Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

I don't know what you're out to do I'm just calling a spade a spade period. You can't make me feel inferior that's my point. I don't know you. You could be a fry cook like spongebob for all I know and I'd be quite disappointed that a fry cook would make me feel inferior. I will stop bringing it up when you stop doing it simple.

Yeah that's about it regarding the incident. How are y'all more mad than the person it happened to?
We're just going in circles so I'll say this and be done. It amazes me that whether or not something bothers you has to do with how someone responds and not your own values. The fact that you agree that what he did wasn't right should be the end of it, not whether or not she was offended.

What I don't get is how someone elses reaction trumps your own values. The fact that the same action bothers you or doesn't bother you based on a strangers reaction is something I can't comprehend. What he did was wrong, it doesn't matter what her reaction was. He had no right to put her hands on her and expose her breasts. Just because she decides not to make a big deal of it doesn't mean I shouldn't care. The end.

Have a happy and healthy my friend, it's been fascinating to say the least.
Remember that the NFL has a "Personal Conduct" policy that is very broad and administered by one Roger Goodell. No one is dragging him through the mud. He got in the mud voluntarily. And he is not going to get out of it without a suspension.

personal conduct though is not just what Robespierre thinks is bad,
When you start calling people snowflakes you know you are speaking in a very specific language made popular by neo *****. Please don't feign ignorance
Sounds good buddy. Everybody knows good and dang well what the hell special snowflake means spare me this bs you googled. Feign that.

We're just going in circles so I'll say this and be done. It amazes me that whether or not something bothers you has to do with how someone responds and not your own values. The fact that you agree that what he did wasn't right should be the end of it, not whether or not she was offended.

What I don't get is how someone elses reaction trumps your own values. The fact that the same action bothers you or doesn't bother you based on a strangers reaction is something I can't comprehend. What he did was wrong, it doesn't matter what her reaction was. He had no right to put her hands on her and expose her breasts. Just because she decides not to make a big deal of it doesn't mean I shouldn't care. The end.

Have a happy and healthy my friend, it's been fascinating to say the least.
Nah whether I think it's right or not is never the end of it. If that was the case you wouldn't have went back and forth with me. We all have different views on things. The reason certain things bother me based on others reactions is because of this thing called context. You can care all you want but it makes no sense to care more for someone than they do for themselves unless you have a savior complex something that I don't

It's not been fascinating you just like me are probably in bubbles with folks that agree with how we think so when we see divergent views it's strange. Don't think that's fascinating just shows it's more views out here than the ones we share.
Shield the eyes of small children and the weak at heart:


Mara: Well, boys will boys, eh, Roger?

No kidding. Gronk is one of the biggest party animals in the NFL, and he's a rave kid.

Not saying Zeke isn't an idiot, but pretending most NFL players aren't mentally children is just naive. They're coddled once they have talent, and Universities will go so far as to bury misconduct. Colleges are even worse. Try going to South Padre with some D1 college football players. LOL

It's a league wide problem. And it's not going to be addressed whether Zeke gets punished or not.

If you really want to avoid the issue, don't let your daughter go drink with college/pro athletes. Especially with her boobs popping out of her shirt, immature guys with egos+ booze(cocaine, etc) and boobs DO NOT mix.
In either case, is your employer going to suspend you for as long as a year?

Yes, the concept of right or wrong is indeed arbitrary. In many cases morality depended on the times, the relationship between the two and even the economic status of the perceived offender.

However, the NFL determines "bad" as being detrimental to the NFL.

Translation: Will the actions potentialy decrease revenue?

The American justice system determines bad as illegal. If you slam a 6 pack of beer and half a bottle of Jack in your backyard it is good. If you smoke a marijuana joint in your backyard then it is bad.

If you spank a woman because she wanted you to, she derives sexual pleasure from it, is that bad? Is that assault?

We are right to question the wisdom of such behaviour but should he be punished? Should he be prevented from participating in his livlihood?

In the end, was his actions detrimental to the league....or did it provide additional publicity, added fuel to the Cowboy haters that love to hate so much they dont miss a Cowboy game? LOL, does anyone believe they dont exist?
Yes, his actions were detrimental to the league. I promise you there are already female fans that will be raising cane over this incident and yes, his actions will decrease revenue (probably not a lot) because some women won't be buying his jersey, merchandise, etc that they would have otherwise purchased.
If Zeke gets suspended I have a big issue with the league.

Lets rewind to Nigel Bradham and his loaded gun at the Miami airport 10/3/16. He was also arrested for assault in July 2016. How does this behavior escape the Goodell personal conduct police?
Sounds good buddy. Everybody knows good and dang well what the hell special snowflake means spare me this bs you googled. Feign that.

Nah whether I think it's right or not is never the end of it. If that was the case you wouldn't have went back and forth with me. We all have different views on things. The reason certain things bother me based on others reactions is because of this thing called context. You can care all you want but it makes no sense to care more for someone than they do for themselves unless you have a savior complex something that I don't

It's not been fascinating you just like me are probably in bubbles with folks that agree with how we think so when we see divergent views it's strange. Don't think that's fascinating just shows it's more views out here than the ones we share.

Save your obvious dog whistling for your 4chan buds. Not welcome here
You can care all you want but it makes no sense to care more for someone than they do for themselves unless you have a savior complex something that I don't
Jesus, well that's lovely. I guess my job as a firefighter/paramedic makes no sense since I actually do care for others, in many instances more then they care for themselves. I didn't ever consider that a savior complex, figured its the right thing to do. Shame on me.
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No kidding. Gronk is one of the biggest party animals in the NFL, and he's a rave kid.

Not saying Zeke isn't an idiot, but pretending most NFL players aren't mentally children is just naive. They're coddled once they have talent, and Universities will go so far as to bury misconduct. Colleges are even worse. Try going to South Padre with some D1 college football players. LOL

It's a league wide problem. And it's not going to be addressed whether Zeke gets punished or not.

If you really want to avoid the issue, don't let your daughter go drink with college/pro athletes. Especially with her boobs popping out of her shirt, immature guys with egos+ booze(cocaine, etc) and boobs DO NOT mix.

Now this is some real talk.
Justin Timberlake did it on National tv. Big deal. America is still so square when it comes to crap like this.
She slapped his hand away the second time and quickly covered up the first.

That does not scream "consent."
Well it really doesn't matter what your opinion on her body language is. What matter is what she thinks of the incident. In her own words she said she gave Zeke consent. Stop making this something it isn't.
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He just has the look of a Pedophile..:rolleyes:

Won't be shocked if this guy turns out to be the biggest POS on the planet.:(
I think people look at them for the happiness they bring them but actual heroes? Nah. I've always loved Jordan as a basketball player but outside of sports I didn't think about him in the way a lot of folks try to say athletes are role models and the like. Yes did I want to play like him but his off the court stuff? No and being realistic I didn't care when I was a kid and still feel the same way as an adult. I really think people use that as a way to have a "valid" reason to down folks that are in better financial positions than them. That's what I believe from how I hear people talk most times on and offline. I'm not saying that always the case but more often than not that's how it comes across.

I don't know where you are at but we have different experiences on the sports people are heroes front taking kids out of the equation. Thank you for the asking question and hopefully this gives you insight into my feelings on this and if not let me know what's missing that can help you understand my views on this matter.

It's true, we have different experiences and one of the things that may be a difference is the amount of times I read and see fans and how they treat athletes. Over the years, this board has given me a great deal of insight into this. I have to say I disagree with you. I believe that this might be how you see it and even how you might conduct yourself but ask yourself, do you represent the majority? I would have to say that you probably do not. JMO of course.
Save your obvious dog whistling for your 4chan buds. Not welcome here
Sounds good troll.

Jesus, well that's lovely. I guess my job as a firefighter/paramedic makes no sense since I actually do care for others, in many instances more then they care for themselves. I didn't ever consider that a savior complex, figured its the right thing to do. Shame on me.
Its a job youre getting paid money for so it's not the same thing as your concern on this issue but you've constantly compared apples and oranges so no surprise here. TBH even your profession is one that those with savior complexes are frequently in. Also not even being funny but constant concern of others more than themselves and thinking saving them is the right thing to do is a sign of savior complex. Don't believe me look it up you will articles that speak on it.

I do think me and you can agree to disagree though? I think we can have that in common.
Well it really doesn't matter what your opinion on her body language is. What matter is what she thinks of the incident. In her own words she said she gave Zeke consent. Stop making this something it isn't.

So after 30 pages of debate she actually gave consent? Lol I am certain that changes nothing around here.

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