggie white.Would have liked to see Donald line up against Larry Allen in his prime.
Larry would’ve destroyed him. Also, he’s not better than Reggie white.
LA in his prime destroyed everyone. Players asked to be put on the injured list before a game against the Cowboys so as to have some kind of excuse when LA humiliated them.Larry would’ve destroyed him. Also, he’s not better than Reggie white.
Would never happen, unless they were the only two linemen on the field! Even then, Donaldson would line up 10 yds from the big fella!!!!!!!!!!!!Would have liked to see Donald line up against Larry Allen in his prime.
Parsons doesn't need anyone to prop him up, as for being a DC, dudette I'd own you're behind on a field!Lol. Is this what you need to believe to prop up Parsons as superior? Don't ever become a defensive coordinator. It'll be a short career.
Would never happen, unless they were the only two linemen on the field! Even then, Donaldson would line up 10 yds from the big fella!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only way to beat a guy like that is to draw him in and knock the snot out of him in unexpected ways. Same thing they are doing to Parsons
He’s good against the tin, but guards are bigger. Eventually he’ll get worn out. We’d need to smash mouth then 90s cowboys style.Or we could run the ball right at/over him.
Would have liked to see Donald line up against Larry Allen in his prime.