Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

Yes, his actions were detrimental to the league. I promise you there are already female fans that will be raising cane over this incident and yes, his actions will decrease revenue (probably not a lot) because some women won't be buying his jersey, merchandise, etc that they would have otherwise purchased.
They are buying the heck out of Roethlesberger's jersey so let me put this all in perspective:


"Ben asked us to go to his 'VIP' area (back of Capital). We all went with him. He said there were shots for us, numerous shots were on the bar, and he told us to take them. His bodyguard came and took my arm and said come with me, he escorted me into a side door/hallway, and sat me on a stool. He left and Ben came back with his ***** out of his pants. I told him it wasn't OK, no, we don't need to do this and I proceeded to get up and try to leave. I went to the first door I saw, which happened to be a bathroom. He followed me into the bathroom and shut the door behind him. I still said no, this is not OK, and he then had sex with me. He said it was OK. He then left without saying anything.

"I went out of the hallway/door to the side where I saw my friends. We left Capital and went to the first police car we saw."


It looks like Ben Roethlisberger has bought his way out of a sticky legal situation ... by settling a lawsuit filed by a woman who claims the Pittsburgh Steelers QB forced her to have sex with him in 2008.

Lawyers for Roethlisberger and his accuser --
Andrea McNulty -- announced the two sides have reached an agreement which ends the lawsuit.

McNulty -- who worked at the Harrah's Hotel in Lake Tahoe at the time of the alleged incident -- had claimed Ben invited her into his penthouse suite to fix a broken TV ...
and then raped her.

In her suit, McNulty claimed Ben became "stern," after the alleged rape ... kicked her out of the room and told her, "If anyone asks you, you fixed my television. You fixed my television. Now go!"


This is not an "incident", this is a documented history.

Question #1: Were you aware of this history? If not, why?

Question #2: What sanctions did the NFL impose on Roethlesberger, If none, then why?

Question #3; Should Ezekiel Elliot receive a punishment that is more severe than did Roethlesberger? if so, why?

Don't be naïve. Events like Zeke's occur all the time with young pro athletes and the woman they choose to be around. You will always be made aware of them when it involves a Cowboy player, you can be sure of that. With the exception of grave felonies, you most likely will never hear of it about other team's players or it will be minimally mentioned and then forgotten. This is not a paranoid delusion of an obsessive fan, this is an absolute reality and I could give you example after example.

Don't be a pawn and aide the deliberate destruction of a team off the field because they most likely can't be beat on the field.

The Cowboy team of the 90's with Irvin and the others were no different than a dozen other teams in the league that weren't given the exposure:



When law enforcement officers padlocked a Mountain View massage parlor suspected of being a brothel, they found 49ers wide receiver Jerry Rice in its bathroom.

"It was a complete fluke to find him there," Deputy District Attorney Kitty Constantinides said Thursday.

"We weren't looking for crimes. We were just closing the business down."

Rice told the San Jose Mercury News that his Wednesday visit to the spa - whose reputation as a front for prostitution was well known to neighbors and police - was a mistake.

Rice said he had been told by teammates that the spa was a good place for a deep-tissue massage. But "I think they played a trick on me. I was there five minutes. . . . It didn't take me long to put two and two together."


Wake up people.....
I did too though. You didn't take it as such but this is just my viewpoint just like you have yours. I don't see what the difference is outside of maybe how you interpreted it or you can say I didn't communicate it good enough. I thought it's understood though that this is opinion on both sides because how can there be fact on something neither one of us have actual proof on? This isn't 1+1=2 here.

If it is just your opinion, then there isn't much of a difference. I will say that to declare that it is just opinion is a significant change to the discussion all around but between you and I, it is only both of our opinions and that's OK. If you declared it as opinion, then you have my apologies for missing that. I did not see that statement in your post. It came across to me as a declarative.

Regardless, we disagree. I see people practicing hero worship all the time in every aspect of life. We just have different opinions.
Zeke needs to be smarter than this. We live in a world where everyone carries a cell phone. Celebrities should act in public (and in private for that matter) under the assumption that every move they make is being recorded. It's one of the severe disadvantages of being rich and famous.

Zeke should act with caution when it comes to women. I'm not saying it specifically about this woman, but there are a lot out there that would like to take advantage of a situation if it benefits them. Zeke shouldn't be naive about this. Ask Michael Irvin and Erik Willams how the false rape charges they received hurt them as well as the team.
The phone RINGS in the middle of the night.
My MOTHER yells what you gonna do with your life!
Oh mama dear you know you're still number one!
But boys they wanna have fun.
Oh boys just want to have... (head bobbing)

~Apologies Ms. Lauper~

Come on, 50 pages, come on...
Wow 38 pages. This thread is going to surpass the AP thread of last year. :D
Zeke needs to be smarter than this. We live in a world where everyone carries a cell phone. Celebrities should act in public (and in private for that matter) under the assumption that every move they make is being recorded. It's one of the severe disadvantages of being rich and famous.

Zeke should act with caution when it comes to women. I'm not saying it specifically about this woman, but there are a lot out there that would like to take advantage of a situation if it benefits them. Zeke shouldn't be naive about this. Ask Michael Irvin and Erik Willams how the false rape charges they received hurt them as well as the team.

And, really, this is the point of those criticizing Zeke.
The phone RINGS in the middle of the night.
My MOTHER yells what you gonna do with your life!
Oh mama dear you know you're still number one!
But boys they wanna have fun.
Oh boys just want to have... (head bobbing)

~Apologies Ms. Lauper~

Come on, 50 pages, come on...
I remember the time your mates caught you singing in front of the mirror, hairbrush in hand, "Time After Time."
guys we've all exposed a womans breast at a st pattys day parade, and did we get suspended from work?

/end thread. mods lock it up
Did anyone bother to ask the person which gender they felt like being at the time zeke did it?
I think that would be an important thing to know before anyone starts getting offended and upset.....:rolleyes:
If it is just your opinion, then there isn't much of a difference. I will say that to declare that it is just opinion is a significant change to the discussion all around but between you and I, it is only both of our opinions and that's OK. If you declared it as opinion, then you have my apologies for missing that. I did not see that statement in your post. It came across to me as a declarative.

Regardless, we disagree. I see people practicing hero worship all the time in every aspect of life. We just have different opinions.
I don't feel I have to say obvious opinion are such tbh. You seem to be a smart enough person to know opinions and fact and I treat you and others on this board as such. That means I don't spell everything out when I feel it should be obvious. Which I probably shouldn't do because online seems to get a lot of folks misunderstanding things that irl are never a problem getting.

You can't even explain what hero worship to you is even though I think we would still disagree. I think most people that worry about hero worship wish they were in that position. I don't see any other reason that that would be a big deal religious stuff aside for those that believe in that.
You absolutely can because that's exactly what happens.
What happens does't determine what's right. The NSA is going against our constitutional laws by spying on us, but that is what goes on and we can't stop it, and can't hope to stop it if we don't approach issues from what's logical and what's right and wrong. Obamacare is unconstitutional according to 37 states, but the Feds do it to us anyways. Killing millions of jews was wrong, but Hitler and the Third Reich did it anyways. Yes, they do, but it's wrong, and makes them totally hypocritical. Also, each team is personally owned, if any discipline happens off the field it should come under the team and not the NFL. Period. No organization or employer should ever be allowed to fire someone for points of their morality when they consistently don't follow morality themselves. That's hypocrisy. Its' like firing someone that's dumb or ugly when you have an iq of 40 and ur face is the victim of a horrendous fire and needs plastic surgery bigtime.
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And, really, this is the point of those criticizing Zeke.
No it's not or else you wouldn't have some posters saying diet rape and the other pc buzzwords for those who disagree. Hell we can all agree with what you rapped and if this was the majority of the post let's be real this thread isn't this big. Both sides agree with the post you quoted it's before that where the disagreements are from what I've saw.
Employers can fire you for anything. In fact...NFL players are more protected than most due to the NFLPA. If you screw up enough to get suspended or kicked out of the NFL you're a moron.

Oh and if you get drunk and do something idiotic you will likely be fired...even if you work for Budweiser. So trying to excuse behavior outside of work because that behavior is promoted at work is ridiculous. A police officer isn't allowed to brandish his weapon at whomever he wishes just because he carries a gun at work.
Just because companies do this doesn't make it right, furthermore, they are too big for the vast majority of ppl to fight in court and that's why the list of things an employer does to an employ goes each year. Because murder happens doesn't mean it should or makes it right.
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The phone RINGS in the middle of the night.
My MOTHER yells what you gonna do with your life!
Oh mama dear you know you're still number one!
But boys they wanna have fun.
Oh boys just want to have... (head bobbing)

~Apologies Ms. Lauper~

Come on, 50 pages, come on...

If a guy has to expose a woman's boob in broad daylight in a parade...to have fun... He's not very talented at having fun. And he's the boob.

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