Zeke exposes woman's breasts **merged**

i asked a similar question.
apparently your old lady can get your in trouble for sexual assault under the letter of the law.
that is why she is the boss and you work for her...

Whenever I hear these young cats talking about they're the boss in their homes, I just laugh.

Men - good men, I mean - we've been sold a bill of goods. :laugh:
Ill help you out. Its the right to bare...ah nevermind. Only out of offseason boredom do I check back on this thread lol. I cant believe its still going strong. Lol Zeke's date didnt care!

Heres a scenerio, moral police please help me out. Ive been married 10 years now and I still like to give the occasional (everyday) pinch to the old ladies behind. I do this in a playful nature and often times even sneak a quick one in while out in public. Its not over the top by any means, but my wife being the lady she is will get mildy embarrassed and swat my hand away while offering some form of verbal discipline (which I like.)

So the question is, since I did not get permission do I need to go turn myself in? Am I a bad man also or as some would say, a "diet rapist?" How long will I be locked behind bars or suspended from my place of employment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys.

Well, I'm going to guess that if you and your wife are young and beautiful and famous, somebody out there probably is going to find a way to have a problem with it. Just being honest here.

However, the real question should be, if my wife was wearing no pants in public and I was pinching her backside...........

That's really the better comparison, to me.
Ill help you out. Its the right to bare...ah nevermind. Only out of offseason boredom do I check back on this thread lol. I cant believe its still going strong. Lol Zeke's date didnt care!

Heres a scenerio, moral police please help me out. Ive been married 10 years now and I still like to give the occasional (everyday) pinch to the old ladies behind. I do this in a playful nature and often times even sneak a quick one in while out in public. Its not over the top by any means, but my wife being the lady she is will get mildy embarrassed and swat my hand away while offering some form of verbal discipline (which I like.)

So the question is, since I did not get permission do I need to go turn myself in? Am I a bad man also or as some would say, a "diet rapist?" How long will I be locked behind bars or suspended from my place of employment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated guys.

LMAO, wait, can you carry a football? If you can tote the rock, is a huge factor ;p
There is zero support for those allegations and it has been probed and investigated several times over.
Is the investigation over yet?


Remember Brady?

Took almost 2 years to resolve and it cost him 4 games in the end.

It ain't over till the fat commish sings.
If the NFL is indeed the draconian institution claimed, then players have little recourse other than reclusiveness to combat the ever present threat of unwarranted suspension. If a little consensual public exhibitionism is grounds for suspension then surely the foul language and public intoxication rampant in players' extracurricular activities are equally punishable.

I don't recall Nelson Agholor being subject to any punishment from his tiff with a stripper last offseason. That incident is at least comparable.
I'm not claiming all is fair and right, just saying the NFL has its own set of rules. Players should know they live in a fish bowl when in public and be on their best behavior which is a small price to pay IMO. Zeke made his bed and now he has to lay in it, whatever ends up happening, if anything.
Well, I'm going to guess that if you and your wife are young and beautiful and famous, somebody out there probably is going to find a way to have a problem with it. Just being honest here.

However, the real question should be, if my wife was wearing no pants in public and I was pinching her backside...........

That's really the better comparison, to me.
Thanks for the visual.
If the NFL is indeed the draconian institution claimed, then players have little recourse other than reclusiveness to combat the ever present threat of unwarranted suspension. If a little consensual public exhibitionism is grounds for suspension then surely the foul language and public intoxication rampant in players' extracurricular activities are equally punishable.

I don't recall Nelson Agholor being subject to any punishment from his tiff with a stripper last offseason. That incident is at least comparable.

Interestingly enough, the NFL actually sponsers parties for players, "functions" if you want to call them that, lots of different stuff that allows for the ability to "let your hair down", as they say. They don't publicis it but they do that.
Stop the crying "he didn't even break any laws" or "he was just being a young man, we all did it". Funny how some people still can't grasp the fact the NFL has it's own set of rules that may or may not coincide with actual law. If they want to suspend him I'm sure they can. Whether it's consistent or "fair" with how they've handled similar cases doesn't matter. The NFL is no different than many other companies, organizations, etc with how they decide to discipline employees and it's not all based on law. For some reason, some of you think this type of behavior and/or discipline is exclusive to the NFL only and that's not the case at all.

I really don't feel bad for Zeke. All players know that when they are accepted into the NFL they are and should be held to a higher standard. He made a dumb decision and if he has to pay the consequences, oh well, it will probably be good for him in the long run.
Of course you don't feel bad for Zeke. Its hard to have empathy for those doing better than you for a lot of people. Not that Zeke needs you to feel sorry for him. Its just something I see regarding people with means, fame, status from people that usually aren't on their level as if y'all get some type of twisted pleasure they are having problems.
Cowboys, tatas, women, tatas, Goodell, image, tatas.

Instant 50 + pager.

First, what is a "diet rapist"? :huh:Where did I miss that in this discussion.

Second, she's your wife.

Third, did you slap her behind in private or public?

Fourth, if in public, did anyone record it?

Fifth, do you play for the Dallas Cowboys? :grin:
Do your googles lol my friend because I told you the same thing in a post that was quoted directly to you. Someone actually said that or something to that effect in this thread regarding "diet rape". Maybe if you read post that agree with your views more you'd find it more easily which I notice we all are guilty of at times.
Most pro-athletes aren't, to be fair. The jock stereotype exists for a reason.
Most people aren't esp those saying athletes aren't. They're smart enough to use their skills to get paid in the top percentile while most that say they are stupid are struggling to make ends meet.
Do your googles lol my friend because I told you the same thing in a post that was quoted directly to you. Someone actually said that or something to that effect in this thread regarding "diet rape". Maybe if you read post that agree with your views more you'd find it more easily which I notice we all are guilty of at times.

You know how your brain reads something different than what is there? I read your post as "date rape" so even though it was likely spelled "diet rape" my brain rearranged the words or, should I say, played autocorrect. :D
I think the one thing we are overlooking is the resume Zeke is building up. This act alone can be brushed off to an extent but the player starts building up a so called Rap sheet. Again I have no intent on coming down on him my concerns are for his career and of course the Cowboys. You start adding up incidents and it seems to always come back and haunt a player.

It is the price you pay as a public figure, I hear people here saying what they did when they were his age big difference is we don't live in the spot light and no one cares but for these players it matters.

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